Re: [CTRL] The Far Right Targets The Left

2001-03-05 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

What ridiculous palaver!!
Why is it the FAR right, but only the "left?"
Is there NO ONE in existence who would qualify as "FAR left?"

Where did you ever get these ideas?  Where in the world did you
pick up these whacky allegations??
No difference?  The right STATIST?  The left RELIGIOUS?
What social myth?  What does this mean?  Meaningless words...
Now for the best - Left AND Right lead to police states and mass
Why would you "guess" that the right "probably" admits these
notions to themselves --  how would you know??
And, the left doesn't admit them because they deceive themselves?


You need to do some homework,  (or less work at disruption)
and recognize  the vast difference
between a Republic governed by a Constitution and a set of laws,
and a huge government bureaucracy run by a mob or dictator,
whose "laws" change at their whim to accomplish a current desire.

I've heard the ridiculous arguments by the uninformed wherein they
opine that the "far right" in its extreme results in a nazi-like reign
terror.  In fact, the direct opposite is true. The right wants MINIMAL

government, not total government.

The left LOVES government, feels that EVERY problem can be solved
if only there were just ONE MORE government agency and program.
They constantly vote for LARGER government and higher taxes to
support it.

The communists, the socialists, the fascists, the nazi's are all
of the ultimate in government size and control  --  total control -
a totalitarian state.  Law is abrogated, government is all powerful,
the civil law, imposes martial law.  Individual "civil" rights
This is the ultimate result of leftists achieving their goals.

The right, the conservative, feels that government should be minimal,
keep out of the affairs of the people.  They do not want a
bureaucratic mob
in Washington DC interfering with and directing every facet of their

Self reliance, not government "handouts", the Constitution,
civil law is the desire of the "right."

The government can only "hand out" that which it first confiscates
the citizens, and in the process tacks on just a small fee as overhead
the cost of doing the transaction.  Someone has to pay for all those
government employees.

Has it occurred to absolutely NO ONE that with all the "liberal",
government programs and "entitlements" that THIS COUNTRY HAS

Is there NO cause and effect ?  How much longer are we going to keep
implementing liberal, left-wing, government-intrusion experiments in
an effort to "make things better?"  THINGS ARE GETTING WORSE!

Where did the Social Security "Fund" GO??  It's all SPENT.
The president now tells me that, after all my years of paying in,
there will either be greatly reduced benefits, or greatly increased
"contributions" (taxes) on the part of those still working.

Medicare is close to being unable to fulfill comittments.

You can not pray or silently read the Bible in school, or at sports
Public meetings cannot ask for God's help and guidance.  Too
controversial -
it might offend someone.
You CAN wear clothing in school which proclaims  "gay pride."
You CANNOT wear clothing in school which proclaims "straight pride."
Now,  WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?  I guess it might OFFEND someone.
EVERY  TV sitcom now has gay main characters.  Now,
WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?  Where is this coming from?

Anyone remember how many high school shootings there were in
the '50's and '60's ?  Drive-by shootings?  Local gang murders?
The worst thing a kid ever snuck to school was a BEER.

Nobody I knew ever locked their doors in those days - the question
when the subject was broached was "Why would I want to lock
my doors?  Who would come in?"

Anybody remember huge quantities of hard drugs?  A really far out
person might have the "hard stuff" - marijuana.  No police agency
ever found 50 lbs, 100 lbs, 2 TONS of cocaine on any bust.
People didn't set up "meth labs." There was no such thing as
a "carjacking", a police chase was virtually unknown, and police
didn't have to be brutal  --  a foot patrolman with a nightstick just
had to say "move along" and it was done.

My points are:

1. Yes folks, there is in fact a HUGE difference between left and

2.  The liberal experiment has failed DISMALLY - we are LIVING with
the proof.  It is time to repudiate it immediately, and return to
values and procedures which brought this country to the forefront
of the world in its first 175 years.

3.  We are headed to hell in a handbasket at a high rate of speed, and

simply continuing on with more of the same of implementing
"liberal" ideas will simply increase the speed.

May God help our sinking America.




   >DRY ROT -- The Far Right Targets The Left
  >By Will Offley

Re: [CTRL] The Far Right Targets The Left

2001-03-05 Thread flw

    >DRY ROT -- The Far Right Targets The 
Left    >By Will Offley    
>    >Canadian Dimension, January/February 
2001    >Volume 35, Number 1
What superficial drivel!!
There is no real difference between the "Far Right" 
and the "Left."
Both are Statist, racialist, political mindsets that are based 
on irrational religiosity and social myth. Both ultimately lead to Police 
States and 
Mass Murder. Perhaps one difference is that the "Far 
Right" probably
admits it to themselves - the "Left" are more adept 
at self deception.flw

[CTRL] The Far Right Targets The Left

2001-03-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

DRY ROT -- The Far Right Targets The Left

By Will Offley

Canadian Dimension, January/February 2001
Volume 35, Number 1

Like most huge events in history, the fall of the Berlin Wall shook our
world.  In doing so it also changed the ground rules of politics.

Whether you call it paradigm shift or merely the temporary triumph of
neo-liberalism, the dust from the Wall's collapse has clouded our vision
for nearly a decade.  Without exception, currents of the left around the
world have found themselves disoriented and scrambling to create a new
vision and a new political framework within which to organize and to
fight.  This has not only been true for the traditional Communist Parties,
but for the non-Stalinist and anti-Stalinist left as well.

The left has not yet been able to reconstitute a coherent vision of the
new world we want to see issue from the ashes of the old, nor have we
articulated the strategy or programme or organizations necessary to make
that happen.  As a result, radical left politics have remained largely
confined to "anti" politics for a decade or more: anticorporate,
anti-globalization, anticapitalist.  We have remained locked down behind
the relatively easy bulwark of what we're against, rather than venturing
out into the exposed and more dangerous terrain of defining what we're
for.  In addition, in some sectors there have been marked tendencies to
view the capitalist system through the lens of conspiracism and
irrationality, where plots and conspiracies replace class interests and
mass politics as the motor forces of human society.

This weakening of its culture, institutions and politics have rendered
some sectors of the broad left vulnerable to the conscious and organized
predation being carried out in Canada by a specific current of the far
right. In the U.S. this dates back as far as the Gulf War, where
neo-fascist currents like the Larouche organization and Spotlight sought
to attach themselves to the movement against the war.

Is the Canadian left immune from this sort of targeting?  No.

Is the situation any different now, a decade later?  Yes and no.

Yes, because Seattle has led to Washington, and from there to Philadelphia
and L.A. and Windsor and Prague.  Quebec will be next, and it won't be the
end.  The rise of the struggle in the streets against globalization marks
the end of ten years of demoralization and confusion.

There is a new dynamism and a new optimism, and if the path ahead is only
partially visible, at least we're collectively underway again.

However, one has only to look at Seattle to see that the growth of far
right currents within and alongside the left and progressive movements has
increased visibly over the decade.  There are also indicators that point
to a change - during the Gulf War, the far right was active on the
fringes, but by Seattle it seemed to be active at the very centre of
things.  While the young militants faced down the cops and the gas in
downtown Seattle, on a leadership level elements of that movement were
being increasingly compromised politically by a de facto convergence
between Ralph Nader and the most important far-right leader in the United
States, the semi-fascist Pat Buchanan.  Five months later during the April
16th mobilizations in Washington, Buchanan shared a stage with Teamster
leader Jimmy Hoffa Jr. as an invited guest of the AFL-CIO.

Antiglobalist politics are not the exclusive preserve of the left.
Though it springs from different roots, Buchanan's opposition to
globalization and free trade is as genuine as ours.  He just takes it in a
direction diametrically opposed to everything else we stand for:
protectionism, racism, exclusion.  Not only that, there have been plenty
of examples this century to show the far right can be anti-corporate too.

Throughout the 1920's Hitler's Nazi Party contained a minority current led
by Gregor and Otto Strasser that was inalterably opposed to the German
trusts... as well as the Jews, the Communists, Social Democrats, gays and
lesbians, unions, etc.

Nor is the far right confined solely to the hardcore neo-Nazism of the
Heritage Front or the Northern Hammerskins.  It's relatively easy to ward
off the interventions of groups that put swastikas on their literature.
It's considerably more difficult when the politics of the groups in
question are cloaked in progressive rhetoric and hidden behind coded
language. Between Wolfgang Droege and Stockwell Day there is a whole swamp
of currents and organizations - conspiracist, anti-Semitic, some with
hidden fascist agendas, some totalitarian, some merely far right.

Some of these are targeting the left.  There is reason to be concerned.

Although they're based at different ends of the country, they seem to be
made for each other.

The Radical is a monthly tabloid published in Quesnel, B.C. since June
1998 by Arthur Topham, a self-described anarchist who regards himself as
"a natural, s