UFO Abductions In Germany, Austria and Switzerland 1/2


A Lecture by Johannes Fiebag, Ph.D. © 1997
Edited by K. Wilson

The late, Dr. Johannes Fiebag was born in 1956, and is Germany's leading
abduction research specialist. He has published many books about alien
contact in ancient and modern times, and four books specifically about the
abduction phenomenon in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

Dr. Fiebag founded the CE-IV-Report, a newsletter for abductees, and he also
organizes an annual meeting called Project Exchange that allows abductees to
network with one another. In addition to CE-IV-Report and Project Exchange,
Dr. Fiebag has also formed an interdisciplinary organization of
Psychiatrists, psychologists and other medical professionals who work to
help abductees.


UFO abductions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland - Introduction

Exactly fifty years ago, the modern UFO age began. At that time, on the 24th
of June in 1947, an American pilot named Kenneth Arnold observed several
crescent-shaped objects. Arnold described the objects as looking like a
saucer might look if it were skipping across the water. The media adapted
the term "flying saucer," hence, from this sighting a new term was born. [1]

In the middle of the sixties, a new aspect of the UFO phenomenon became
known, which until that time, nobody had any knowledge about. However, it
was not until the seventies that UFO researchers became interested in it.
This aspect - one that could be considered a sub-phenomenon - is the
abduction of a human being into a UFO by alien beings. Today the abductions
themselves appear to be at the heart of the UFO phenomenon. Without a deeper
understanding of abductions, it is difficult to explain the presence of the


What occurs during an abduction that causes the individual to feel both
alarmed and euphoric? What kinds of changes occur to individuals who
experience an abduction? What happens to their environment and with the
people who are with them?

To be honest, we do not really know the answers to all of these questions.
We have only the reports from those people who have encountered this
phenomenon first-hand. We have statistical results, identical statements
from people who do not know one another, and experiences that seem to repeat
themselves. However, we still do not know why the abductions are occurring
in the first place.

Abductees almost always report the same thing: strange figures appearing in
their room; they are taken - kidnapped - from their environment to suddenly
find themselves inside a strange room. Once there, they are subjected to
bizarre physical and psychological procedures. For example: the artificial
insemination of women, followed by the removal of the grown embryo months
later. After such procedures the abductee is then returned to their home or
to their car in each case.

However, with all this in mind, we must be aware that until now, only a
sub-set of experiences representing the phenomenon has been made public, and
even this sub-set may be an illusion: it may not correspond to what really
happened to the abductee, but rather, what they "believe" occurred to them.

The Hill Case

Abductions by alien beings has been known since the early sixties. The
famous Hill case is now considered a classic case. Betty and Barney Hill
encountered a landed UFO on a secluded highway in 1961 in Canada. If we want
to believe their report, they claim to have been forced - under mental
control - into the landed object. In separate rooms, they were subjected to
physiological tests. Betty was also was shown a star map and was asked by
one of the UFO occupants if she recognized where she was on the map. Betty
said she did not know.

Later, Betty and Barney were returned to their car. It is believed that the
aliens made them forget most their experience by the use of a post hypnotic
suggestion or command. Only when the Hills arrived home, did they notice
they were three hours late.

Barney began to have nightmares and after some time, he developed a gastric
ulcer. Betty and Barney went to a doctor, but he referred them to a
psychiatrist named Dr. Benjamin Simon. Dr. Simon used regressive hypnosis on
Betty and Barney Hill (during separate visits) and took them back to the
events that transpired that night they saw the UFO.

Current Reports

Today we know that most abductions occur where one expects them the least.
They begin where we feel secure: at home. The aliens penetrate the bedrooms
of the abductees, in most cases appearing as small gray beings with huge
heads and big black eyes. It is mostly the memory of the aliens' entering
into the abductee's home that remains preserved in the conscious memory of
the abductee.

The beings bring the abductee, using an unknown technology, into strange
rooms. They subject them to medical tests, physical experiments, and
psychological tests. Then they return the abductee in the same unknown

The abducted person awakens in the morning and can remember very little
about the events from the night before. [Although there are a few people who
remember a lot of details.] However, for the most part, the abductee will
only detect an unusual injury, a wound or scars that were not yet there the
night before.

It has also become clear that abductions are not single events. They usually
begin in early childhood and occur episodically again and again throughout
the individual's life.

Conventional Explanations Inadequate

There are numerous conventional explanations that have attempted to explain
abduction experiences. However, these approaches are not able to explain all
of the different aspects of the abduction process. Sometimes the people
behind these conventional explanations manipulate the events in order to
make the explanation fit with the experience.

Let's have a look at some of the hypotheses that have been proposed to
explain the abduction process:

Do people who claim to have been abducted by alien beings suffer from
psychoses or schizophrenia? Hallucinations are usually the product of an
enduring schizophrenic illness. These people are completely withdrawn and
are incapable of participating in life or in social events. However,
illnesses such as these have never been found to account for an "abduction"

It has also been proposed that UFO abductees suffer from the phenomenon of
Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD. Actually, we know today that a
person's consciousness can split into several different personalities. This
has occurred, for example, in children or people who have been sexually
abused. In these instances, a partial or second personality takes over for
the time needed and the main personality resigns and then feels a loss of
time later. Importantly, all tests carried out up to the present show that
abductees do not suffer from Multiple Personality Disorder. In addition,
there are numerous cases in which the abducted person actually disappeared
during an abduction experience. And of course, this does not occur with
multiple personality disorder.

Another hypothesis is that abductees suffer from Paranoia. Paranoid
individuals are passive, unsure, evasive people. They are not able to accept
their own feelings and they transmit them to others. They feel persecuted by
these "other" people; they feel they are under attack and are at the center
of a worldwide conspiracy. Paranoia or paranoid episodes develop over a
period of years, so there is a traceable history for their illness.

UFO abductees suffer from their share of fears, but they do not show the
internal dynamics that you find in paranoid patients. For example, their
fear wasn't there before the abduction occurred - it came on suddenly and
without any overt stimulus. In clinical psychology it is without precedent
for a worldwide Paranoia to be directly linked to the same cause.

Perhaps it is a mass hysteria? Hardly. A mass hysteria can only result from
very specific conditions. It is possible in cases of very narrow contact of
the participants or in communities that are isolated from the outside world.
It has never before been observed with individuals who have no contact with
each other and live hundreds of miles away from one another.

Today, it is very popular among skeptics to assume that abductions and the
bedroom visitor observations are simply hallucinations during sleep
paralysis. Actually, sleep paralysis is a normal physiological phenomenon.
During REM (Rapid Eye Movement or during the dream phase) the central
nervous system paralyzes the body. Only the pupils can move under the closed
eyelids. This paralysis can sometimes last into the first moments of
wakefulness: The spirit [mind - consciousness] is already "awake," but the
body is still in the state of sleep.

Many abductees report a similar type of paralysis. They awake from sleep to
find that their body is paralyzed and at best, are only able to move their
eyes back and forth. It is during this moment of terrible fear that the
strange beings approach them or step onto their bed.

The question automatically arises: Have all of these people really
experienced temporary sleep paralysis? Did they awaken from a dream to find
that they could not move, and then become terrified? Then later they tell
stories of small gray beings standing next to their bed? Is this what really
constitutes the heart of the visitor phenomenon?

Certainly not. We simply have too much information that contradicts this
assumption. First, the perception of the bedroom visitor itself. His
appearance is automatically by no means combined with sleep paralysis. Even
more important is the simultaneous perception of these intruders by married
couples, siblings, friends and acquaintances; as well as the simultaneous
paralysis of several persons. The paralysis and hallucinations of one
individual can hardly explain this.

In addition, during an abduction paralysis also occurs in the waking state,
for example, immediately after an abductee goes to bed, or after they have
already awakened. And finally, we must take into account, the many
abductions that have occurred in broad daylight without the abductee being
in their bed.

Important questions we must ask during this discussion are: Are all of these
people who are experiencing sleep paralysis having completely identical
hallucinations? Can so many people be sick in exactly the same manner? Do
all of them suffer from identical hallucinations? Do all of them dream about
identical figures which do the same thing to them every time? To accept
these beliefs is much more improbable than the simple hypothesis that these
people have experienced an alien abduction.

Abductions in Europe

The phenomenon of alien abduction is not limited to America. I am currently
working with several abductees in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. They are
very normal people like you and me. This sketch [slide] shows the evaluation
of an investigation that I undertook with the German test psychologist Gerd
Höchsmann, on 100 people who claimed to have been abducted. The Maudsley
Personality Inventory or MPI matches the test subject to one of the
different psychological and psychopathological groups we know exist.

You can see that only five of the subjects who were tested classified as
psychopathic, and therefore, were psychologically ill. Clearly, the majority
of the test subjects are in the upper field. In other words, they are
completely normal people. The distribution tells us that out of this sample,
95 percent of the subjects who claim to have had abduction experiences are
psychologically healthy individuals.

The number of abductees who go public with their information is also very
small. Hardly anyone wants to put him or herself in the spotlight of this
type of "fame," which in the final determination has very doubtful
consequences in our society. However, in one respect, they all seem to be
ahead of the rest of us. They have met the unknown - they have met with The

Important Cases

At this point, I would like to provide you with some brief examples and
descriptions of a few cases.

Nicole is a 38 year-old television journalist from Munich. She invited me to
a TV program about the abduction phenomenon in January of last year. After
the television show she reported to me that she has experienced something
similar to an abduction.

During a vacation to Hawaii, Nicole had to go to the bathroom one night and
she looked at the window. She then saw a round object with a dome-like
structure at the top. It landed on a hill, one hundred meters away from the
house. Something like a porthole opened. Nicole stated,

"A flashing white light appeared in it and a figure emerged. The figure went
down an invisible stairway. However, it stopped after two steps. I had the
feeling that he detected me, saw me or felt my presence. I panicked. I ran
into the bedroom as fast as I could and hid in the bed under the bedspread.
I do not know how long I stayed there and trembled. I don't know how much
time passed until I finally got up and went to the kitchen to get something
to drink. It was already becoming daylight when I went back to bed again."

If anything else occurred that night, Nicole cannot remember it. Most of
these experiences and subsequent abductions in the individual's life are
somehow deleted from their memory. Nevertheless, my conversation with Nicole
caused a spontaneous memory of an earlier experience to surface. Nicole
wrote to me a short time later. In her letter she said,

"I remember a dream which was so dreadfully real. I dreamed that men came
into my apartment and into my bedroom. They seemed amused and whispered to
each other wondering if I was asleep or not. I had heard a crash on the
terrace earlier, so I was not asleep. The men applied some devices to my
back. After a while I heard them leaving the room. I jumped from my bed and
was surprised to see that my nightgown wasn't on me anymore. However, on the
roof terrace, I noticed that two small limbs had been broken off a tree."

Many people have had similar bedroom visitor experiences. In numerous cases,
the abductions began in their early childhood. For example, Eva-Maria from
Berlin, remembers an event that occurred when she was about five years old:

"I lay awake in my bed. Something moved above my head. It seemed to be a
feminine presence. Suddenly, I saw three light bullets [three lights]
hovering above my forehead in the air. Even when I had closed my eyes, I
still saw the light glimmer through my eyelids."

Hans-Joerg is a retail businessman and lives in Dortmund. He reported the
following to me:

"Some years ago, when I was living with my fiancee, something happened that
made me completely confused. It made my fear of darkness in my own apartment
become almost pathological. I cannot remember the precise date. It was at
the end of 1990, or at the beginning of 1991. One night I awakened and saw a
small male passing by me. I know how mad this sounds... He was about a meter
tall and seemed to be wearing something like a hood. He did not look at me,
but he passed by me and went into the corner. However, there was no door at
all. Since I was afraid he would be able to tell that I was awake I followed
him with my eyes only and did not dare breathe. My girlfriend did not wake
up. Later she saw that all I could do was sit in a cramped manner in the
bed. I couldn't do anything else the entire time because of my intense

Thirty-six year old Carola is a photographer from a small village in the
German state of Mecklenburg. She had a very impressive experience at the end
of March of 1994:

"It was around eleven o'clock in the evening. The children were already
asleep and I was by myself. On my way to my room, I suddenly felt
uncomfortable, as if I were being watched. I checked everywhere, including
the windows. The courtyard was dark. I suddenly became panic-stricken and
ran into the bedroom and got into bed.

After I had calmed down a little bit, I suddenly heard a strange humming
sound. I was frightened and wanted to sit up so I could hear better, but I
could not move. I was paralyzed. I recognized several small gray figures at
the end of my bed. They seemed to be saying something in relation to me.

Two similar figures also stood next to my son's bed. My fear for my 15 month
old son was indescribable. I wanted to call my daughter, but I could not. At
this moment I knew that it would had been pointless because they were also
with her in her room. I sensed that precisely. She groaned aloud in her

Then suddenly - I wasn't able to hear or see. And the worst was when I
noticed that my mind was unable to form words and sentences. It was as if
all of my abilities were suddenly taken away. All I knew was that it was all
connected to the hideous figures. We are handed over to them now, and
perhaps forever. I don't really know what happened to my family and me."

Scientific evidence of alien abductions does not appear to exist. At best,
we have circumstantial evidence like the broken tree limbs on the roof
terrace belonging to Nicole. This lack of pure scientific evidence makes it
difficult for us to study this phenomenon. It continuously slips away from
our grip. Every time we think we are making progress and gaining
understanding, it slips back into the darkness and we stay in a fog of
ignorance and confusion. But something continues to occur at night when we
sleep at night...when we enter into that strange and extraordinary dream

Historical Perspective

I want to back up in time and give you a historical perspective of this

It would seem that UFO abductions were occurring as far back as the Middle
Ages. At that time in history a great number of people were being abducted
by airships. They were thought to be powerful magicians from the
mythological Magonia land, far away and beyond the horizon. Similar events
occurring today are attributed to powerful extraterrestrials from far away
beyond the stars.

When we compare ancient chronicles, myths and legends, to what is occurring
today, it seems we going through the same mystical visitations yet again. In
past centuries people believed they were being taken away by fairies, dwarfs
and elves. Fairies were said to have robbed pregnant women of their newborn
children in order to raise them as their own.

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