[CTRL] FW: [CTRL] US 'poisoned Robeson' with mind-bending drug

1999-03-17 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

 -Caveat Lector-

>But it is shoddy reportage by The Sunday Times.

And would that be The New York Sunday Times, The London Sunday Times, The
Podunk Sunday Times or The Langley Sunday Times?

There is only one Timesthe London Times of course

(the times URl dont go directly to the piece, but here is the link to the
click on sunday times/ world)


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Re: [CTRL] US 'poisoned Robeson' with mind-bending drug

1999-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/16/99 1:05:11 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>But it is shoddy reportage by The Sunday Times.
>And would that be The New York Sunday Times, The London Sunday Times, The
>Podunk Sunday Times or The Langley Sunday Times?

My take was the London one. I gather one could check,  it wasn't clarified in
the original post.


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CTRL] US 'poisoned Robeson' with mind-bending drug

1999-03-16 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

> think they mean the OSS, or think they made the whole thing up?

Could be they tell a true tale but add one blatent falsehood to make us
think the whole thing was bogus.

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Re: [CTRL] US 'poisoned Robeson' with mind-bending drug

1999-03-16 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>But it is shoddy reportage by The Sunday Times.

And would that be The New York Sunday Times, The London Sunday Times, The
Podunk Sunday Times or The Langley Sunday Times?

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Re: [CTRL] US 'poisoned Robeson' with mind-bending drug

1999-03-16 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>No, but the file sure did.

Make that files, plural.

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Re: [CTRL] US 'poisoned Robeson' with mind-bending drug

1999-03-16 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/15/99 8:10:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< The CIA didn't exist in 1943. >>

No, but the file sure did.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] US 'poisoned Robeson' with mind-bending drug

1999-03-16 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/15/99 5:10:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>The CIA opened a file on Robeson in 1943.
>The CIA didn't exist in 1943.

Absolutely correct, I wonder if the correct agency was FBI or OSS or. . . ?
But it is shoddy reportage by The Sunday Times.


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Re: [CTRL] US 'poisoned Robeson' with mind-bending drug

1999-03-15 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

>The CIA opened a file on Robeson in 1943.

The CIA didn't exist in 1943.

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Re: [CTRL] US 'poisoned Robeson' with mind-bending drug

1999-03-15 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, Robeson sang Old Man River; I still remember the jokes when
Sinatra sang Old Man River.

Now we know about the juke boxes and the old poem "we re the music
makers, we are the dreamer of dreams; sitting by lone sea breakers,
wandering by desolate streams - world movers and earth shakers.etc.

In October of 1963 all the juke boxes were playing Old Man River - but I
played the flip side - The Steets of Laredo.over, and over, and
over;  and when JFK was gunned down in the streets of Dallas, I thought
about it."beat the drums, roll the drums"I think of the white
cowboy hat given to JFK, about the Mayor of Dallas who had a brother a
deputy director of CIA.

I thought years later after RFK, about  John F. Kennedy walking the high
hill to the Lee Memorial, stating "I could stay here forever",  a
line directly from the Psalms.and he looked into the valley below,
to Arlington Cemetary where some weeks later he would be buried.

Was the author of the book leaving a message; or did JFK as he read his
very special bible on the way to Dallas - did he know he would not
return to his house.   Did he read any of the bibles in the hotel rooms
placed by the Gideons, or did he ever hear the song Rocky Racoon.

There was music in the air; nobody listened; a log of people did not
question JFK's murder with red and white roses strewn about.but red
roses lay in the President's car.why red roses  - was this not the
Yellow Rose of Texas.

Who really suggested the route be changed by the Trade Mart that day;
and how fortunate, Oswald got a job where he could take deadly aim along
with another shooter when the target was at almost zero speed.who
tolled the vesper bells...while Sagitarius the Archer, took deadly
aim..who stole JFK's bible, this very special bible.why did the
Chief of Police awake in the middle of the night and reach for his

Why did Jack Ruby repeat over and over again in his jail cell "
Shadrach, Meschenk, and Abenego".and his little dog Sheba - but had
he read

"for where a testament is there must also of necessity be, the death of
the testtor..."

So, two men on a horseI always thought when one fell, another
horseman would pickhim up to safetymy Kingdom for a Horse - also, it
is safer to ride in pairs, is it not..

With the death of the witnesses, no trial would be forthcoming and the
nation would be "spared" the misery of knowing what happend to their
President that 22 day of November,1963when the Archer took its
deadly aim, and the golden sun-god lay at its feet.

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Re: [CTRL] US 'poisoned Robeson' with mind-bending drug

1999-03-15 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/15/99 10:19:24 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Mike Miniccino, an MK-Ultra historian with contacts in American
 intelligence, said the argument that Robeson had been targeted by the CIA
 was "entirely plausible". The Russian doctors and his family kept his
 suicide attempt and depression a secret, claiming he had suffered a heart
 attack. But between April and June 1961 the FBI kept a "status of health"
 file on the artist which reveals that plans were made to prevent the world
 communist movement from exploiting his "imminent" death.

 "The fact that such a file was opened at all is sinister in itself," said
 Robeson Jr, 71, at his house in Brooklyn, New York, last week. "It indicates
 a degree of prior knowledge that something was about to happen to him." >\

Sounds pretty plausible to me too.  Prudy

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[CTRL] US 'poisoned Robeson' with mind-bending drug

1999-03-15 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

Sunday times
March 14 1999 UNITED STATES

US 'poisoned Robeson' with mind-bending drug
by Tom Rhodes
New York

THE round of meetings, interviews and speeches had been strenuous but by the
time he reached his Moscow hotel on a spring evening in 1961, Paul Robeson,
the singer, actor and black American radical, was in unusually good spirits.

He was planning to meet Fidel Castro in Cuba before returning to America to
join the growing wave of civil rights activism led by Martin Luther King and
Malcolm X. It was an exciting prospect.

However, Robeson never made it to Cuba. After a surprise party in his hotel
suite, he was hit by a sense of extreme paranoia and tried to kill himself
by slashing his wrists.

Three weeks later Cuban exiles led by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
landed in the island's Bay of Pigs in an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow
Castro. This led to an international crisis that brought the world to the
brink of nuclear war.

On the surface, the two events appear unconnected. But now Robeson's son is
blaming the CIA for the sudden deterioration in his father's health, from
which the singer never fully recovered before his death in 1977.

Paul Robeson Jr claims his father may have been poisoned by the agency to
prevent what would have been a high-profile visit to Havana at the time of
the American-backed invasion. He believes this was part of a wider plot to
ensure that the charismatic activist never assumed his place in the vanguard
of the civil rights movement.

According to Robeson Jr, his father's symptoms at the time of the attempted
suicide were identical to those produced by BZ, a mind-altering drug
developed by intelligence agencies in Britain and America for use in a
highly classified psychological warfare programme known as MK-Ultra. He says
that at least two doctors who subsequently treated his father in London and
New York had links to the programme.

In an initiative that coincides with the centenary of Robeson's birth, the
singer's son is making a formal approach to British, American and Russian
intelligence organisations, demanding the release of classified documents
relating to his father's visit to Moscow and medical treatment.

Most people remember Robeson for his rich bass voice and songs such as Ol'
Man River and Summertime that formed the core of his repertoire. In Britain
he was also famous for his portrayal of Othello opposite the young Peggy
Ashcroft's Desdemona - and the couple's controversial love affair.

 Robeson, however, was more than an actor and singer. He learnt more than 20
languages, including several African dialects, Chinese and Russian. He was
also the first black man to be employed by a leading New York law firm.

For intelligence agencies in America and Britain, Robeson's stature as an
artist, combined with his increasingly radical politics, made him a serious
threat. He was a close friend not only to American activists but also to
leading lights of the colonial independence movement such as Jawaharlal
Nehru and Jomo Kenyatta.

As early as 1935, MI5 officers visited Robeson on the set of Sanders of the
River, an Alexander Korda epic that was the first to feature a powerful
black male star. The CIA opened a file on Robeson in 1943. At the end of the
war his case was assigned to the agent directly responsible for covert

According to his son, Robeson had several close brushes with death in the
next decade. In 1947, a car in which he was a passenger suddenly lost its
left wheel and was found to have been sabotaged. He was a target of Senator
Joseph McCarthy's 1950-54 anti-communist witch-hunt and, with the onset of
the cold war, his politics effectively ended his mainstream musical and
theatrical careers.

Robeson Jr formed his theory about an attempt to "neutralise" his father in
Moscow after more than 35 years of investigation and the gradual
declassification of intelligence documents. A fluent Russian speaker, he has
interviewed senior officials in Moscow, including the hosts of the surprise
party - which appeared to have been filled with anti-Soviet dissidents.

When he visited his father in hospital the day after the suicide attempt,
the singer said he had felt trapped in a real-life "James Bond nightmare".
The walls had seemed to undulate and everyone appeared hostile to the
communist regime. He shut himself in his bedroom, suffering extreme
depression and feelings of utter worthlessness - symptoms that can be
induced by hallucinogenic drugs.

Shortly afterwards he was admitted to the Priory hospital in London. Within
36 hours of his arrival, and against the advice of his Soviet doctors,
Robeson was subjected to the first of 54 electro-convulsive shock therapy

Mike Miniccino, an MK-Ultra historian with contacts in American
intelligence, said the argument that Robeson had been targeted by the CIA
was "entirely plausible". The Russian doctors and his family kept his
suicide attempt and depression a se