Re: [CTRL] The Israeli/Zionist Attack On Our National Anthem

2006-05-10 Thread R.I.R.
-Caveat Lector-

You stupid racist dip 
Here is a guy living the most 
dangerous issue facing Europe
AND the US ( for different reasons,) 
and you poo-poo it?
You people are so fucking 
You'd rather be Liberal racists, than 
face the truth about who
your enemy is.
Unfortunately, other ( inocent ) 
people will die for YOUR racism and stupidity.
Too bad it won't be you or your 
friends and relatives.
THAT would be justice.
You are TRULY racist 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 4:52 AM
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] The Israeli/Zionist 
  Attack On Our National Anthem
  -Caveat Lector-  

  Regarding the Mohammed-Cartoons this writer mentions: "Danish" 
  anti-Muslim cartoon scandal, which was created by an Ukranian Jew who had 
  immigrated to Denmark."
  That is not correct. The cartoons were published in the largest newspaper 
  in Denmark. It is not zionist, although the cultural editor Flemming Rose, who 
  published the cartoons, has jewish ancestors coming fra Ukraine. I have 
  met Flemming Rose. He is a good guy. He works for freedom of speach. We are up 
  against the dark forces of islam. Islam is evil.
  The upper-class jews in Denmark, have however been pro-islam in 
  immigration matters.
  Yours, Ole Gerstrom, former MP
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 5:39 
Subject: [CTRL] The Israeli/Zionist 
    Attack On Our National Anthem
-Caveat Lector- 


  The Israeli Zionist Attack On Our 
  National AnthemBy 
  Christopher Bollyn5-1-6


  As soon as CNN reported that 
  an Adam Kidron, CEO of Urban Box Office, is the producer of 
  the so-called Spanish-version of the U.S. national anthem, I 
  noted that the "British-born music impresario" must be an 
  Israeli, based on his surname. 
  This so-called Spanish version 
  of the U.S. National Anthem is clearly meant to provoke 
  Americans. This is a very similar scandal to the recent 
  "Danish" anti-Muslim cartoon scandal, which was created by an 
  Ukranian Jew who had immigrated to Denmark. 
  Once again, the person behind 
  the cultural offense is a Zionist Jew with an agenda. The 
  cartoons were an offense against every Muslim, while this 
  ridiculous and offensive song, a so-called rendition of OUR 
  national anthem, is an offense aimed at the heart of every 
  This Kidron must be an 
  Israeli, I said. Kidron is, after all, an Israeli name. The 
  action and the name are classic Israeli, therefore, an Israeli 
  is all he possibly could be, I said. 
  Sure enough, Adam Kidron, the 
  foreign-born anti-American agent provocateur is an Israeli 
  national. Both of his parents lived in Zionist-occupied 
  Palestine and/or Israel (post 1948). This makes him an Israeli 
  national, whether he carries the Israeli passport or 
  He may be "British-born," but 
  in the case of Adam Kidron this description is only used by 
  the Zionist-controlled press as a way to deceive the public 
  and hide his Israeli roots. 
  Adam Kidron is the son of 
  Michael Kidron and Nina Gluckstein, two Jewish communists who 
  were part of the Zionist invasion of Palestine, the Holy 
  Michael is described as a 
  "revolutionary socialist" who was born September 20, 1930 in 
  Capetown, South Africa, and who died, apparently in Britain, 
  on March 25, 2003. 
  After finishing high school in 
  Tel Aviv, Adam's father went to Hebrew University. >From an 
  "ardently Zionist family," Michael became "a socialist and an 
  internationalist, and he continued to be both, inseparably, 

Re: [CTRL] The Israeli/Zionist Attack On Our National Anthem

2006-05-02 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

>We are up against the dark forces of islam. Islam is evil.
>Yours, Ole Gerstrom, former MP

Oh yes, man the barricades THE MOSLEMS ARE COMING!! I think I saw a Saracen 
in Burlington yesterday!
Nah, I only saw hordes of Mexican Serfs imported by the Corporados with 
cheer leading by the Wall Street Journal.

Viva cheap scab wages for all forever!
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Israeli/Zionist Attack On Our National Anthem

2006-05-02 Thread Ole Gerstrøm
-Caveat Lector-

Regarding the Mohammed-Cartoons this writer mentions: "Danish" anti-Muslim 
cartoon scandal, which was created by an Ukranian Jew who had immigrated to 
That is not correct. The cartoons were published in the largest newspaper 
in Denmark. It is not zionist, although the cultural editor Flemming Rose, who 
published the cartoons, has jewish ancestors coming fra Ukraine. I have met 
Flemming Rose. He is a good guy. He works for freedom of speach. We are up 
against the dark forces of islam. Islam is evil.
The upper-class jews in Denmark, have however been pro-islam in immigration 
Yours, Ole Gerstrom, former MP

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 5:39 AM
  Subject: [CTRL] The Israeli/Zionist 
  Attack On Our National Anthem
  -Caveat Lector- 


The Israeli Zionist Attack On Our National 
AnthemBy Christopher 



As soon as CNN reported that an 
Adam Kidron, CEO of Urban Box Office, is the producer of the 
so-called Spanish-version of the U.S. national anthem, I noted 
that the "British-born music impresario" must be an Israeli, 
based on his surname. 
This so-called Spanish version 
of the U.S. National Anthem is clearly meant to provoke 
Americans. This is a very similar scandal to the recent "Danish" 
anti-Muslim cartoon scandal, which was created by an Ukranian 
Jew who had immigrated to Denmark. 
Once again, the person behind 
the cultural offense is a Zionist Jew with an agenda. The 
cartoons were an offense against every Muslim, while this 
ridiculous and offensive song, a so-called rendition of OUR 
national anthem, is an offense aimed at the heart of every 
This Kidron must be an Israeli, 
I said. Kidron is, after all, an Israeli name. The action and 
the name are classic Israeli, therefore, an Israeli is all he 
possibly could be, I said. 
Sure enough, Adam Kidron, the 
foreign-born anti-American agent provocateur is an Israeli 
national. Both of his parents lived in Zionist-occupied 
Palestine and/or Israel (post 1948). This makes him an Israeli 
national, whether he carries the Israeli passport or not. 

He may be "British-born," but in 
the case of Adam Kidron this description is only used by the 
Zionist-controlled press as a way to deceive the public and hide 
his Israeli roots. 
Adam Kidron is the son of 
Michael Kidron and Nina Gluckstein, two Jewish communists who 
were part of the Zionist invasion of Palestine, the Holy 
Michael is described as a 
"revolutionary socialist" who was born September 20, 1930 in 
Capetown, South Africa, and who died, apparently in Britain, on 
March 25, 2003. 
After finishing high school in 
Tel Aviv, Adam's father went to Hebrew University. From an 
"ardently Zionist family," Michael became "a socialist and an 
internationalist, and he continued to be both, inseparably, for 
the rest of his life," The Times (UK) wrote in 2003. 
The Times wrote that Michael 
corresponded with "one unhappy prostitute" who was "enchanted by 
his generous concern." She frequently phoned him for advice, the 
Times reported. He left his wife in the early 1980s and "lived 
with Polly" from 1991, with whom he had twins. 
Michael's daughter, Adam's 
sister Beeban, may have used her father as the subject of her 
1993 film, "Hookers Hustlers Pimps and their Johns." 
The Guardian (UK) described him 
as "a Marxist theorist, an agitator," 
As Michael Kidron's obituary in 
The Times (Londo

[CTRL] The Israeli/Zionist Attack On Our National Anthem

2006-05-01 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


The Israeli Zionist Attack On Our National AnthemBy Christopher Bollyn5-1-6


As soon as CNN reported that an Adam Kidron, CEO of Urban Box Office, is the producer of the so-called Spanish-version of the U.S. national anthem, I noted that the "British-born music impresario" must be an Israeli, based on his surname. 
This so-called Spanish version of the U.S. National Anthem is clearly meant to provoke Americans. This is a very similar scandal to the recent "Danish" anti-Muslim cartoon scandal, which was created by an Ukranian Jew who had immigrated to Denmark. 
Once again, the person behind the cultural offense is a Zionist Jew with an agenda. The cartoons were an offense against every Muslim, while this ridiculous and offensive song, a so-called rendition of OUR national anthem, is an offense aimed at the heart of every American. 
This Kidron must be an Israeli, I said. Kidron is, after all, an Israeli name. The action and the name are classic Israeli, therefore, an Israeli is all he possibly could be, I said. 
Sure enough, Adam Kidron, the foreign-born anti-American agent provocateur is an Israeli national. Both of his parents lived in Zionist-occupied Palestine and/or Israel (post 1948). This makes him an Israeli national, whether he carries the Israeli passport or not. 
He may be "British-born," but in the case of Adam Kidron this description is only used by the Zionist-controlled press as a way to deceive the public and hide his Israeli roots. 
Adam Kidron is the son of Michael Kidron and Nina Gluckstein, two Jewish communists who were part of the Zionist invasion of Palestine, the Holy Land. 
Michael is described as a "revolutionary socialist" who was born September 20, 1930 in Capetown, South Africa, and who died, apparently in Britain, on March 25, 2003. 
After finishing high school in Tel Aviv, Adam's father went to Hebrew University. From an "ardently Zionist family," Michael became "a socialist and an internationalist, and he continued to be both, inseparably, for the rest of his life," The Times (UK) wrote in 2003. 
The Times wrote that Michael corresponded with "one unhappy prostitute" who was "enchanted by his generous concern." She frequently phoned him for advice, the Times reported. He left his wife in the early 1980s and "lived with Polly" from 1991, with whom he had twins. 
Michael's daughter, Adam's sister Beeban, may have used her father as the subject of her 1993 film, "Hookers Hustlers Pimps and their Johns." 
The Guardian (UK) described him as "a Marxist theorist, an agitator," 
As Michael Kidron's obituary in The Times (London, April 2, 2003) wrote: 
"Michael Kidron was the youngest of seven children born to Cape Town Jews. The were called Rosenberg, were related to Isaac Rosenberg, the First World War poet, and, like most Jews in South Africa, had come from Lithuania, the part of the Russian empire with strong Jewish socialist, and Zionist, movements." 
Michael Kidron was a fellow at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) and was funded by the Ford Foundation and others. 
Kidron's obituary says he was "a critical Marxist" and "played a key role in developing a theory, that of the permanent arms economy, to account for the west's long postwar boom, etc." 
Michael Kidron married Nina Gluckstein, the daughter of another Zionist from Palestine, and they had three children, Adam, Beeban, and Cassia. 
This connection is, of course, no coincidence. Marxist-Zionist Jews have used immigration as a weapon and have been behind much of the forced (im)migration issues of the past 200 years. During the Soviet Union era, mass immigration was used to destroy the national fabric of the various nations occupied by the Soviet Union. 
The mass deportations to Siberia were also employed by Zionist Jews to destroy resistance to their communist kleptocracy. 
In the Baltic States, for example, "Soviet" immigrants outnumbered the native population in cities such as Tallinn and Riga. 
Zionist Jews are most likely behind the destructive immigration policy in occupied post war Germany in which thousands of Turks were allowed entry. 
Today, these same Zionists are behind the Mexican invasion of the United States. The 12 million undocumented immigrants are NOT legally in the United States and should return to Mexico, or wherever else they may have come from. 
Any company or individual who wittingly employs illegal immigrants should be punished. This is clearly the only way to reverse this invasion by immigration. The selfish crime by an employer to hire illegal aliens is clearly detrimental to the entire work force of the nation.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matte