[CTRL] US Tie to Russian Money Scam

1999-09-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.consortiumnews.com/092399b.html"The Consortium/A
September 23, 1999

US Tie to Russian Money Scam

By Robert Parry

Better late than never, the major U.S. news media has discovered that a
major financial scandal has been brewing in the former Soviet Union.

To its credit, The New York Times picked up on earlier work by
journalist Robert Friedman and reported on massive Russian money
transfers into the Bank of New York.

But what has been missing from the coverage is a coherent history of the
long-standing relationship between one of the bank's principals and U.S.
intelligence activities.

On Aug. 22, the Times even published a lengthy profile on Bruce
Rappaport, a Swiss-Israeli businessman behind the Bank of New York, but
left out Rappaport's role in U.S. covert operations during the Reagan

The Times profile began promisingly enough. "At the intersection of
illicit Russian money and the Bank of New York is Bruce Rappaport, a
Swiss banker who has had brushes with governmental investigators in the
past and who has long had an important connection to the bank," the
article stated.

"Together with the Bank of New York, Mr. Rappaport owns a bank in
Switzerland that helped provide the American bank with important
business contacts in Russia, according to Western bankers familiar with
the operation."

The Times then wondered "why the Bank of New York, a conservative
institution that is one of the nation's oldest banks, worked closely
with a man who has frequently drawn the attention of government
regulators and law-enforcement officials worldwide."

In an apparent effort to answer that question, the article sketched
Rappaport's biography from his birth in Haifa, now part of Israel,
through his founding of Inter-Maritime Bank in Geneva to his acquisition
of the Bank of New York.

But left out was an important piece of the mystery: Rappaport's close
relationship to Israel's Labor Party, the Reagan administration and U.S.

That history makes for an interesting story in its own right, but also
helps explain the network of powerful connections that Rappaport used to
build his international financial empire and position his bank to profit
off Russia's billions of dollars.

In the 1980s, Rappaport emerged as an important financial conduit for
both Tel Aviv and Washington. Some of Rappaport's influence apparently
stemmed from his personal relationship with CIA director William J.
Casey. The two were frequent golfing partners.

By the end of the decade, Rappaport had been linked to some of the
Reagan administration's most controversial actions.

These included: the Iran-contra affair; an Israeli bribery case that
involved a U.S.-backed oil pipeline in Iraq; the scandal over the Bank
of Credit and Commerce International; a curious shipment of weapons
through a melon farm in Antigua to Colombian cocaine kingpins; and the
October Surprise mystery, the allegations that the 1980 Reagan campaign
sabotaged Carter's negotiations to free 52 American hostages held in

In BCCI-related testimony in 1991, President Carter's former budget
director Bert Lance described a peculiar overture from Rappaport in the
early 1980s.

Out of the blue, Rappaport sought Lance out and arranged a series of
meetings. Rappaport left the impression that he "was interested in if I
or anyone around Carter was pursing the October Surprise," Lance told a
Senate investigation. [AP, Oct. 23, 1991]

In the late 1980s, as suspicions about the October Surprise caper grew,
Rappaport entered the picture again. His Bank of New York cooperated
with a politically sensitive Customs sting that entrapped and
discredited several individuals familiar with Casey's activities during
the 1980 presidential campaign.

The sting rounded up a small band of international businessmen on
charges of plotting to sell 1,000 pistols to Chile, which was then on
the U.S. embargo list because of human rights concerns.

The defendants argued that they were targeted because of past business
dealings with Casey's close friend, John Shaheen, who had known Casey
since World War II when both men served in the OSS, the forerunner of
the CIA. After he died in 1985, Shaheen was identified as a key
middleman for Republican overtures to the Iranian government in 1980.

Barry Brokaw, a Shaheen associate arrested in the Customs sting, said he
was struck by the investigators' strong interest in what he and his
wife, who had been Shaheen's secretary, "knew about Iran-contra or
October Surprise."

Kenneth Walker, a Canadian nabbed in the sting, complained that he was
arrested unfairly as part of a Bush administration effort to assess
where Reagan-Bush insiders might be vulnerable from the October Surprise

In 1992, Walker filed suit in Canada naming the U.S. government and the
Bank of New York as defendants. Walker charged that the Bank of New York
supplied him with 

Re: [CTRL] US Tie to Russian Money Scam

1999-09-25 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris posted:
On Aug. 22, the Times even published a lengthy profile on Bruce
Rappaport, a Swiss-Israeli businessman behind the Bank of New York, but
left out Rappaport's role in U.S. covert operations during the Reagan

The Times profile began promisingly enough. "At the intersection of
illicit Russian money and the Bank of New York is Bruce Rappaport, a
Swiss banker who has had brushes with governmental investigators in the
past and who has long had an important connection to the bank," the
article stated.

"Together with the Bank of New York, Mr. Rappaport owns a bank in
Switzerland that helped provide the American bank with important
business contacts in Russia, according to Western bankers familiar with
the operation."

A man with a similar name, Bernard Rapoport, is an extremely wealthy
insurance magnate from the big city of Waco, Texas.  He was one of the
biggest Democratic donors and was invited to all the functions in the White
House by the DNC.  His name has often been confused with the Rappaport who
was involved with North and Secord's Lake Resources Swiss account--at least
in my mind, if no one else's.

Linda Minor


Bernard Rapoport, former chairman of the UT System Board of Regents, has
donated to the University a nine-volume set of The Sephardic Classical
Library, a project of the Fund for Higher Education.

"...Famous Sephardim include the philosopher Spinoza, the British statesman
Benjamin Disraeli, and Judah P. Benjamin, treasurer of the Confederacy."

The General Libraries and other UT Austin library collections contain
extensive holdings in support of Jewish, Hebrew and Yiddish studies. These
materials include a range of books, journals, multimedia and electronic
resources. They include materials relating to Jewish immigration and culture
in Latin America in the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection,
extremely rich holdings relating to Jewish history in Texas and the Old
South held in the Center for American History, and a wealth of rare Hebraica
and contemporary Jewish literary materials held in the Harry Ransom
Humanities Research Center.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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