-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Monday February 19 9:50 AM ET
U.S., Israel in Missile Exercise

By DINA KRAFT, Associated Press Writer

JERUSALEM (AP) - Patriot anti-missile missiles will be launched in the course
of a five-day joint Israeli and American military exercise that began in a
stretch of desert in southern Israel on Monday.

The same type of missile was used against Iraqi Scuds fired at Israel during
the Persian Gulf War in 1991. The Israeli army said the exercise was planned
more than a year ago and was not related to the U.S. and British airstrikes
Friday on Iraq.

According to U.S. Maj. Martin Downie, the live missiles will be fired close
to drones serving as artificial targets. The missiles will not aim at the
drones, but an area nearby. The teams will then measure for accuracy.

During the Gulf War, the Patriot missiles deployed in Israel proved
ineffectual against 39 Iraqi Scuds fired at Israel.

The communications and training phase of the U.S.-Israeli exercise, called
Juniper Cobra, began Feb. 6. At the time, the cruiser U.S.S. Porter was
stationed off Israel. The ship carries radar capable of detecting missiles.

``It (the exercise) has been extremely successful,'' Downie said. ``In
general we understand each other's procedures a lot better now.''

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