-Caveat Lector-


McVeigh 'did not act alone in Oklahoma bombing'
By Andrew Gumbel in Terre Haute, Indiana
11 May 2001

The Oklahoma conspiracy. A special report by Andrew Gumbel

For six years, there have been suspicions that Timothy McVeigh did not act
alone when he bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City. Today, The
Independent reveals he was part of an underground network of
white-supremacist guerrillas dedicated to the overthrow of the American
government, and explains how the group kept its role hidden for so long.

Known as the Aryan Republican Army, the network came to light five years ago
when its leaders were arrested for 22 bank robberies committed across the
Midwest from late 1993 until several months after the April 1995 bombing.
They were prosecuted and imprisoned for the robberies, but their links to
the Oklahoma bomb never came out in court.

Those have emerged through the efforts of a handful of reporters, academics
and relatives of the bombing victims who found copies of confidential
prosecution documents, saw written and video material recovered from the
gang and interviewed some of the protagonists.

It is now believed the ARA financed and helped to stage the bombing, the
worst peacetime atrocity on US soil, which claimed 168 lives including 19
children. There is also evidence that McVeigh, who faces death by lethal
injection at a US penitentiary in Indiana next Wednesday, was part of the
robbery gang and participated in at least the planning stage of some of the

The Independent's Review section today demolishes the theory that McVeigh
was alone in Oklahoma City on the morning of the bombing. It shows why many
of the claims made by McVeigh in a series of interviews for the recently
published book American Terrorist do not stand up to scrutiny.

It also explains why the Federal Bureau of Investigation and government
prosecutors gave up their efforts to find his accomplices.

It describes the extraordinary exploits of the ARA's two ringleaders, Pete
Langan and Richard Guthrie, accomplished career criminals who happened to be
secret cross-dressers as well as virulent exponents of racist
anti-government ideology. The Independent has obtained a 300-page
handwritten memoir penned by Guthrie in prison before he was found hanging
from a bedsheet in his cell in July 1996. In it, he names one of the robbery
gang members as a certain "Tim".

The links between the ARA and McVeigh were established in 1993 and continued
regularly until the time of the bombing. All of them led frantically
itinerant lifestyles, driving cross-country and staying in motels under
assumed names, but on several occasions were in the same place at the same
time on similar business. In January 1995, all of them abruptly left Kansas
for a six-week stint in Arizona where there is evidence that a trial
fertiliser bomb was exploded in the desert.

The ARA developed the notion of "leaderless resistance", a cell-based
guerrilla structure in which individual members knew next to nothing about
each other. Operating out of a safe-house in eastern Kansas, it also
developed contacts with various far-right groups including a white
supremacist religious compound in Oklahoma, Elohim City, which has long been
suspected of involvement in the bombing.

                                Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                               *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

               The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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