-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

The Conqueror's Shifting Ground
by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Following Iraq's decision to allow an
unconditional return of United Nations weapons
inspectors to that country, a rational person might
have acknowledged that such a humiliating
capitulation represented at least the slightest
indication of progress toward satisfying U.S.
demands. The White House, however, immediately
dismissed the offer, declaring: "This is not a matter
of inspections." Not one inch was conceded  not
that this was a welcome step forward, not that it
could be the beginning of a peaceful resolution to
the crisis, nothing.

For reasons that Jude Wanniski and other observers
have pointed out, alleged "weapons of mass
destruction" in Iraq's possession or that country's
defiance of the United Nations cannot possibly be
the real reasons for the Bush administration's
belligerence toward Iraq, which is why it is so
amusing to read a neoconservative punditry so at
pains to defend these arguments. (Is any invasion of
Israel planned for having defied the United Nations
for 35 years over its occupations of the West Bank
and Gaza?)

It is obvious enough that nothing the Iraqi
government could have said would have satisfied
the White House. Thus I have conjured up the
following scenario:

Wire service, September 21, 2002:

"Iraqi President Saddam Hussein today put on the
table a still bolder proposal: he will allow
weapons inspectors from any country anywhere in
the world full access to any site in Iraq they wish to
investigate, and at Iraqi expense will be permitted
to comb every inch of Iraqi soil for evidence of
illicit weapon construction.

"The White House, however, is dismissing the offer
as yet another example of Iraqi stonewalling. 'This
isn't about permitting inspection of every inch of
Iraqi soil on demand,' a White House spokesman
said. 'This is about forcing Saddam Hussein to be
forthcoming about his weapons programs and to
come clean before the international community.'"

Wire service, September 26, 2002:

"Iraqi President Saddam Hussein put an additional
offer on the table today: he will, again at Iraqi
expense, authorize the deployment of a series of
surveillance satellites to be used by the United
States and any country that is interested, to keep
constant watch over any Iraqi installation the
international community indicates. Surveillance
aircraft will also be permitted free access to the
skies of Iraq, so that the development of any
potentially illicit weapons may be monitored and

"'This isn't about forcing Saddam Hussein to be
forthcoming about his weapons programs,' said
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice. 'It is
about transforming an irresponsible and despotic
regime into one that will obey the will of the
international community and the mandate of the
United Nations.'"

Wire service, October 7, 2002:

"Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, faced with
overwhelming American intransigence, is now
offering to establish a coalition government
consisting of himself and officials from neutral
countries designated by the United Nations.
Diplomatic historians and political scientists
around the world were unanimous in declaring such
a move by Hussein to be absolutely without
precedent in the history of international affairs.

"The White House, however, remained
unimpressed. 'This isn't about transforming
Saddam's regime into one that will obey the United
Nations,' a White House source said. 'It's about
ensuring that Iraq will be absolutely unable to
threaten its neighbors or even the United States with
weapons of mass destruction.'"

Wire service, October 14, 2002:

"Iraqi President Saddam Hussein made today what
he says is his final offer. For the next three months,
he says, every Iraqi citizen will lie prostrate on the
ground and will remain motionless, with the
exception of three meal allowances, which will be
administered by UN personnel at Iraqi expense.
Otherwise the entire Iraqi population will remain
absolutely still for a full three months while UN
officials take any action they consider reasonable or
necessary to ensure that Iraq is not a danger to her

"When asked for his opinion of this most recent
Iraqi proposal, Press Secretary Ari Fleischer told
reporters that the President was skeptical. 'Saddam
must be forthcoming and cooperative, and his
persistent stonewalling and defiance are only trying
the patience of the international community,'
Fleischer said. 'The President has made his
position very clear. The peace of the world, from
New Zealand to Canada, is menaced as long as
Saddam is alive.'"

Wire service, October 15, 2002:

"In a surprise move today, Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein stepped up his diplomatic offensive, and
said he would in fact commit suicide on live
television if that was what it would take to forestall
an invasion of his country. Physicians approved by
the United Nations would perform all the necessary
tests to verify his identity before bringing about his
death by lethal injection.

"Asked for comment today, Secretary of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld replied that he was growing tired
of Saddam's lack of cooperation and reminded
Americans that 'this has never been about just one

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