Re: [CTRL] Tommy Sheridan and Scottish Revolution

2001-05-19 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

i wasn't speculating- show me one recorded death from cannabis poisoning.

- Original Message -
From: "Mark McHugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Tommy Sheridan and Scottish Revolution

> I've got a friend who's allergic to it, so it follows that some
> individual out there may have an even more violent, possibly fatal
> reaction to it.  Never say never. ;)
> --
> Mark McHugh
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Re: [CTRL] Tommy Sheridan and Scottish Revolution

2001-05-19 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

c wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Andrew Hennessey
 Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 5:13 PM
 Subject: [CTRL] Tommy Sheridan and Scottish Revolution

  I haven't heard of anyone as yet who has died of cannabis
 poisoning. [I'm sure people do though]

 >>>>>>>> not even one recorded instance. ever.

I've got a friend who's allergic to it, so it follows that some
individual out there may have an even more violent, possibly fatal
reaction to it.  Never say never. ;)

Mark McHugh";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Tommy Sheridan and Scottish Revolution

2001-05-19 Thread c.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 5:13 
  Subject: [CTRL] Tommy Sheridan and 
  Scottish Revolution
  haven't heard of anyone as yet who has died of cannabispoisoning. [I'm 
  sure people do though]
  >>>>>>>> not even one 
  recorded instance. ever.

[CTRL] Tommy Sheridan and Scottish Revolution

2001-05-19 Thread Andrew Hennessey

TOMMY SHERIDAN - and Scottish 
Scottish Socialists support cannabis coffee shops> I'm not at all surprised by this set 
up.Tommy Sheridan, the man who suggested it is really giving the 
UKestablishment a problem right now - coz he's so in touch with the 
grassroots of the ordinary poor folk of gulag britannia.Old Labour - 
before its incoming leader Smith had an untimely death was theonly and best 
socialist or popular alternative for the people - it was left,but new labour 
and Tonys Cronies and the whole NWO agenda have left nothingLeft Wing for 
the people to vote for - New Labour is so far Right thatWilliam Hague at 
least for the time being looks like the Caricature Nazi -and this is 
obviously quite deliberate - they knowingly committed hari karion television 
and press conferences.That leaves us with the emperor tony and only tony - 
no-one else -the liberal democrats led by charles kennedy are impotent 
poodles happy tojump into bed  with anybody at the snap of the fingers 
- and have shown usmore than once that they have no will to stand up to 
their own electionpledges if tony says no.Charles kennedys latest 
political memoirs and visions are currently sellingfor 3 dollars hardback in 
a remainder bookshop.The english politicians know that scotland is 
traditionally a bed of workingclass collaboration, and they know that even 
the english left identify withthe policies of Tommy Sheridan. Formerly 
english coalminers deify unionleaders like arthur scargill - but now the 
english left have no-one to votefor these days.- and what Tonys Minions need 
to do is keep the english left[unemployed coalminers] as far away from Tommy 
Sheridan as possible - sothey set Sheridan up as some sort of hard Drug 
criminal - and use everymeans to assassinate his character on a regular 
basis.Tommy Sheridan  a man who is not afraid to be arrested for 
demonstratingagainst nuclear weapons and unfair taxation has struck a chord 
with the saltof the earth people.As far as the soft drugs thing goes 
in scotland - the cannabis supplies areso obviously under military control. 
To quote a cannabis user from Fife,Scotland - see this [brown lump of resin] 
- that hasn't changed its look in20 years. [cannabis resin can be purple, 
red, bluish and brown etc]If it was the mafia that controlled it - you would 
expect in the naturalcourse of competition different controlling interests 
to take it over nowand then - and therefore the supply routes to change and 
different types[and colours] of cannabis to reach the market. But the guy 
down the road isan informant working for MI5 and his job is to distribute 
the cannabis -nobody talks to him now - he gets well paid - this stuff 
[indication thebrown lump] is government issue.Legalising cannabis 
would simply cut into black government profitsAnother cannabis user from 
Glasgow tells his story - see this stuff lod - deye know how they make it - 
well they get all the rubbish hemp, and dump itinto a vat, and because its 
not the right stuff they have to add colouringlike henna, then maybe some 
candle wax - and because this stuff has no realeffect - and they want their 
customers to experience something or they wouldnot buy it  they add 
horse tranquilisers. cannabis users in scotlandcomplain that the resultant 
product [soap bar] is so unsatisfying anddiluted that they have to smoke 5 
times more than they would if they hadgone to holland and bought the real 
plants.Of course there is a thriving cottage industry in scotland where 
people areso sick of being poisoned that they have their own hydroponic 
tanks and UVlights - and tend to grow their own with seeds from 
Holland.I don't smoke - but I know that immoderate use of any substance of 
the orderof alcohol or cannabis [THC] produces problems [2 of my relatives 
died fromalcoholism] I haven't heard of anyone as yet who has died of 
cannabispoisoning. [I'm sure people do though]lets get the soft 
drugs and scottish socialists in perspective here - theSSP is clearly a 
political movement that makes the English at Whitehall andthe Scottish 
Poodles in Edinburgh - NERVOUSandrew 