-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

"The objective is to advance USA and Canada technologically by 2,000 years
before the High Holy Days of the year 2003. At that time, many hundreds of
millions will simply vanish, presumably appearing in 2013, when this
"time-line" TERMINATES. The infantile use of time-machines by ourselves
human on this planet has allowed this deception. It is not possible to
perceive a divine event by means of such a device. Therefore, a beautiful
condition of spiritual evolution is misrepresented as a mass abduction. The
military calls the event a "mass evacuation". Bible-thumpers call this: "The

Much more on here plus Branton's files on zip and doc



© 1997, 1999 Sylvester H. Christie
(Last modified February 1, 1999)

  In-House Counter


(How this is germaine to physics is made clear in files clickable from the
orion.htm (/a>link, the Crimram files, Omega files, the Dulce Papers, the
Mojave files and orion.htm itself; especially by one's familiarity with the
Grand Unification; the GUF is not universally a mystery on this planet. The
social aspect of the Strategic Defense Initiative is often referred to as
The New World Order; however, this is NOT a conspiracy but a domestic
strategy for concerting the public for efficiencies required for fighting a
war, an intergalactic war other treacherous species communicating with major
nations have deceived us into expecting in fall 2003AD. NWO serves the
functions of OPA during World War Two, The Office of Public Affairs. It is
extremely important to you personally to find out about this. Seemingly
natural disasters (quakes, hurricans) and other destabilizing events (riots,
bank failures, stock market crash) justifying Emergency Powers are underway
and are being put into place to justify a condition which, when achieved,
will enable extraordinary brutality. The objective is to advance USA and
Canada technologically by 2,000 years before the High Holy Days of the year
2003. At that time, many hundreds of millions will simply vanish, presumably
appearing in 2013, when this "time-line" TERMINATES. The infantile use of
time-machines by ourselves human on this planet has allowed this deception.
It is not possible to perceive a divine event by means of such a device.
Therefore, a beautiful condition of spiritual evolution is misrepresented as
a mass abduction. The military calls the event a "mass evacuation".
Bible-thumpers call this: "The Rapture". It is all over but the whining. )

The explanations of the cosmos that accommodate the type of phenomenon we
see below are to be more readily found at this site, over time. The grasp of
the nature of Grand Unified Field allows one to conceive applications out of
an entirely fresh arena of physical laws (the Grand Unified Field) [700k
zipped word 6.0 document of 3 megs - pix embedded, only 69 pages] hitherto
relegated to being dissociated mathematical formulae or "hunches" and
"feelings". Our grasp is increasingly resolved in detail and teachability.
This page was purely technical at its inception, however the full scope of
applications and social effects are attended to, as you shall see below. The
explanation of charge separation, nuclear rotation, toroid formation
(electricity/current/space/time/matter), also the 45-degree tilting of the
rotational axis of atomic and celestial bodies with respect to the magnetic
axis, the subatomic particles (the items of the substructure which are
relationships or events or functions, not actual "particles"), the quantum
substructure of matter itself, as well as the relationships among,
magnetism, gravity, mind, and consciousness, also time and space or
electricity [matter], and especially the FIVE (not four) basic forces of
nature, are to be found at: this (in-house) site. A site making nearly fully
comprehensive explanations in terms of fractal geometry is now found.

If you have a serious question about your theory or project ask Sylvester
"zeropoint" Christie

"Learning blocks", i.e., assumptions, prejudices, and reflexive attitudes or
mindsets in particular comprise 110% of the obstacles to comprehension and
effective engineering. The operating paradigm actively displaces the truth
(it is time-bound, which reality is not - The greatest obstacle is the
premising of space as the quality of vacuum, but space is itself created and
is NOT what it meant by "vacuum", absolute vacuum in the context of vacuum
energy physics, it is absolute nothingness that has to be the starting point
for mentation in this field.) The schizoid break stifles realization.

Fourth Millennium would help to endow the would-be overunity inventor with a
rounded database for correct and effective thought in terms of reality, so
as to enable the inventor, theorist, or the military which is sorely in need
of a full-fledged paradigm to understand the consequences of the use of
technologies of this unique type already in its possession. The phenomenon
of "prime motion" numbs the unprepared brain to be understood, but this is
solvable to individual mentation. Scalar Physics does not contradict
anything we already "know,", when the knowledge is authentic; but blending
the two to any extent at all "blows out the candle." of effective
intellection. The body of knowledge of all sciences is coordinated and
vivified by the grasp of the Master Paradigm, the correct and fully fleshed
Grand Unified Field (Theory), not contradicted. No deep understanding of
mathematics is required for good orientation. Professor Roger Bagula, a
Harvard mathematician and physicist, also a ZEROPOINTER, has made
MAGNIFICENT contributions.

New and undeniable discoveries (and rediscoveries or public realizations) in
the past two years indicate the use of oil, coal, wind, hydroelectric and
nuclear power to have been obsolescent for some time already. Factories and
assembly lines (Japanese) are being built. These practical and present
developments affect all aspects of science, including medical and other
applications. The method of understanding the functioning of the genome and
the ability to cure all diseases is practically within our grasp. An
intelligent wholesome society would move against the military secrecy that
thwarts the proper service of national security.

Since the seventies, it is illegal to commercialize any technology that
would undercut the fossil fuel industry or the utilities. This is so because
Saudi Arabia threatened that OPEC would dump US dollars for Yen and Marks if
we used special technologies to get around the oil embargo.

All the major car companies are now working on levitating vehicles. Fourth
Millennium, a partnership, is in possession of the "simple" insight or the
mentation required to exploit this particular science of "inertia-free"
transportation owing to our grasp of the unifying principle, NESTED
(Katyushka-doll-like) groups of dynamics, the interchangeable topographies
of space, matter and energy. The cosmos repeats a single dynamic in
attenuating circumstances from the relativistic to the quantum mechanical.
The [stupid] U.S. Department of Defense, however, has exclusive control over
all superconductivity related devices and principles by law; and their
enforcement is cruel and deadly. Pointers to links detailing D.O.D.
treachery are below.

It is the LOGIC of that process which is reality that escapes virtually all
but those who have found their way to this site, or our private discussion
group. One might want to know what was done with the trillions that were
filched and spent while Ronald Reagan "nodded off", dreaming about Star
Wars, and now has brain damage? Do see the orion.htm link. Further
statements on this subject are made in the grayplot.htm link below and
toward the end of this page.

YOU MUST VISIT: THIS SITE. You will see the extent of plans [PICTURES TOO]
for the western region of the entity to replace USA and Canada. SDI (Star
Wars, the technology for which would institute the New World Order... so as
to render Humanity on this planet more potent to make war on arriving
"spirits" and others in 2003 and 2013!), global dominion by the UN,
suppression of overunity devices, secrecy of intelligence budgets (since
1947) a slew of Executive Orders, are all interrelated. The scenario is
complex and organized by powers transcending Human Being. The budgets are
supplemented by transmuting gold, by trafficking in drugs and guns, but
mainly by the theft of $800,000,000,000/yr from taxes. Henry Kissinger heads
a gold mining company owning mines with no gold in them. One hundred billion
dollars a year is also earned through drug trafficking (George Bush) or by
robbing and not arresting traffickers. There is a reason by Noriega is
locked in the 8th sub-basement of the Federal Building in Florida.
Furthermore, this siphoning of wealth is the solution to the question of how
the USA economy functions as it does, low inflation and the resentment of
those who are seen as leeches when the USA should be evolving toward an
absolutely wealthy and cashless society without any "New World Order."

The application of the science of zero point physics is far more highly
advanced than had originally been appreciated by zeropoint, the webmaster
and principal "theorist." This knowledge and applications based upon it are
brutally guarded international secrets. Some number of generally Anglo Saxon
nations, led by Prince Phillip (the leading candidate to be the
"Antichrist"), are in cahoots in manipulating this entire ignorant species.
The cabal are ancient human societies which infiltrate US institutions,
especially the military, and have agendas validated by command of or
familiarity with or access to scalar technology. USA controls the black
operations of ALL other nations, but USA is controlled by a few dozen
individuals, including Mayan priests and the priesthood of Babylon as well
as the Bilderbergers and the Illuminati, etc. These have long been in
contact with other subversive and jealous species. Human Being perfectly
images the nature of the mind of God.


The perpetrators of the "War against heaven" are NOT in it for the money.
These are persons who would dominate SPECIES, or exert global dominion; and
there are alliances of species involved. But like the sick cop who still
suffers browbeatings when he is sergeant, police commissioner, Mayor,
Senator, governor, or the President, the total temporal ruler of the planet
has already found himself trembling, even before his takeover, at the might
of extradimensional confederations among a few of innumerable species of
myriad biospheres in many universes. Nonetheless, when these hordes appear,
they will be under the command of that once damned Jew, Jesus; and He the
loyal slave of The Almighty!!!

for information and instructions on how to survive. Or: use this clicker

USA has begun testing a "forbidden" weapon.

The weapon was developed at Los Alamos National Labs. The weapon is a
nuclear weapon that focuses the energy in a laser-like beam. This weapon has
been the center of much strife between the military cabals of this species
and others, since the weapon, a "Scalar Weapon," is perceived throughout the
cosmos and achronically, that is to say it is perceived when fired without
time lapse in all the creation of God Almighty. The weapon is being
test-fired or has been test-fired from orbit recently. The massive amounts
of x-rays generated have been recorded serrendipitously by university
scientists. Many years earlier, scientists at Los Alamos National Labs,
including Dr. Hamrick, an indirect source for this material, who was working
on the directed energy weapon, had been intellectually mutilated in unusual
circumstances, and by parties interested in preserving peace in the cosmos.

Only humans kill the way humans kill. Only human governments among all
governments kill. Elsewhere, this is strange. We are feared by more
civilized though less intelligent "top species." The human being [the mind
of an individual human being] happens to be the best of all creations, being
most like "The Creator," in whose image we are "mystically" or "mythically"
informed to have been fashioned. Discussion of such dynamics constitutes the
core of the ZEROPOINTER group (reopened), since this is important to
understanding the nature of creation for energy or prime motion for
inertia-free craft, and other applications or considerations....

The USA and other involved nations are deluded into thinking that there is
merit is a unified human government on this planet to fight a massive alien
invasion that will delete many hundreds of millions in late summer 2003AD.
[This date is determined by US military time machines. eo.htm describes the
circumstances by which USA acquired videos of Jesus dying on the cross!]

This link has some materials on a lawsuit by a person entangled with NSA,
The National Security Agency, the origins and nature of which are described
in Omega.doc, which you MUST read. It is urgent and most important.
Specifically, the suit complains about technologies of mind/control and
two-way communications permitting psychic interventions and sabotage of
individual lives.

Star Wars competition is superficially to compete against other political
forms so that the nature of American governance will characterize the
treatment of Americans in this new and brutal government, one which uses
mind control technology and applies triage to individual humans. 15,000,000
places in cattle cars, shackles, are already in place; so too are millions
of places in detention centers empty and waiting. However, the error of this
supposition is not obvious to the perpetrators or collaborators with what
are actually alien species who are far more subtle in their invasion than we
would imagine. The victory of these aliens is the NWO we secretly are poised
to perpetrate upon ourselves. The only concern of NSA is that the NWO not be
"communist"; some constitutionality would be preserved.

More on this will be added to this page soon, including the designated ten
chips [http://www.doe.gov/biochip.htm] is well underway. There have been
complaints about "emissions" in the post office for years. Material on the
subject has disappeared from libraries. The Post office is the means of
distribution of the universal identification of this species under the one
world government. ["E.O. 11002 - "... designates the postmaster general to
operate a national REGISTRATION of all persons." [Under this order, you
would report to your local post office to be separated and assigned to anew
area. Here is where families would be separated]. E.O. = Executive order.

The properties of the several various scales of actuality can be rendered in
mockups manufactured in the human scale of size between either end of scale,
micro and macro, where there is perceived the "pulsing" of the propulsive
devices. (This pulsing is not absolutely unlike the pulsing one sees with
wagon wheel spokes on film, but it is related to the functioning of the
"vacuum lattice structure". Fourth Millennium has indeed determined the
nature of the quantum substructure of matter; also the qualities of
intra-inter-dimensional transitions.) This site animated graphic actually
shows the process by which effect is extruded out of vacuum (reality) into
actuality or into time and space; how will proceeds to effect the body. This
danwinter site has been restructured and the animated site will have to be
fished for.

Man-made entities that emulate sub-atomic emissions or photons or magnetism
or gravity waves or the strong force, can be and are used for
transportation. Hugely scaled-up masses of "ersatz" or pseudo atoms can be
made and used as extraordinarily powerful and long-lasting (permanent)
batteries. Exotic or expensive materials are not necessarily required. Cold
fission, cold fusion, and pure "energy" from nothing, several types of it,
can be manipulated out of reality by clever but remarkably simple
contrivance. You can come to understand this and more. (Motion (prime
movement) itself is the basic form of "free energy.") You will find it
declared at this site and its numerous links that magnetism travels at least
12 times the speed of light, a feature important not only for intergalactic
travel but visiting other universes. However, the technology to fold space
involves no time at all in the transportation effected between acceleration
and deceleration.

We intend to share our light through this developing page and its links.
(Click here for a non-html directory of recent discussions among
ZEROPOINTERs, a private group (reopened), which directory is unindexed for
the time being. See the bottom of this page for information on joining the
now quite advanced group.

Explicit statements from Fourth Millennium are now being placed on this
site. Also, a link is provided with summaries and key details will flesh it
out in the very near future.) UNDER CONSTRUCTION

For very detailed reports on Roswell and USA government responses to what is
since 1952 a state of TOTAL EMERGENCY in United States government, visit:
This site on MAJECTIC 12.

It is the case that overunity physics embodies (engineers) the "Theory of
Everything," or reality itself, resolving questions of philosophy,
cosmology, psychology, and human nature and history, as well as each of the
hard sciences and their particular specializations. These all meld in The
Grand Union that Fourth Millennium claims to grasp. This understanding is
the result of analyzing devices which do in fact demonstrate special
properties but which are themselves often not understood fully by their
inventors. The Holy Bible, in its original alphabet not only tells the
nature of the creation of matter out of naught or vacuum, but it also shows
the shapes of "wormholes" with its very letters. The Bible therefore
facilitates the understanding of reality by the ordinary layperson with a
high school education and an unfettered ability to think.
 The Sacred letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the "three dimensional" version
of that alphabet which was used by Elohim to inscribe the Ten Commandments.
One of the pictures also describe the toroidal, the "three dimensional
inversion" of the hypersphere or quantum singularity.meet1.gif , meet2.gif ,
meet3.gif , meet4.gif , meet5.gif , meet6.gif The tetrahedral zone about the
letters are QUARKS. The letters themselves are, in the quantum anatomy of
subspace or the quantum singularity, NEUTRINOS. A neutrino is a process
which is MASS itself. The neutrino is the process, in either direction
toward or away from decoupling or the Event Horizon, of tracing Planck's
Number to or from the second or [relative] zero, along the "scalar charge
gradient", which is a logarithmic ingression/egression along that
number/constant. The pathway concurs relative zeroness in any one of the
fractionally charged quarks. As the various axes zero one into the other,
i.e., as "z" zeroes into the planar environment of "x" and "y", the six
fractionally charged quarks are symmetrically compressed into four and then
two units of subspace which define the quality the word HADRON is presented
to possibly describe. The HADRON is speculated to be a grouping of QUARKS.
Most "particles" are artifacts of the investigative processes of high energy
physics. The actual number of substituent parts to the quantum environment
are far fewer and easily perceived and understood, with a little help such
as is provided herewith.

There are two highly telling points of consternation among academicians
fumbling with The Theory of Everything. One is that no situation or
condition or process can violate "the laws of the conservation of energy";
that "the laws of physics break down after one has crossed the Event Horizon
and approaches the zero point" ("singularity" or point of maximum density
and symmetry.) In this context of conflict, there is consternation over how
to devise experiments which can demonstrate the guesses, speculations or
theories evolved thusfar. The fact is that any artifact that would certify a
guess or theory would be a device violating the "law". Further, any device
would immediately bring savage covert attention from the National Security
Agency. The usual tendency of persons who have success with applying quantum
or scalar physics is to seek fame and fortune, also a patent. Patents are
not given to those who ask for them in the usual manner. One has to ask for
a NATIONAL SECURITY PATENT, which requires difficult process and with which
the government will help one. Any applications manifesting what is called
"The Engineering of Reality" would have a devastating effect upon the
economic, social and psychological status quo. One of the first things one
is asked by US Patent Office is: "who else knows about this?". The anwer is
often "nobody". Then, one is asked to return in twenty four hours. During
that time, one's shop and home are rifled and stripped. One person from here
in Berkeley who persisted in complaining about being "cheated" was finally
able to call back from a mental institution in Ohio to explain his
disappearance. Since most people insist on seeing before believing, 99% of
suppression is affected by the general population itself, a population which
is quite other than saintly and able to pursue a train of purely abstract
and deadly subtle thought about this physics and its application, which is
nonetheless absolutely simple.

While the tone of this site may seem casual or relaxed, we are serious and
do seek to engage all sectors of the American society, both lay and
academician, U.S. military (in need of clear focus denied it by pathological
secrecy and structural malignancy that has denied it the critical overview
required for it to relax the murderous attitude held toward U. S. citizens
and to the global population) and entrepreneurial. Over 3,000 military
officers have been "terminated with extreme prejudice"e;, murdered, for
trying to get these activities and knowledge out to the public. It is a
federal offense for any government employee to discuss other "top species",
inertia-free craft, etc. We are also aware of the likely skepticism about
some of the material regarding covert use of these technologies, however, a
sufficient database as would be serviced here, and mature acceptance of the
violent nature of man, perhaps coupled with combat experience by the visitor
to this link, will allow patience in seeing out what is predicted; and dates
are given by which to clock the viability of the assertions made with the
material collected here. There is no need to disable one's ability to
process new thinking by mewling over pointless deference to this subject or
to a few big names. The main problem is that the highly educated look down
on the unlettered inventors who therefore have no way of codifying data and
phenomena one simply cannot deny, but which the inventors themselves are
helpless to explain adequately.

"Cosmologist Steven Hawking, who closes his book A Brief History of Time on
this theory, has written, '...if we do discover a complete theory, it should
in time be understandable in broad principle by everyone, not just a few
scientists. Then we shall all, philosophers, scientists, and just ordinary
people, be able to take part in the discussion of the question of why it is
that we and the universe exist. If we find the answer to that, it would be
the ultimate triumph of human reason - for then we would know the mind of
God.'" ...from the homepage of Dr. Michio Kaku, Professor of Theoretical
Physics, City University of New York. Such a paradigm is sketched in
essayone.txt, it has proven stunningly correct and pertinent and absolutely
flexible and encompassing. The group, ZEROPOINTERs (reopened) has been
enjoying the exercise of the paradigm to perceive and to parse physics and
society for over three years now. We are not surprised by some of the recent
understandings presented newly on the site.

The ordinary smartypants-type guy says endlessly the twittery: "There is no
such thing as a perpetual motion machine," which is neither the claim nor
the interest of those investigating this discipline which is yearning to be
birthed. (The angular momentum of various bodies is "self perpetuating!")
This is one of the several great questions of astrophysics and quantum
mechanics. Visit this site (KeelyNet) for more information on the perpetual
motion device in the previous link. It is a federal crime to develop any
perpetual motion device or any technology which threatens the fossil fuel
industries or the utilities, period. It is also a crime for any employee of
the federal government to discuss interactions with other "top species."
Smartypants is brainwashed into stupidity.

This site has been awarded the Majon Web Select Seal of Excellence Award.

<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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