-Caveat Lector-

 an excerpt from:
 Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War
 Between English and French Freemasonry
 by John Daniel (C)1994

 Chapter 13 -- part 2 of 3


 Cremie -- Double Agent

 Intelligence gathering, spying, and the use of double agents are
 commonplace in this war between Scarlet and the Beast. If Great
 Britain had wanted to penetrate the French government in Cremieux's
 day, it would have done so through a French Rosicrucian Freemason.
 Who would be more likely than Cremieux? If he were to become
 involved in French politics, which he was, he would join the Grand
 Orient Lodge, to which most French politicians belonged. From there
 he could learn state secrets and pass them to London.

 English Freemasonry had need of spies in French politics for two
 specific reasons. First, the two movements of socialism and
 communism, which had developed in Grand Orient Freemasonry, were of
 grave concern to Great Britain's capitalists. Second, Emperor
 Napoleon III had cooperated with the Grand Orient Revolution in
 Italy by ousting the oligarchy's Austrian army. Spymaster Cremieux
 and British Freemasonry had something in common. Both hated
 Napoleon III. If Cremieux was assigned the task of deposing the
 Emperor, his success would be better realized if he could attain
 the top position within the Emperor's lodge.

 Shades of Mission Impossible, you say? Perhaps. Nonetheless,
 everything Cremieux accomplished was of benefit to English
 Freemasonry, as well as profit to the oligarchy of the Priory of
 Sion, which it protected. It is most likely that Freemason Cremieux
 was a master spy, a double agent, a Rosicrucian mole for British
 Intelligence in the French Templar Grand Orient administration of
 Napoleon III. Such a scenario certainly fits the Masonic modus

 Maurice Joly

 Gentile Maurice Joly, whose father was a staunch Italian Mason, was
 also a Mason. Joly was tied to the Alliance Israelite Universelle
 through his association with Freemason Cremieux and the Mizraim
 Masonic Lodge. He was also linked to the Priory of Sion through
 mutual membership In a Rose Croix order with Victor Hugo. This
 Masonic influence secured Joly a post in the Ministry of the
 Interior under Freemason M. Chevreau, just before the coup d'etat
 in 1851 by Louis Napoleon.

 Joly was not included in the new government, nor did he want to be.
 He had an inveterate hatred of the Bonapartes. Moreover, he
 disagreed with Grand Orient politics, which politics demanded a
 strongman to solidity its failing revolution of 1848.(45)

 For nine years following Napoleon's 1851 coup, Joly withdrew from
 politics and satisfied himself by returning to his law practice.
 Suddenly, in 1860, he began writing articles attacking the
 government and the Emperor.

 What, or who rekindled Joly's anger? The answer is Adolphe
 Cremieux, who also hated the Emperor. Cremieux's animosity grew
 from a rebuff he received from Louis Napoleon. At the time of
 Napoleon's coup, Cremieux was legal adviser to the Bonaparte family
 and an intimate of Louis Napoleon. When Louis became Emperor, he
 offended Cremieux by not appointing him to the most desired
 political post -- that of Chief Executive -- a position vital in
 dealing with Great Britain.(46) The Emperor's first mistake was his
 refusal to appoint his Masonic superior. Cremieux became his enemy.

 Napoleon's second error was his refusal to take orders from Grand
 Orient Masonry, which had placed him in power. After his 1851 coup
 and declaring himself as Emperor in 1852, he immediately began
 exerting authority, emulating his great uncle, Napoleon
 Bonaparte.(47) Now the entire Grand Orient was his enemy.

 Napoleon's third mistake was exiling Victor Hugo. We shall soon see
 that Hugo's exile was a consequence of his disagreements with
 Napoleon following the coup. The Priory of Sion soon became the
 Emperor's enemy.

 Napoleon's fourth and fatal mistake was military action against
 Austria's occupation army In Italy. Napoleon's military success in
 removing this arm of the British Masonic oligarchy from Italy
 allowed Mazzini's Grand Orient revolution to succeed. With English
 Freemasonry now his enemy, the Emperor did not have a prayer.

 Source of the Protocols

 It was unnecessary for British Freemasonry to Intrigue against
 Napoleon, for the Emperor had created enough hostility and enemies
 on his own. With an angry Cremleux encouraging the pen of an
 acrimonious Joly, the Grand Orient planned to depose the Emperor.
 Joly wrote Dialogues between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, which was
 a compilation of articles in which Joly depicted Napoleon III as
 Machiavelli. As Victor Hugo's poetry had done in the 1850s
 (discussed later in this chapter), so too Joly's articles turned
 public opinion against the Emperor in the 1860s. And as we learned
 earlier, the London Times (1920) reported that the Protocols of the
 Learned Elders of Sion were plagiarized from Joly's Dialogues,
 which the Times called Dialogues of Geneva.

 Another factor we must consider in discovering the source of the
 Protocols is that in Joly's day communism was the political fad of
 Grand Orient Freemasonry. Its spokesman was 32nd degree German
 Grand Orient Mason and Reform Jew, Levi Mordechai (alias Karl
 Marx).(48) Joly, however, was a Socialist, and hated both communism
 and Karl Marx. Aware that communists were the remnant of the
 Jacobins, who had carried out the 1793 Reign of Terror, Joly wrote:
 "Socialism seems to me one of the forms of a new life for the
 peoples emancipated from the traditions of the Old World. I accept
 a great many of the solutions offered by Socialism but I reject
 Communism either as a social factor or as a political institution.
 Communism is but a school of Socialism. In politics I understand
 extreme means to gain one's ends -- in that, at least, I am a

 Although Joly hated communism, he agreed with its Jacobin
 principles; yet he accused Napoleon III of that same ruthlessness,
 What he actually hated was the Emperor's absolutism. Absolutism is
 what Freemasonry can not tolerate. Jacobinism is fine, but not
 outside the auspices of the Masonic hierarchy. When Napoleon III
 ignored the orders of his Masonic superiors, Joly's hatred toward
 him was rekindled by Cremieux. The Grand Orient contracted with
 Joly to expose the Emperor as Machiavellian. To protect himself,
 Joly signed the dialogues "Mr. X"

 Why did the London Times in 1920 call Joly's book the Dialogues of
 Geneva? The answer can be found in the Masonic-Marxist events which
 took place in Geneva prior to an international communist meeting in
 London In 1864, the year before Joly published his work. In an
 earlier chapter we saw that following the Congress of Vienna in
 1815, both English and French Masonic lodges were established at
 Geneva for the express purpose of plotting intrigue on neutral
 ground. According to Nesta Webster, Geneva, Switzerland, was the
 meeting-place for all the revolutionaries of Europe.(50) Edith
 Miller reports that the Geneva meetings took place in the Grand
 Orient Masonic lodge, Temple Unique. Those in attendance put the
 name of the Temple on their cards and bills.(51)

 Following the Geneva gatherings, the Communist revolutionists met
 in London during the summer of 1862. There they attended the London
 International Exhibition. The Exhibition was a Marxist front used
 by French Communists to penetrate Great Britain's labor force.

 This Exhibition marked the beginning of anti-capitalist labor
 unions. On August 5, 1862, all the delegates met at a dinner given
 for them by their English colleagues at Freemason's Hall. An
 address was read which formed the platform for the First Communist

 On September 28, 1864, the French Communists met again in London at
 another Masonic lodge called St. Martin's Hall.(53) At this meeting
 Grand Orient Freemason Karl Marx obtained control of the two-year
 old International Working Men's Association. A number of secret
 societies, such as the Anarchists, Nihilists, and Young Europe,
 were immediately absorbed by this communist body. That same year
 anarchist Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876;), a Russian Grand Orient
 Mason, founded: his Alliance Sociale Democratique on the exact
 lines of Weishaupt's Illuminism.(54)

 In 1866, one year after Joly's book was published, the inaugural
 congress of Karl Marx's First Communist International met in
 Geneva, again at the Masonic lodge, Temple Unique.(55) Miller
 reports that what was decided at that Masonic meeting was "the
 abolition of standing armies, the destruction of the monopolies of
 great companies, and the transfer of railways and other means of
 locomotion to the people."(56)

 Also confirmed at that meeting was the declaration that revolution
 would be transported to foreign soil -- perhaps in reference to
 Russia, since in Russia, Zionism was to be contained, if not

 When the First International met again in 1869 at Basel,
 Switzerland, Russian Freemason Mikhail Bakunin fought for control
 of the organization. He spoke thus without reserve: "'By social
 liquidation I mean expropriation of all existing proprietors, by
 the abolition of the political and legal state, which is the
 sanction and only guarantee of all property as now existing, and of
 all that is called legal right; and the expropriation, in fact,
 everywhere, and as much and as quickly as possible by the force of
 events and circumstances."(57)

 Thirteen years later, in 1882, on the orders of Bakunin, czar
 Alexander II of Russia was assassinated.(58)

 Target: Napoleon III

 In finding the answer to why the London Times called Joly's book
 the Dialogues of Geneva. we must investigate the Masonic intrigues
 in Italy, which occurred a decade before the Geneva meetings. In
 late 1856 the Italian Grand Orient Masons, already known as the
 Mafia, were contracted by Lord Palmerston of England to assassinate
 Napoleon III. In early 1857 several Masons met in London to plan
 the murder. Four were from Russia, one of whom was Mikhail
 Bakunin.(59) Chairman of the meeting was the Mafia leader himself,
 Giuseppe Mazzini. At his side were Francesco Crispi (1819-1901),
 the Sicilian Mason selected to do the Job, and his comrade-in-arms,
 Freemason Adriano Lemmi (1822-1896).(60)

 In January 1858 Crispi and Lemml met in Paris with Freemason Felice
 Orsini. Orsini, a lodge brother of Napoleon III, taught the two
 assassins how to manufacture a bomb, then kept them abreast of the
 Emperor's movements. During the next few weeks several attempts
 were made on Napoleon's life, each failing. Crispi and Lemmi
 escaped, but Orsini was captured, tried and condemned to death.
 Before his execution on March 13, 1858, Napoleon visited him in
 prison. Orsini warned the Emperor that if he did not assist the
 Italian Freemasons in their struggle for democracy, other bombs
 were reserved for him. Napoleon acquiesced, meeting at Piedmont in
 July with Count Camillo Benso di Cavour. Mazzini was not at this
 meeting. Cavour was Grand Master of an English warranted lodge in
 Italy, a revolutionary lodge competing with Grand Master Mazzini's
 Grand Orient.(61) Miller tells what united these two rival Grand

 The policies of the Grand Master Cavour and the Grand blaster
 Mazzini, each representing two different Masonic currents [English
 and French] emanating from different sources, met on the issue of
 the destruction of the Papacy which it was hoping to submerge
 through the unification of Italy.

 Cavour aimed at unity in the form of a constitutional monarchy
 under the house of Savoy, and Mazzini, aiming at a republic, found
 himself forced into a compromise which obliged him to accept,
 temporarily at least, a Piedmontese monarchy for United Italy (62)

 Together they agreed to accept assistance from Napoleon. France,
 with Piedmont-Sardinia, declared war on Austria in order to expel
 Austria's troops from Italy. Miller quotes the French deputy
 Monsieur Keller's remark before the legislative body on March 13,
 1861 on the cause of these events: '"The Italian war was the
 execution of the will of Orslnl."(63)

 Meanwhile, Victor Hugo, Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, was in
 exile writing satirical poetry against Napoleon Hugo's poetry was
 intended to manipulate public opinion to drive the Emperor from
 office. Three of these works were: 1) Napoleon le. Petit, an
 indictment of the "little" Napoleon III as opposed to the "great"
 Napoleon I:2) Histotre d'un crime, a day-by-day account of Louis
 Bonaparte's coup as seen by a dissentient witness; and 3) Les
 Chatiments, ranking among his most powerful satirical poems, a
 presentation of Napoleon as a thief and a killer.(64)

 As a result, the Emperor's popularity began to decline during the
 latter half of the 1850s. To perpetuate the decline, Joly was
 chosen in 1860 to take up the cause, which culminated in the
 Dialogues of Geneva in 1865.

 Hugo planted the seed of dissension: Joly cultivated it and
 Napoleon reaped a harvest of discontent from his subjects. During
 the latter half of the 1860s, the anti-imperial opposition
 strengthened. In 1871 Napoleon III was deposed.

 Joly's Source

 How could Joly, a Rosicrucian Freemason, know of the Communist
 goings-on in Geneva, which caused the London Times to call his book
 the Dialogues of Geneva? Joly was neither a member of the Templar
 Scottish Rite of Grand Orient Freemasonry, nor its left-wing
 Communist Party. He hated Communism and would not have attended
 their meetings if invited.

 Here is where Cremieux comes in. As Supreme Commander of the
 Scottish Rite of Grand Orient Freemasonry, Cremieux was well aware
 of the agenda of the communist meetings at the Masonic lodge at
 Geneva and may have attended himself. He is known to have induced
 Joly to write the Dialogues. Whether Cremieux actually handed Joly
 minutes of those Machiavellian meetings or verbally informed him of
 their contents is not known. In any case, Cremieux, a fellow
 Rosicrucian and intimate of Joly, most certainly guided him in the
 contents of his writings.

 This is a Masonic modus operandi -- as we have seen previously in
 the relationship between Frederick Engels and Karl Marx. Marx
 followed Engels's suggestions, putting them in revolutionary form.
 Likewise, two decades later Cremieux suggested what Joly should
 write. Joly, a government lawyer prior to the Emperor's rise to
 power, would be credible. Joly's articles implied that the
 Machiavellian decisions of the several Geneva Communist congresses
 were the Emperor's plans for the destruction of France. When bound
 in a book, the articles were titled Dialogues of Geneva. As
 planned, this Masonic disinformation aroused public opinion against
 Napoleon III.

 Joly wrote only under the guarantee of anonymity; hence the
 pseudonym, Mr. X. Yet, in order to arouse public opinion, the
 author had to be revealed as someone with authority -- someone
 acquainted with the political climate of the day. Joly, therefore,
 was betrayed two months after publication. As a result of this
 unusual and swift exposure, he was tried, convicted, and sentenced
 to two years in prison.

 Joly's exposure, trial, conviction and punishment are another
 example of the Masonic modus operandi. In this world of Masonic
 intrigue, where the end justifies the means, there are those
 expendables who are used as scapegoats to protect the conspiracy.
 Joly, only a Blue Lodge Mason, was sacrificed for the greater
 cause. Whether Cremieux exposed Joly is not known, but it is a
 distinct possibility. Albeit, the scheme worked, and Napoleon III
 was out of government within six years of the publication of Joly's

 Who were the winners? First, Rosicrucian English Freemasonry, now
 rid of the man who ousted the oligarchy's occupation forces from
 Italy. Second, French Templar Grand Orient Freemasonry, which
 deposed an Emperor for refusing to take orders from his Masonic
 hierarchy. Third, Cremieux, whose vengeance was the deposition of
 Napoleon III for denying him high political office. Cremieux's
 revenge, however, had far-reaching consequences For example, Joly's
 book contributed to the release of documents called The Protocols
 of the Learned Elders of Sion, which in turn fueled post-World War
 I Europe against the Jews, giving rise to Fascism. In this climate,
 Hitler went unchallenged when he engineered the slaughter of six
 million Jews and five million Gentiles in concentration camps.

 Nesta Webster makes a strong case for Joly as the source of the
 Protocols. In Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, she
 states: "The Protocols were largely copied from the book of Maurice
 Joly, Dialogues aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu,
 published in 1864. Let it be said at once that the resemblance
 between the two works could not be accidental. Not only are whole
 paragraphs almost identical, but the various points in the
 programme follow each other in precisely the same order."(65)

 On the other hand, it is plausible to suggest that the Protocols
 were not a plagiarism of Joly's book at all, but were the actual
 minutes to the Marxist revolutionary meetings held in the Masonic
 lodge at Geneva. As earlier suggested, these notes may have been
 given to Joly by Cremieux. This author's hypothesis is that Joly
 plagiarized the Geneva minutes, which he reshaped into the
 Dialogues of Geneva

 Whether the Protocols were a plagiarism of Joly's book. or the
 Dialogues a plagiarism of the Protocols. the result was the same.
 Most significant to our investigation is that Joly, a Freemason,
 was a close associate of Cremieux. Cremieux, in turn, was on the
 Supreme Council of the Mizraim Masonic Lodge at Paris. It was from
 this lodge that the "Protocols" were stolen in 1884.

 If, in fact, Joly did plagiarize the minutes to the Geneva meetings
 In 1865, apparently they were carelessly stored and forgotten in
 the archives of the Mizraim Lodge. Two decades later they were
 "found" by a casual peruser, who, not knowing their original
 purpose, stole them,

 An interesting story concerning the 1884 discovery of the Protocols
 was told in 1934 by Victor E. Marsden in his English translation of
 the Russian Protocols. Marsden had been the Russian correspondent
 for the Morning Post of London when the Bolshevik Revolution broke
 out. He reports that

 In 1884 [two years after the assassination of Tsar Alexander II by
 Masonic Nihilists] the daughter of a Russian general, Mlle. Justine
 Glinka, was endeavoring to serve her country in Paris by obtaining
 political information, which she communicated to General Orgevskii
 in St. Petersburg. For this purpose she employed a Jew, Joseph
 Schorst, member of the Mizraim Lodge in Paris. One day Schorst
 offered to obtain for her a document of great importance to Russia,
 on payment of 2,500 francs. This sum being received from St.
 Petersburg was paid over and the document handed to Mlle. Glinka.
 She forwarded the French original, accompanied by a Russian
 translation, to Orgevskii, who in turn handed it to his chief,
 General Cherevin, for transmission to the Tsar."(66)

 The document was the French original of The Protocols of the
 Meetings of the Learned Elders of Sion, General Cherevin did not
 give them to the Royal Court as Glinka had requested. Instead, he
 filed them, and they lay dormant for the next two decades.

 What lends credence to this story is that Mlle. Justine Glinka was
 arrested shortly after on trumped up charges, not at all related to
 the Protocols, and banished to her estate in Orel, Russia. Some
 believe this was engineered by Freemasonry in an attempt to keep
 Mlle. Glinka from further investigation.(67) As for the Masonic
 traitor Joseph Schorst -- in payment for his part played in the
 intrigue, he was hunted down and murdered in Egypt possibly by
 Masonic agents.(68)

 The strongest case for linking the Protocols of Sion to Gentile
 Freemasonry is the Protocols itself. Read in the light of Masonic
 hegemony, the fourth Protocol, for instance, seems to confirm that
 the 33rd degree Supreme Council of Universal Freemasonry, and not
 Zionist Jews, is the manipulator of world revolution:

 Who or what can dethrone an invisible power? Now, this is Just what
 our Government is. The Masonic Lodge throughout the world
 unconsciously acts as a mask for our purpose. But the use we are
 going to make of this power in our plan of action, and even our
 headquarters, remain perpetually unknown to the world at large.(69)

 The "Government" referred to in this Protocol could well be the
 Supreme Council of Freemasonry. And the Dialogues, upon which we
 believe the Protocols is based, could have been of much earlier
 origin than the 1860s, for it echoes Weishaupt's correspondence
 with his co-conspirators in the Illuminate The Dialogues could as
 well have been the correspondence between members of the Templar
 hierarchy, such as Mazzini in Italy, Pike in America, Palmerston in
 England, and Bismarck in Germany.

 It is also just as likely that Karl Marx, or Mikhail Bakunin, both
 of whom were at the Geneva Masonic Congress, spouted the fourth
 Protocol from'that forum. It certainly would have befitted their
 Communist program. In fact, a segment of Protocol twelve could have
 been spoken at Geneva against Russia by this remnant of Communist
 Jacobins. It reads;

 Briefly, in order to demonstrate our enslavement of the Gentile
 governments in Europe, we will show our power to one of them by
 means of crimes of violence, that is to say by a reign of terror.

 By using the word "Gentile," the anonymous authors of the Protocols
 suggested to general readers and investigators that the authors and
 planners of the "crimes of violence" were Jews. When the barbarous
 Bolshevik Revolution destroyed old Russia, conspiracy researchers
 pointed to this Protocol, because of the word "Gentile," and blamed
 the Revolution on the Jews, who they believed were retaliating
 against the Russian czars for their persecution of the Russian
 Jewish populations.


 The Protocols, Jack the Ripper and Gentile "Non-Masons"

 Gentile Freemasonry refers to its initiates as Jews, refers to
 its lodges as Solomon's Temple, and calls non-Masons Gentiles.
 Likewise, a republic founded by Freemasonry and governed by Masons
 is by inference a Jewish nation.  Conversely, a kingdom not ruled
 by Freemasonry, such as Russia, would be considered a Gentile
 nation.  Christian Russia, then, would certainly be called a
 "Gentile government" by "them that say they are Jews, and are not,
 but do Stephen Knight documents the Masonic use of the word
 "Gentile" in The Brotherhood When a meeting is called at the
 Masonic Temple, he says Masons converge on the lodge from all
 directions.  "Once inside the Hail, each turned his steps towards
 the Crypt, which was cordoned off so that no intruder could make
 his way down the stair and report the goings-on to any

 Knight connects the Protocols to Gentile Freemasonry by examining
 a seemingly unrelated subject:  the notorious murders of Jack the
 Ripper, committed in 1888 between August and November.  'The Jack
 the Ripper murders in the East End of London in 1888," asserts
 Knight, "were perpetrated according to masonic [sic] ritual and
 a subsequent police cover-up was led by the Commissioner and
 Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, both

 To comprehend what is meant by "murders... according to Masonic
 ritual," we must understand the Masonic ceremony of the 3rd degree
 -- the Master Mason degree.  Stephen Knight explains the Masonic
 ritual focus on murder:

 Much of Masonic ritual centres on murder.  At the 3rd degree, the
 victim is Hiram Abiff, mythical architect in charge of the building
 of Solomon's temple.  The ceremony involves the mimed murder of
 Hiram by three Apprentice Masons, and his subsequent resurrection.
 The three Apprentices are named Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum -- known
 collectively as the Juwes [Masonic spelling for Jews].  In masonic
 [sic] lore, the Juwes are hunted down and executed, "by the breast
 being torn open and the heart and vitals taken out and thrown over
 the left shoulder," which closely parallels the details of Jack the
 Ripper's modus operardi.(73)

 In 1888, Sir Charles Warren was Commissioner of the Metropolitan
 Police and one of the country's most eminent Freemasons.  Two years
 earlier Warren also helped found the most secret of Masonic Lodges,
 the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Masonic Research.  Knight reports
 that Warren impeded the investigation of the murders at every turn,
 caused endless confusion and delays, and personally destroyed the
 only clue the Ripper ever left.  This was a scrawled chalk message
 on a wall inside a tenement block near the site of the fourth
 murder.  Beneath the message was a blood-soaked piece of cloth
 which Jack the Ripper had recently cut from the apron of his latest
 victim.  The message itself, according to a careful copy made by
 a conscientious PC who was at the scene early -- which had been
 concealed in the Scotland Yard files on the case for nearly ninety
 years before I gained access to them -- read:

 "The Juwes are The Men That will not be blamed for nothing"

 The moment he was told of this, Warren, who had not previously
 ventured near the East End, rushed to the place before the message
 could be photographed and washed it away.  This has never been
 explained.  The truth was that Warren, who had been exalted to the
 Royal Arch in 1861, had realized that the writing on the wall was
 a masonic [sicl] message.

 Warren, a founder of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Masonic Research
 and by the time of the Ripper murders a Past Grand Sojourner of the
 Supreme Grand Chapter, knew only too well that the writing on the
 wall was telling the world, "The Freemasons are the men that will
 not be blamed for nothing."(74)

 The significance of the word "Juwes" in the Ripper's message will
 not escape anyone versed in Masonic lore.  As Knight pointed out in
 a previous book, Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution (1976), Masons
 refer to themselves as Jews, and use the word "Gentile," "borrowed
 from Hebrew and used to mean non-Masonic."(75)

 How does the message at the scene of the fourth "Ripper" murder
 shed light by analogy on who may have authored the Protocols?
 First, it confirms that Freemasonry establishes decoys, then calls
 those decoys Jews.  Second, the scrawled chalk message on the wall
 above the scene of the fourth Ripper murder can be extrapolated and
 applied to all Masonic intrigues and their authors, including
 authors of the Protocols: "The Freemasons are the men that will not
 be blamed for the Protocols."  Third, by making the Protocols read
 like a Jewish manuscript, the Gentile Masonic conspiracy continues
 unimpeded by sending researchers chasing the Jewish scapegoat.

 In 1935, after studying the Protocols and hearing months of
 testimony, the court at Berne, Switzerland, declared that they were
 not of Jewish origin.  If we accept the court's declaration, the
 only logical explanation for the Protocols authorship is Gentile
 Freemasonry: "those that say they are Jews, and are not, but do

 The Protocols is another facet of the age-old plot of Satan to
 destroy both Jews and Christians alike.

 Stephen Knight's intent in exposing the reason behind the Masonic
 use of the word "Juwes" was not to reveal Freemasonry's
 anti-Semitic symbolism, but to tie the Protocols to Gentile
 Freemasonry.  He offers even more convincing evidence of the
 Protocols Masonic authorship:  "The translator of the Protocols
 claimed they were in the form of minutes which were removed from
 a large book of notes for lectures.  They were signed, he said,
 by Freemasons of the highest rank, the thirty-third degree."(76)

 Thirty-third degree Masons, of course, meet separately from their
 Masonic brethren of the lower degrees.  Signiflcantly, Edith Miller
 informs us that the name of the meeting hall in Paris where the
 33rd degree Supreme Council of Mizraim Masons gathered was the
 Sanctuary of Levites, corroborating Knight's discovery that Gentile
 Masons refer to themselves as Jews.(77)

 Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry sheds more light on French
 Freemasonry's fixation on becoming Jews, when documenting that
 in the French lodges, "Levite" is the "highest of the Masonic
 Degrees...."(78)  How could a person, or persons, who supposedly
 forged the Protocols, have known to connect Jewish terminology used
 by a Gentile Masonic Lodge in Paris, unless he, or they, were 33rd
 degree Masons from that same lodge?  We know that Adolphe Cremieux
 was that Mason who sat on the Supreme Council of Mizraim
 Freemasonry.  We also know that the Protocols were stolen from
 that same Lodge.  Stephen Knight concludes:

 It must be stated that the Protocols have been the subject of
 debate since they first appeared in print.  Hitler twisted their
 meaning and alleged that they proved the existence of a worldwide
 conspiracy by the Jews, and used them in a hopeless attempt to
 justify his extermination programme.  Chiefly because of the Nazi
 atrocities many writers have attacked the Protocols as forgeries.
 The argument continues to rage, and there are strong points both
 for and against.

 An important point to bear in mind is that they had been in
 existence a long time before they were finally published...
 Forgeries or not, the product of fanatical minds or not, the fact
 is they have been taken in deadly seriousness by thousands of

 Of course, even accepting for a moment that there were no questions
 of the documents' authenticity, it would still be ludicrous to
 believe that they form the code by which all Freemasons live.
 Most Masons do not progress beyond the third degree, so the vast
 majority of Freemasons before the Protocols were published would
 never have heard of them.

 But what they [the Protocols] would have conveyed to those high
 initiates, who not only read them, but took them seriously, is
 fascinating and disturbing.(79)

 The Masonic "Protocol' Conspiracy in Russia

 The Reform Jews left Germany for Russia in 1840 to destroy Judaism
 there.  Their tactics were reprehensible, resulting in violence and
 bloodletting.  In anger the Reformers spread vicious lies about
 their Jewish brothers, inciting Christian Russia to anti-Semitism.
 The most horrendous were accusations of blood libels.  One such
 incident took place in the small town of Villovich where the Reform
 Jews took revenge on the local rabbi.  They dressed up one of their
 women as the rabbi's wife.  "The impersonation was perfect," wrote
 Rabbi Antelman.  "She appeared before the local priest and said
 that she saw the rabbi kill a Christian child for Passover.
 Because of this incident, the rabbi and all the members of his
 congregation were killed after a brief trial.  The rabbi's wife
 and his five remaining children were tortured into accepting

 Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry confirms that "[i]n Russia the
 Protocols were used to back up charges against the Jews for 'ritual
 murder."(81)  Is Mackey's statement Freemasonry's subtle way of
 suggesting that the authors of the Protocols were Reform Jews?


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