Re: [CTRL] The Hate Crime Double-Standard

2000-07-19 Thread Tenorlove

> CommentMax
> The Hate Crime Double-Standard
> Paul Weyrich July 18, 2000
> The Senate has passed a so-called hate crimes bill which, should
> it become law, endangers the liberties of all who are not part of
> a protected class.  In fact, the legislation, pushed by Senators
> Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, a Democrat, and Republican Gordon
> Smith of Oregon, so expands the number of protected classes in
> this country that the only group not now covered is white males
> who are not handicapped.

I suppose, as a woman, I'm supposed to be exultant.. but as a
mother to 2 unprotected white males who are not handicapped, I'm
appalled. and very scared for their future.

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[CTRL] The Hate Crime Double-Standard

2000-07-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


The Hate Crime Double-Standard

Paul Weyrich July 18, 2000

The Senate has passed a so-called hate crimes bill which, should
it become law, endangers the liberties of all who are not part of
a protected class.  In fact, the legislation, pushed by Senators
Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, a Democrat, and Republican Gordon
Smith of Oregon, so expands the number of protected classes in
this country that the only group not now covered is white males
who are not handicapped.

That's right.  Every other group, including racial minorities,
the handicapped, homosexuals, and women all belong to a protected
class.  So if a homosexual kills a non-handicapped white male it
is not a hate crime.  But if that white male kills a homosexual
it is a hate crime.

Likewise with women.  If a woman maims a white male it is not a
hate crime under this legislation but if a white male maims a
woman of any color for any reason it is a hate crime and so it

So for the first time in American history there are two classes
of people before the law in the United States.  Those who are of
a protected class whose crimes will be regarded just as they are
- and those white males, who under this theory are the
oppressors, and who therefore must be guilty of hate if they
commit a crime against any one of the protected class.  The only
way a white male can now escape being charged with committing a
hate crime is to commit the crime against another white male.
Then the crime will be judged solely on its merits.

In other societies there were protected classes.  Royalty could
not commit a crime against the peasants.  Only the peasants could
commit crimes against royalty.  Our ancestors fought a revolution
to get us out from under such inequality before the law and here
we are when 44 Democrats and 13 Republicans can seek to change
our form of government.

Most of the Republicans who caved into this nonsense are up for
re-election this year.  Obviously the radical feminist,
homosexual and racial preference lobbies have them running
scared.  As to the entire delegation of Democrats in the Senate,
it shows how far that party has come that there would not be a
single dissenter to a proposition that fundamentally alters our
system of laws.

Thus far, the House leadership has not looked kindly on this
legislation.  There is a chance they can scuttle the
Senate-passed bill and save us and our system of government.
Still it is frightening to have 57 Senators affirm this kind of
proposition.  As Paul Craig Roberts has pointed out, this
initiative is unusual in that it is being led by white males
against white males.  It just shows how some white males have
come to believe the propaganda that the real enemies of society
are oppressive white males.

Therefore, to demonstrate that they are not "one of them," these
Senators sign on to legislation designed to indict their own

They apparently think if this bill does become law they will be
eaten last by this alligator.  I have big news for the 57
Senators who voted for this legislation.  If they succeed and
this radical doctrine does become the law of the land, they will
be among the first to be targeted.  And they will richly deserve
their fate, whatever it is.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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