-Caveat Lector-

Two Major Storms Converging on East Coast

Will Dunham


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two major storm systems -- a wet one moving through
the South and a frigid one coming down from Canada -- were on a collision
course on Saturday, threatening to create a massive snowstorm in the U.S.
Northeast and Middle Atlantic States, the like of which has not been seen
since 1966.

The National Weather Service said heavy snowfall could begin on Sunday
afternoon and evening, blanketing an area from Washington to southern Maine
with at least a foot of snow -- in some areas, even more.

Major cities including Washington, Baltimore, New York and Boston, were
``under the gun for the potential for heavy snow,'' said Michael Eckert, a
senior meteorologist with the National Weather Service.

Warmer-than-expected temperatures in the Washington area on Saturday could
mean that the region will receive more rain than heavy snowfall,
meteorologists said.

Eckert called the late-winter storm highly unusual in that it represented the
combination of two mighty weather systems.

``It's very rare. We just don't see things like this happen very often,'' he

Local officials from Virginia to New England faced the task of preparing for
the approaching storm, while people flocked to stores to buy food and
supplies. The storm had the potential to wreak havoc for air travelers and
motorists, with the possibility of businesses, schools and government offices
being closed on Monday.

``It's going to be bad,'' said Paul Kocin, a winter weather expert at The
Weather Channel, predicting that areas around Boston could get up to 30
inches. ``That doesn't happen every day.''


Eckert said the storm remained in its ``infancy stage'' on Saturday. He said
an extremely wet system coming out of Mexico had been dumping torrential
rains across Texas and the Gulf Coast region. Some areas have received up to
5 inches of rain in the past day.

Authorities posted tornado watches from southeastern Mississippi all the way
into the panhandle of Florida and southern parts of Alabama, as well as flash
flood warnings across Louisiana, southern Mississippi and southern Alabama.

Georgia was also under a severe thunderstorm warning. A National Guard C-23
Sherpa aircraft crashed in bad weather on Saturday in a field near Unadilla,
Georgia, killing all 21 people on board, although it was not confirmed that
weather conditions were a cause of the crash.

Eckert said ``a very, very deep cold-air dome'' had moved down through
eastern Canada and the Northeastern part of the United States and toward the
Great Lakes and the Ohio Valley.

``What's going to happen is they'll eventually merge into one main system,''
he said. ``You combine the extreme wetness of the system coming up from the
South with the really deep, cold air of the North, and you've got the
ingredients there for a major storm.''

The rain could begin to turn into snow toward evening on Sunday near
Washington and perhaps as far south as Richmond, Virginia, Eckert said. The
storm is then expected to track slowly northeastward up into southern New
England through Monday and into Tuesday, dumping heavy snow all the way to
Portland, Maine, he said.


Experts said the brewing storm might not be the biggest blizzard in decades
but could very well become the biggest of its kind -- a merger of two storms
into a single massive one -- in 35 years.

``This one has similarities to the storm in late January of 1966,'' Eckert
said. ``That one produced blizzard conditions over New England and New York,
and there also was quite a bit of heavy snow down into the Washington area.''

That storm blanketed a large area with 2 to 3 feet of snow, with some
locations east of Lake Ontario getting 6 feet of snow.

Eckert said the key to the magnitude of the storm would be where the rain
began to turn into snow.

He noted that one of the computer-forecasting models foresaw mostly rain in
the Middle Atlantic States, with snow falling farther west in the Appalachian
Mountains and the upper Ohio Valley.

Eckert said communities had fair notice that a major storm could be on the

``Just be ready,'' he said. ``All you can do is be prepared for how this
thing will evolve. Fortunately, we've got a lot of time. It's not like it's
something that's jumping up at us from the middle of nowhere.''

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