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To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   "flynbfun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Tue, 01 Apr 2003 01:04:52 -0000
Subject:                [Single Pilots] The Tyrant Talks to the Chicago Tribune
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Daley cites security in closing of Meigs
Pilots' group blasts overnight demolition of runway

Tribune staff reports
Published March 31, 2003, 1:34 PM CST

Saying he acted out of concern for public safety and desire to spare
citizens "months and maybe years" of contentious debate, Mayor Richard
Daley today defended his decision to close Meigs Field and have its
runway torn up in the dark of night.

"We have done this to protect the millions of people who live, work
and visit downtown Chicago in these very uncertain times," Daley said
at a City Hall news conference after construction equipment early this
morning put Meigs out of commission.

"The safety of the entire city has to take precedence over the wishes
of a handful of private pilots and business people," the mayor said.

But Daley, who has long sought to close Meigs and replace it with a
park and nature preserve, said the city had received no specific
threat about a possible terrorist attack involving a private aircraft.

About 11 p.m. Sunday, several backhoes, large trucks carrying
floodlights, generators and other equipment arrived at the airport and
started working on the north-to-south runway. Chicago police barred
access to the field for anyone else.

At dawn, the view from atop the Adler Planetarium showed a series of
large, X-shaped carvings in the concrete runway's center. Large,
illuminated "X" signs marked either end of the runway. The action came
without public notice.

Asked why the city took the action without warning, Daley said: "To do
this any other way would have been needlessly contentious and
jeopardized public safety and prolonged concerns and anxiety among
Chicagoans for months and maybe years."

The city has operated Meigs under a month-to-month lease with the
Chicago Park District. The park district has terminated the lease, so
the city had no choice but to close the airport, city officials said.

Daley said the March 22 federal implementation of a no-fly zone over
the city was "simply not enough" to ensure the safety of the public.

That rule prohibited small aircraft from flying within 3,000 feet of
the ground over downtown and much of the North Side, but allowed
continued access to Meigs.

But Daley complained that a temporary flight restriction could be
rescinded at any time.

"More important, it does not address the problem that occurs every day
as aircraft approach Meigs Field, with a few hundred yards and only a
few seconds' flight time from out tallest buildings."

The mayor also expressed concern for the safety of "hundreds of
thousands of people" at city festivals, museums and beaches within
range of planes at Meigs. "With a sudden turn, they can cause a
terrible tragedy downtown or in our crowded parks."

Daley promised that, if the Federal Aviation Administration doesn't
let owners of 16 planes stranded at Meigs use a still-intact taxiway
for takeoff, the city will reimburse them for removal of their craft
by other means.

Steve Whitney, former president of Friends of Meigs Field, criticized
the city's use of national security as justification for closing the

Whitney said medical and air-sea rescue aircraft use Meigs, which he
contended could also be used by emergency aircraft following a
downtown disaster.

"It makes absolutely no sense from any standpoint, particularly for
homeland security, to close Meigs Field," Whitney said.

At a City Hall press conference after Daley spoke, Whitney described
the mayor's action as "a land grab" and "an abuse of power." He said
that his organization would study possible legal action.

"We are absolutely shocked and dismayed," said Phil Boyer, president
of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, another organization
that has fought Meigs' closing.

"Mayor Daley has no honor and his word has no value," Boyer said. "The
sneaky way he did this shows that he knows it was wrong."

But Boyer and an FAA spokesman conceded that the city appeared to have
the legal right to close Meigs.

"The city can do this because Meigs is an unobligated airport," said
the FAA's Tony Molinaro. About three years ago, Chicago repaid federal
grant funds that had been used to improve Meigs, he said.

The closure did not violate FAA regulations, and the city had the
authority to issue a formal Notice to Airmen notifying pilots of the
closed runway, Molinaro said. An official with the Chicago Department
of Aviation said the notice was issued at 3:02 a.m.

"We at the FAA were concerned to learn this morning of the decision to
close Meigs Field, and we have heard already from members of the
general aviation community, and we share their concern," Molinaro said.

"We feel that removing any centrally located airport such as Meigs
from the national airspace system only diminishes capacity and puts
added pressure on O'Hare and Midway airports.''

Last year, Meigs handled 32,000 takeoffs and landings.

Separately, a spokeswoman for Gov. Rod Blagojevich said the governor
also was not told of Daley's plans, but supported the mayor's decision
to close Meigs as a matter of public safety.

Daley originally intended to close the airport in February 2002 and
turn it into a park and nature preserve, but he held off doing so to
win then-Gov. George Ryan's support for federal legislation backing
the $6.6 billion expansion of O'Hare International Airport.

Under terms of a deal reached with Ryan in December 2001, Daley agreed
to keep the lakefront airport open until Jan. 1, 2026, although Meigs
could have been closed anytime after Jan. 1, 2006, by a vote of the
General Assembly.

The deal was supposed to have been solidified in federal legislation
endorsing the O'Hare expansion.

But U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, earlier this month
declared the federal bill dead because of opposition from his
Republican counterpart, U.S. Sen. Peter Fitzgerald.

Asked about that deal at today's news conference, Daley replied,
"There is no agreement whatsoever."

"The agreement is not in existence. There's no federal legislation,"
Daley said.

Tribune staff reporters Gary Washburn, Jon Hilkevitch, John Chase and
Casey Bukro and CLTV and WGN-Ch. 9 contributed to this story.

FYI  there is a poll at http://www.chicagotribune.com/ asking if
closing Meifs was a good idea or not.  As of now, the results are:

YES   29.5 % (3286 responses)
NO 70.5 % (7839 responses)
11125 total responses

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