-Caveat Lector-




 It should be noted that this 'Plan' is universally emphasized among
 New Agers as being of non-human origin; it is likewise presented
 as a non-negotiable package -- all who witness the official
 inauguration of the New Age must submit to 'The Plan' in its
 entirety or be left out of the 'New World Order':  "[The New Age
 initiate] no longer identifies himself with form or even with soul,
 but with the will of divinity and the eternal Plan and purpose.
 It becomes his plan and purpose.  He knows no other..." (Bailey,
 'Esoteric Astrology', p.92).  The specific stages of the Plan were
 'transmitted' in detail through Alice Bailey (apparently from
 'Djwhal Khul'), beginning in the 1930s, but were kept classified
 until 1975, when Bailey (by then deceased) gave the NA leaders
 instructions to go public.  The 'hierarchy of masters' are said to
 be the ones responsible for concocting and directing 'the Plan' as
 their organized program to get mankind to the 'next evolutionary
 level'.  Since quality is vital for starting the next 'root-race',
 only selected 'starseed' people are designated to make the 'quantum
 leap' into the next level of 'human transformation' and they need
 careful preparation by these spirits lest they 'burn out' in the
 transition.  The 'Plan' is quite lengthy, and proposes many global
 changes, but a few speak specifically of the Jewish people:


 5a. The Plan's divide-and-conquer strategy:  Until the mass
 'initiation', those opposing the Plan are to be fought in two ways.
 One is infiltration [see Missionizing section].  The other is
 turning the various remaining orthodox monotheists one against
 another.  The single most notorious tool invented by NA
 propagandists was 'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion'.
 Composed by unknown sources, the individual who claimed to have
 "found" the 'Protocols' was Yuliana Glinka, a devoted Theosophist
 and Blavatsky's personal companion, who "felt it her Christian
 [sic!] duty" to release it in Russia (alternately called 'The
 Secret of the Jews').  The book was translated into English by
 Victor Marsden, a British racial supremacist who fled England to
 join Hitler, and then circulated in the U.S. by occultist Henry
 Ford.  The latter was applauded for his "faith" by the Theosophical
 Society ('The Theosophist', December 1938, p.239).  Blavatsky
 herself wrote at least one anti-semitic tract with content similar
 to 'Protocols', published by the Theosophical Society in 1888.
 [see The Occult Establishment, James Webb, 1976].  The effect of
 'Protocols' on the history of Jewish-Christian and Jewish-Moslem
 relations hardly needs comment -- from the NA point of view it
 was and continues to be a stroke of genius [made more enjoyable,
 no doubt, by the irony that they didn't have to invent a story --
 their own racist conspiracy to dominate the world was simply put in
 the mouths of the Jews; thus, whenever evidence of their own work
 turns up, their main target for liquidation can catch hell for
 it!].  To this day, most Jews are convinced that 'Protocols' was
 a disgusting piece of Christian slander.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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