-Caveat Lector-

> Indianapolis Baptist temple was seized today by the ATF.  Members
> were
> removed from the temple.
> According to WishTV, "Federal marshals entered the building through a
> side
> door and found church members praying.  No resistance was reported.
> A few
> people who refused to leave the church were carried out on
> stretchers."
> (More here.... http://www.wishtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=241987 )
> As he was being removed, Dixon was heard to say, “The purge has
> started.”
> Rev. Dixon Sr. says he believes he had an agreement with new U.S.
> Attorney General John Ashcroft, and Dixon says the seizure is
> contrary to
> what he was told by Ashcroft.
> “We had a promise from the Bush administration. We had every reason
> to
> believe there was a moratorium. ... They were going to dismiss the
> case. We
> had a deal, and they welshed on the deal.” --
> http://www.msnbc.com/local/wthr/101043.asp
> Joyce Riley did an interview with Dixon on GCN this morning.
> Shonda Ponder, Editor
> Friends of Liberty, International
> http://www.friendsofliberty.com

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