[CTRL] The Grand Deception: The Theft of America and the World, Part III

2003-03-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Grand Deception: The Theft of America and the World, Part III

By Christopher Mark

In Parts I and II of this series, the background of the money changers who have sought to control America from the very beginning of our Republic to the beginning of the 20th Century was summarized. We learned of the first two efforts to create private, central banks in America and a little of the key players involved.   

Now that we have established the historical facts concerning the importance of controlling the money of a nation, in this case, America, the purpose of this weeks column is to briefly highlight the establishment of the Federal Reserve System and to tie in the Fed (no more federal than Federal Express) with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, and the relationship of these organizations to the plan for the future of the world. 

Said Senator Charles Lindberg Sr. just before passage of the Federal Reserve Act The money trust deliberately caused the 1907 money panic and thereby forced Congress to create a National Monetary Commission which led to the ultimate creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve Act establishes the most gigantic monetary trust on earth. When the President signs the bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Powers will be legalized. The people must make a declaration of independence to relieve themselves from the Monetary Powers, by taking control of Congress!...The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking bill. The caucus and the party bosses have again operated and prevented the people from getting the benefit of their own government!

Is it not nice to know that your future and that of your children has already been planned? The future of America has long been planned. The future of the entire world has long been planned. Once again, welcome to the world of the International Banker, who like the famous film, The Wizard of Oz, stands behind the curtain of orchestrated national and international policymakers and so-called elected leaders. Through the powerful organizations these megalomaniacs have conceived and birthed into reality, organizations designed to accomplish their ends, namely the Federal Reserve System (and a system of privately owned national banks throughout the world), the IMF, World Bank, and Bank of International Settlements, there is no doubt as to what the future holds. Profit for the Rich Men of the Earth. Comfort and protection for their minions (national leaders and other useful lackeys). Death, disease, and destruction on an apocalyptic scale for the rest of us.

We have been warned, repeatedly. Thomas Jefferson said he feared the international bankers more than any standing armies. Abraham Lincoln make similar statements. James Madison, John Jay and countless other Founding Fathers of this Republic have forewarned us. Yet, we have chosen to ignore the warnings of these wise men and the unfolding of their prophetic words before our very eyes today. How will you look your child or grandchild in the eye and tell them you did nothing, as America is utterly destroyed by design? The men and women who settled this nation, our ancestors, would not take any of the mind-deadening, media-driven, brainwashing pap being shoved down our throats each and every second of every day. If someone smeared feces onto your face each and every day of the year or like a schoolyard bully beat you up on the way home from school each day, would this be OK with you? Why does todays average American take it? 

The answer is simple. We are corrupt and Godless. Like Rome before us, our pride, luxuries, and power will crumble in the face of our total decadence and our outright decision to embrace humanism versus the love of our Creator. In the end days of Rome, money was made to be scarce, and was privately controlled. Years before the fall of Rome, did you know that Caesar was likely assassinated for the same reasons many feel Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, and John Kennedy were? That is correct, he had the nerve to oppose private control of the Empires moneyand he actually did it, issuing debt-free government money, ushering in one of the greatest eras of prosperity ever recorded in the history of the world. He was loved by the people. 

Yet, doubt not that Rome was an Empire and doubt not that America is now an Empire, with troops positioned around the world to protect our interests. But our interests are no longer Americas interests, merely those of the International Banker and their front organizations. Unfortunately, this has been the case for a very long time now.

The time of reckoning fast approaches, and in America, the most formidable step towards the ultimate destruction of our society and sovereignty took place on December 23, 1913. In the absence of a quorum, the United States 

[CTRL] The Grand Deception: The Theft of America and the World, Part I

2003-03-03 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Grand Deception: The Theft of America and the World, Part I
By Christopher Mark

The purpose of this weeks article is to provide you with an introduction to the earthly instruments of destruction which pervade earth. These institutions mean to accomplish nothing less than to enslave the entire population of the planet. Welcome to the world of the international banker.

In fact, your country and your world is owned by international bankers. It is no longer relevant, in this authors opinion, to focus on names, such as Rockefellers and Rothschilds, for the plutocratic institutions that rule the our planet have been established. You know of the so-called Federal Reserve (and their bastard siblings established throughout the whole of the civilized world, such as The Bank of England and The Bank of France), The International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, and maybe you are even aware of The Bank of International Settlements, in Switzerlandwhich is the granddaddy of all private banks. Then there is the United Nations, the ultimate front for international banking interests. As this series of articles unfolds, we shall examine these institutions in greater detail. The world is corrupt beyond your wildest dreams my fellow Americansand we, perhaps, are the most gullible of all nations. Our great ingenuity, diversity, energy, resources, and strength are being fully exploitedand not to the benefit of the average citizen by any stretch of the imagination.

For now, grasp this: The world you believe exists does not exist. We live in a form of The Matrix, not unlike the world portrayed in John Carpenters movie They Live, except high government officials and international bankers are the elite who control all you see and hear as did the aliens portrayed in the movie. The news is a farce. As is the case with the financial institutions which are concentrated in the hands of the few, long ago the media was bought and paid for, and in America this process was greatly reinforced with the 1996 Telecommunications Act. What you read and what you see on a daily basis is largely manufactured. You are being lied to, each and every day. If you find this acceptable; by all means, please continue to accept at face value what you see on TV and read in newspapers and magazines. If you do not find this acceptable, perhaps you need to consider alternative forms of information gathering in order to accurately assess your current and future environment, if for no other reason, than the safety of yourself and/or your family. 

Consider this: There was a man by the name of John Swinton who worked for the New York Times. He was greatly admired and known as "The Dean of His Profession" by other newspapermen. The year was 1953 and in front of the New York National Press Club, he offered the following observation: There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell the country for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press. We are the tools and vassals of the rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. 

Gee, who would have thought? Next time you watch Bill OReilly or Peter Jennings on TV or listen to a so-called conservative, such as Rush Limbaugh, simply imagine them as they are, to wit, dressed in the garb and situated in such a manner truly most befitting them: Leaning against a lamp post on a dark corner, in an unsavory part of town, wearing tight, short skirts, garter belts, shameless amounts of make-up, smoking cheap cigarettes, and blatantly hawking their information wares. For you to associate with these men is for you to associate with the paid harlots of the international bankers who completely control the media in America. I do not know about you, but I have no intention of being a John of the international banker and their cadre. Spending time with these folks is no different than making poor choices in determining with whom you might associate with in real lifemaybe worse. 

>From the time of President George Washington, the 

[CTRL] The Grand Deception - Part One (2 of 2)

2002-11-11 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Some of the more erudite of those from the wealthy, intellectual classes of England came together and decided they would form an organization to perpetuate the concept of collectivism. It was called the Fabian Society. It is now 1884, and we find ourselves observing a group of these people, including Sydney and Beatrice Web (founders of the London School of Economics), George Bernard Shaw, Arnold Toynbee, H.G. Wells, and people of that high caliber. The Fabian Society exists today, and a lot of very prominent, influential, and powerful people are members. Tony Blair, for example, England’s Prime Minister, is a member. 

H.G. Wells wrote a book to serve as a guide for Fabians and their friends showing how collectivism can be embedded into society without arousing alarm or serious opposition. It was called The Open Conspiracy, and the entire plan is spelled out in detail. He even said that the old religions of the world should give way to the new religion of collectivism. The new religion should be the state, he said, and the state should take charge of all human activity with, of course, elitists such as himself in control.

As mentioned previously, there were two powerful ideological movements coming to birth in this same period of history, and they had much in common. One of them was Marxism, which eventually was physically planted onto Russian soil and manifested itself as Communism. The other was Fabianism. Please note that Communism and Fabianism are merely variants of collecivism. Their similarities are much greater than their differences. That is why their participants often move from one group to the other with ease - or may even be members of both groups at the same time. Communists and Fabians are usually friendly with each other. They may disagree intensely over procedural issues, but never over goals, because their mutual goal is collectivism.

Fabians say, "Let us come to power quietly so as not to alarm anyone. Let us penetrate and capture control of the organs of society: the educational institutions, the media, the labor unions, agencies of government. Let us penetrate into the power centers of society and quietly guide it in the direction of collectivism. No one will realize what is happening, and there will be very little opposition or bloodshed." Fabians consider themselves to be humane. To emphasize this strategy of patient gradualism, they adopted the tortoise as their symbol, and the emblem on their shield is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Communists, on the other hand, are less genteel. They are adept at using all the same tactics of deception and quiet penetration into power centers as used by the Fabians, but they are more inclined to rely on violence and terror to accelerate their progress. They raise the clenched fist and say, "Let us come to power through revolution. Let us put masses into the streets and overthrow the target government by force and violence. Let the land be drenched with the blood of our enemies." Communists are in a hurry. 

That is the debate. The only difference between Communists and Fabians is a question of tactics. They may compete over which of them will dominant the coming New World Order, over who will hold the highest positions in the pyramid of collectivist power; they may even send opposing armies into battle to establish territorial pre-eminence over portions of the globe, but they never quarrel over goals. Through it all, they are blood brothers under the skin, and they will always unite against their common enemy, which is any opposition to collectivism. 

The Fabian tortoise and the wolf in sheep’s clothing are emblazoned on a stained glass window that used to be in the Web house. The Webs donated their home to the Fabian Society, and it is now the headquarters of that organization in Surrey, England. The window was recently removed, but there are many photographs of it showing the symbols in great detail. Perhaps the most significant part is written across the bottom. It is that famous line from Omar Khayyam: "Dear love, couldst thou and I with fate conspire to grasp this sorry scheme of things entire, would we not shatter it to bits and then remould it nearer to the hearts desire?" Please allow me to repeat that line. This is the key to modern history, and it is the key to the war on terrorism: "Dear love, couldst thou and I with fate conspire to grasp this sorry scheme of things entire, would we not shatter it to bits and then remould it nearer to the hearts desire?" 

Elsewhere in the stained glass window there is a depiction of Sydney Webb and George Bernard Shaw striking the earth with hammers. The earth is on an anvil, and they are standing there striking the earth with hammers. "Shatter it to bits," That’s what they were saying at the Carnegie Endowment Fund. That’s what they were saying at the Ford Foundation. "War is the best way to remold society. 

[CTRL] The Grand Deception - Part One (1 of 2)

2002-11-11 Thread William Shannon

The Grand Deception - Part One
A Second Look at the War on Terrorism

© 2002 by G. Edward Griffin

Ladies and Gentlemen, the title of my presentation today is The Grand Deception - A Second Look at the War on Terrorism. 

I was flattered to hear in my introduction that I have a reputation for taking complex subjects and making them easy to understand. I hope I can live up to that expectation, but I couldn’t help wondering if I can really do that with this topic: The War on Terrorism. How can you make that easy to understand? It’s such a huge and confusing topic. I feel like the proverbial mosquito in a nudist camp. I know what I have to do. I just don’t know where to begin.

There is a formula I often follow when I don’t know where to begin, and that is to start with history. If you discover the history, you should be able to figure it out as you go along. It was Will Durant who said, "Those who know nothing about history are doomed forever to repeat it." 

Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of history in the war on terrorism? If we continue to follow the path we are now taking, I’m afraid that we are. But to find out whether we are repeating the mistakes of history, we need to go back in time. So, I invite you to join me in my time machine. We are going to splash around in history for a while and look at some great events and huge mistakes to see if there are parallels, any lessons to be learned for today. I must warn you that it will seem we are lost in time. We are going to go here and there, and then jump back further, and then forward in time, and we will be examining issues that may make you wonder "What on earth has this to do with today." But I can assure you, when we reach the end of our journey, you will see that everything we cover has a direct relevance to today and, in particular, to the war on terrorism.

Lets start our time machine. We turn the dial to the year 1954 and, suddenly, we find ourselves in the plush offices of the Ford Foundation in New York. We see two men seated at a large, Mahogany desk, and they are talking. They cannot see or hear us. These men are Roland Gaither, who was the President of the Ford Foundation at that time, and Mr. Norman Dodd. Mr. Dodd was the newly appointed chief investigator of what was called the Congressional Committee to Investigate Tax Exempt Foundations. The Ford Foundation was one of them, so he was there as part of his Congressional responsibilities. 

It was about 1972 that I happened to meet Mr. Dodd in Virginia. I had a television crew with me, because we were producing a documentary film and had some open time. I called Mr. Dodd and asked if he would be willing to make a statement before our cameras, and he said, "Of course." I’m glad we obtained the interview, because he was advanced in years, and it wasn’t long afterward that he passed away. We were very fortunate to capture his story in his own words. (For those who are interested in viewing his complete testimony on video, it is listed in our catalogue. It’s called "The Hidden Agenda" and it’s available in both video and audio formats. The full transcript can be downloaded free of charge from our web site, www.realityzone.com.) 

So, back to our time machine. The year is 1954, and we hear Mr. Gaither say to Mr. Dodd, "Would you be interested in knowing what we do here at the Ford Foundation?" And, of course, Mr. Dodd says, "Yes! That’s exactly why I’m here. I would be very interested, sir." Then, without any prodding at all, Gaither says, "Mr. Dodd, we operate in response to directives, the substance of which is that we shall use our grant making power to alter life in the United States so that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union." 

Dodd almost falls off of his chair when he hears that. Then he says to Gaither, "Well, sir, you can do anything you please with your grant making powers, but don’t you think you have an obligation to make a disclosure to the American people? You enjoy tax exemption, which is an indirect way of saying you are subsidized by the taxpayer, so, why don’t you tell the Congress and the American people what you just told me?" And Gaither replies, "We would never dream of doing such a thing." 

There is much more to be learned from this conversation, but our time is limited, so let’s move on. The question that logically arises is, "How would it be possible for people in these prestigious organizations to even dream that they could alter life in the United States so it could be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union?" What an absurd thought that would be! The answer, however, is not absurd at all. To bring this about, all that needs to be done is to alter the attitude of the American people to accept such a move. How could that be done? 

The answer to this second question was provided by 

[CTRL] The Grand Deception

2001-11-23 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related New Paradigms Posts at:

From: Matrixx Entertainment [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: The Grand Deception
Date: Friday, November 16, 2001 4:45 PM

The Grand Deception; A Second Look at the War on Terrorism
by G. Edward Griffin

© 2001 by G. Edward Griffin

Within minutes after the terrorist attack against the World Trade Center and the 
Pentagon on September 11, my phone began to ring and emails started pouring in asking 
what was the meaning of it all. I was flattered that anyone thought I would know the 
answer to that question; but, in truth, I knew little more than what was being shown 
on television. It was impossible to have a reasoned response until the shock wore off 
and the facts could be assembled.

The concepts I would like to share with you today were set to paper three days after 
that event. I printed about a dozen copies and gave them to family and friends. Since 
then I have added historical data, but the concepts and the message remain unchanged. 
Many of the predictions I made have already come to pass; but any pride I might have 
in being right is far offset by the grim substance of those predictions.

After completing The Creature from Jekyll Island, I felt that I still had one more 
book to write and that it would be called The Freedom Manifesto. I also knew that I 
would need a dramatic issue in the first chapter to capture attention. Well, the 
terrorist attack on September 11 was certainly that - and more.

I told those on my email list that I would send them my expanded report on terrorism, 
but then I became bogged down in structuring and gathering material for the book. By 
that time, the report had become huge and had to be divided into chapters. All of that 
took about four weeks. So, what started out to be a four-page report on terrorism 
metamorphosed into Chapter One of The Freedom Manifesto.

At first, it was my intent to keep the material up to date with late-breaking events; 
but then it occurred to me that it might have more value in its original form than if 
it were continually updated. Writing about news events after they happen is not 
difficult, but writing about them before they happen is another matter. So, I decided 
to let the overview stand exactly as conceptualized on Friday, September 14, 2001. 
This is that report.



In the year 500 b.c., a Chinese general and philosopher by the name of Sun Tzu wrote a 
treatise called The Art of War. It has been translated into just about every language 
in the world and has become a classic of military and political strategy. In it, Sun 
Tzu said:

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred 
battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will 
also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in 
every battle.[1]

It is now three days after the attack, and I am haunted by the words of Sun Tzu. 
America has declared war, but her leaders are not even sure who the enemy is. Is it a 
man called Osama bin Laden? Is it Afghanistan, the nation that shelters him? Is it the 
Taliban which rules Afghanistan? Is it a terrorist group called al-Qaida? Is it Muslim 
Extremism? We commit to war but do not know the enemy.

The meaning of this event is far more complicated than the surface facts would 
indicate. On the surface, we have a group of people in the Middle East who hate 
America and have pledged themselves to inflict severe punishment on her, even at the 
sacrifice of their own lives. If that is as far as we care to look, then the meaning 
is simple. It is them against us; we are at war; they are the bad guys; we are the 
good guys; and we must destroy the enemy.

That is the meaning that was given to the American people by their leaders. President 
Bush summarized it well when he told the nation, Tuesday, that the attack was an act 
of cowardice and that America was the target because it was a beacon of freedom. If 
that is the correct meaning of the event, the logical consequences are that we must 
fight back; we must defend freedom; and we must not stop until the cowards are wiped 
off the face of the earth. That is the path of war, retaliation, and, of course, 

There is, however, a deeper understanding of this event, and it has to do with the 
maxim: actions have consequences. To come to that understanding, we must do the 
unthinkable in moments of crisis. We must ask questions.


Asking questions is not popular with some people. When a nation is at war, there is a 
tendency for its citizens to rally behind their leaders without questioning the wisdom 
of their actions. For them, the test of patriotism is 

[CTRL] Fwd: Grand Deception

2001-11-21 Thread Kris Millegan


Pat: Send to all. Cliff. 

© 2001 by G. Edward Griffin

Within minutes after the terrorist attack against the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon on September 11, my phone began to ring and emails
started pouring in asking what was the meaning of it all. I was flattered
that anyone thought I would know the answer to that question; but, in truth,
I knew little more than what was being shown on television. It was
impossible to have a reasoned response until the shock wore off and the
facts could be assembled.
The concepts I would like to share with you today were set to paper
three days after that event. I printed about a dozen copies and gave them to
family and friends. Since then I have added historical data, but the
concepts and the message remain unchanged. Many of the predictions I made
have already come to pass; but any pride I might have in being right is far
offset by the grim substance of those predictions.
After completing The Creature from Jekyll Island, I felt that I
still had one more book to write and that it would be called The Freedom
Manifesto. I also knew that I would need a dramatic issue in the first
chapter to capture attention. Well, the terrorist attack on September 11 was
certainly that – and more.
I told those on my email list that I would send them my expanded
report on terrorism, but then I became bogged down in structuring and
gathering material for the book. By that time, the report had become huge
and had to be divided into chapters. All of that took about four weeks. So,
what started out to be a four-page report on terrorism metamorphosed into
Chapter One of The Freedom Manifesto.
At first, it was my intent to keep the material up to date with
late-breaking events; but then it occurred to me that it might have more
value in its original form than if it were continually updated. Writing
about news events after they happen is not difficult, but writing about them
before they happen is another matter. So, I decided to let the overview
stand exactly as conceptualized on Friday, September 14, 2001. This is that

In the year 500 b.c., a Chinese general and philosopher by the name
of Sun Tzu wrote a treatise called The Art of War. It has been translated
into just about every language in the world and has become a classic of
military and political strategy. In it, Sun Tzu said: 
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the
result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for
every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the
enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.[1]
It is now three days after the attack, and I am haunted by the words
of Sun Tzu. America has declared war, but her leaders are not even sure who
the enemy is. Is it a man called Osama bin Laden? Is it Afghanistan, the
nation that shelters him? Is it the Taliban which rules Afghanistan? Is it a
terrorist group called al-Qaida? Is it Muslim Extremism? We commit to war
but do not know the enemy.
The meaning of this event is far more complicated than the surface
facts would indicate. On the surface, we have a group of people in the
Middle East who hate America and have pledged themselves to inflict severe
punishment on her, even at the sacrifice of their own lives. If that is as
far as we care to look, then the meaning is simple. It is them against us;
we are at war; they are the bad guys; we are the good guys; and we must
destroy the enemy.
That is the meaning that was given to the American people by their
leaders. President Bush summarized it well when he told the nation, Tuesday,
that the attack was an act of cowardice and that America was the target
because it was a beacon of freedom. If that is the correct meaning of the
event, the logical consequences are that we must fight back; we must defend
freedom; and we must not stop until the cowards are wiped off the face of
the earth. That is the path of war, retaliation, and, of course,
There is, however, a deeper understanding of this event, and it has
to do with the maxim: actions have consequences. To come to that
understanding, we must do the unthinkable in moments of crisis. We must ask
Asking questions is not popular with some people. When a nation is
at war, there is a tendency for its citizens to rally behind their leaders
without questioning the wisdom of their actions. For them, the test of
patriotism is conformity. Those who ask questions are called unpatriotic.
Life is simple for the conformists. All they want to know is “What side are
you on, anyway?”[2]
When we reach the end of this report, there will be no doubt in
anyone’s mind about my patriotism or which side holds my loyalty; but, along
the way, I definitely will be asking some hard questions about the wisdom of