[CTRL] US Air Force--Spraying Toxic Substances?

1999-08-16 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: NewsHawk Inc.
Sent: Monday, August 16, 1999 7:27 AM
Subject: US Air Force-Spraying Toxic Substances--But WHICH U.S.Air Force?

US Air Force--Spraying Toxic Substances?

Copyright NewsHawk Inc.
All rights reserved.

No sooner do we find out that spooks from Air Force intelligence
sub-agencies are deeply involved in the programming and such of the
mind-controlled mass shooters currently activated to terrorize our
nation, then we come across (more) HARD PROOF that the USAF is ALSO
dispersing various substances from it's KC-135s and other craft on a
regular and high-volume basis.

These substances, according to testimony from unwilling victims all over
North America INCLUDING Canada, are responsible for a bewildering and
extensive list of severe and debilitating physical distress and disease.
As well, documentation exists that at least some of the materials
dispersed by U.S. aircraft consist of toxic metals including but not
only aluminum; ALSO very high levels of UNUSUAL (as in GENETICALLY
altered) molds and fungi--substances which are known to have a very
negative impact on human health and well-being as well as on that of
many other lifeforms on the planet.

Who really even KNOWS what this stuff is doing to us??!!

Thousands of witnesses and victims from all corners of the continent
have experienced and seen the same activity and results and have
provided visual documentation as well as chemical analysis of the
residues in several cases, such as in this case of an on-going aerial
assault on a region in northern Ontario, Canada.

Some residents of the area have photographic evidence of USAF KC-135s
involved in this exact activity. When confronted with the fact of the
existence of this photographic evidence, the best that Air Force
flak-catcher, PR guy and front man Lt. Col. Stevie Shapiro could do was
say the Air Force doesn't have any such craft operating in that area.

Wow. Oh really?

Is that supposed to mean that SOMEBODY ELSE is operating the Air
Forces's KC135s then?

Or is Shapiro just following orders and reading his cue-cards, whether
or not he knows the real truth?

Obviously, the witnesses have not conspired with owners and operators of
KC-135s to stage an entire, deliberately falsified event. yet this
apparently is what the Air Force would have us believe. Unless as noted
they are saying by omission that that USAF KC-135s are spraying the
substances, but someone else is flying them. Considering all the reports
of NATO/UN/NWO military contingents operating within our country and of
pending schemes to put the U.S. military and that of other countries in
North America under control of such New World Order organizations and
accompanying highly suspect mandates, such a possibility as the latter
may in fact be true. Perhaps UN/NATO personnel are in charge of this
mass spraying of unhealthy, dangerous substances upon the population at

I must note in closing, however, that a number of long-term and reliable
contacts we know have indicated to us that in the Air Force, in nearly
ALL branches of the military and in much the federal government as a
whole (as well as STATE government to some degree) there is a MAJOR
split or schism running through the entire structure; resulting in at
LEAST two/three main factions and surely some smaller ones as well.

Opposing factions are literally in "control" of different groups within
the branches and agencies of the federal government, and are all making
strenuous and severe attempts to control the future direction of the

There is a strongly pro-New World Order ("4th Reich") faction,
definitely the most unpleasant of the lot. Their prime directive is
pretty much across-the-boards oppression, suppression, enslavement, and
malevolent manipulation of humanity at large, to the greatest extent
possible; with an on-going objective of intensifying the grip upon
humanity at every conceivable turn and by every (newly) available means.
These guys REALLY suck completely. THESE are the people who were BEHIND
the creation of The Nazi regime and the Third Reich in Germany; as well
as (to pick just one) the brutal Bolshevik/red Communist horror which
engulfed so much of eastern Europe at the same TIME IN HISTORY.

There is also a strongly "strict constructionist" faction; which
supports the upholding of certain "inalienable", fundamental human and
civil right for human beingsĀ… up to a point at least (reductions in
personal freedoms/liberties a distinct possibility if this bunch gains
control, however). Their prime directive? It could best be described as
"traditional", moderate "American" values as manifested in a democratic
republic. The Air Force and the Army are said to be pretty evenly
divided between these two named factions ; however, the Navy is
thought to be VERY pro-NWO. (It was put to me that there are at least
TWO "Air Forces"!)

There is also a 

Re: [CTRL] US Air Force--Spraying Toxic Substances?

1999-08-16 Thread Clifford L Davis

 -Caveat Lector-

Would this be the same substances sprayed from mysterious black
helicopters, I've read about?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. SubstanceĀ—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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