-Caveat Lector-

Thursday March 22 4:53 PM ET

Two People Shot at High School Near San Diego

EL CAJON, Calif. (Reuters) - At least two people -- possibly teachers --
were shot and injured at a high school in this San Diego suburb on
Thursday, less than three weeks after two students were killed and 13
injured in a gun rampage at another area high school, officials said.

A Fire Department spokesman said there were reports of a third person
being shot.

Local television reported that the injured were two teachers and that one
suspect has been arrested at Granite Hills High School in this suburb just
east of San Diego.

Another suspect was thought to be at large and, possibly armed with a

Residents were asked to stay out of the area while police searched for the
second suspect.

A witness said he heard six or seven shots and then saw students running
out of the school via a back entrance, calling on their cell phones for help.

Students at the school, which has 2,900 pupils, were taken to a nearby
elementary school where their parents were called to pick them up.

El Cajon is adjacent to Santee, Calif., where two students were killed and
13 others injured when a student opened fire with his father's gun at
Santana High School on March 5.

That was the worst act of violence in a U.S. school since April 1999 attack
on Columbine High School in Colorado in which 15 people were killed,
including two teenage gunmen who took their own lives.

A middle school and elementary school adjacent to Granite Hills High
School have locked their doors and are keeping students inside, officials

Students described a frightening scenario that seems almost a repeat of
what happened in Santee.

One boy told CNN via telephone that he heard about seven shots fired: ``I
was walking from the bathroom and I heard the shots rang out and it
sounded like an explosion from a chemistry classroom. ... Then a couple
more. When I heard the other ones go off I just ran to the car.''


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