Re: [CTRL] USAToday: Conspiracy theorists read between lines in the sky

2001-03-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I have had a bronchitis that  I have NEVER had before but about a week
and a half ago as I left this establishment there they were contrails as
I have never seen before.   Two days later I became ill, my son became
ill, and small two year old grandson for I had warned my daughter to
keep him inside when she saw these things...some were so low looked like
rocket trails.

Now back in the 70 period they had meningitis bacteria, germ warfare -
Russia and USA had this stuff - now as I recall and I believe I am
correct in saying, there were two containers or cannisters - they were
not deadly until mixed.  Otherwise alleged to be "harmless".this was
about the time anthrax epidemic in Brazile, Mafia was buying up bad and
imported some meat to USA and there were three air force bases where
meningisit broke out - my two year old got this new strain the called
it, of meningitis noto the worst kind, but a virus and it took a day to
get the antidoteduring this time frame an officer from Lockbourne
AFB where they had an outbreak came into my room, and stood there and
looked at my son, who was beautiful - golden curls and blue eyes - then
he looked down at me, for I was sitting by his side - and his eyes were
eyes that I have seen before - well trained shall be say, and
intimidating - so my son later had to have a security guard watch him
due to something else which I will not go into now -

So I believe now some 30 years later they have found a way to dump this
poison and they are doing it by dumping in the skies - I imagine thre
are other deadly bacteria or this germ or chemical warfare that until
combined with other substances, are not at peak kill performance.

Look at New York City - they dumped this phoney West Nile Encelphalitis
stuff in the air and Encephalitis and Meningitis and Anthrax are related
- in the hospital I looked up meningitis in the mdical library and it
said "see Anthrax"...suddenly two hands came over my shoulder and said
"give me that - you will never understand it anyway"well I read
enough I got the message.

Remember when they dumped JFK coffin in the ocean - this was the one
damaged in Dallas - oh so long to dispose of this, but what was in it?
Remember they place cement in ocean full of radio active stuff and God
knows what elseso where does usually end - cement is so poorly made
my driveway going bad after 3 years and the city put it in - they say
the "salt
from streets" is causing itnow we have all this stuff in salt water
right - any of that stuff falling apart like some of our freewawy
bridges where bad cement was used?

So that is what I think - Lockbourne AFB is now a refueling not know much about these planes but what if this
refueliong stuff is loaded with something else and this is how they do
the dumping.   I am between Lockbourne and Wright Patterson maybe short
jump from here and planes from Wright Patterson involved as well?

What did they do with all these germs - are they dump it separately in
the skies - the last time my little grandson was seriously ill, my
daughter had ridden him ovr on her bicycle in a little seat, lhe had on
a helmet and I noted these contrails but at time did not really know
that much  of them...he ended up in hospital the next day - breathing or
respiratory problems.

Might add too those candles - pine scent - at Christmas time set off the
fire alarm and made us all they say they are deadly.

Mass serial poisonings.Mayor Guiliano approved this Nile Enephalitis
stuff = birds are dying by the thousands, and our govrnment remainds

They are liars if they say the tic tac lines are accidental - there is a do we know for sure these are not Russian planes for
they have let the enemy within for training = remember the flight of
Tutmosis II - the Egyptian plan from Edwards where a pilot is alleged to
hae gone berser.something in the air get to him?

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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[CTRL] USAToday: Conspiracy theorists read between lines in the sky

2001-03-08 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Page 4A

Conspiracy theorists read between lines in the sky

By Traci Watson

A new conspiracy theory sweeping the Internet and radio talk
shows has set parts of the federal government on edge.

The theory: The white lines of condensed water vapor that jets
leave in the sky, called contrails, are actually a toxic
substance the government deliberately sprays on an unsuspecting

Federal bureaucracies have gotten thousands of phone calls,
e-mails and letters in recent years from people demanding to know
what is being sprayed and why. Some of the missives are

It's impossible to tell how many supporters these ideas have
attracted, but the people who believe them say they're tired of
getting the brush-off from officials. And they're tired of health
problems they blame on ''spraying.''

''This is blatant. This is in your face,'' says Philip Marie Sr.,
a retired nuclear quality engineer from Bartlett, N.H., who says
the sky above his quiet town is often crisscrossed with ''spray''

''No one will address it,'' he says. ''Everyone stonewalls this

The situation Marie and others describe is straight out of The
X-Files. He and others report one day looking up at the sky and
realizing that they were seeing abnormal contrails: contrails
that lingered and spread into wispy clouds, multiple contrails
arranged in tick-tack-toe-like grids or parallel lines, contrails
being laid down by white planes without registration numbers.

Believers call these tracks ''chemtrails.'' They say they don't
know why the chemicals are being dropped, but that doesn't stop
them from speculating. Many guess that the federal government is
trying to slow global warming with compounds that reflect
sunlight into the sky.  Some propose more ominous theories, such
as a government campaign to weed out the old and sick.

Exasperated by persistent questions, the Environmental Protection
Agency, NASA, the Federal Aviation Administration and the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration joined forces
last fall to publish a fact sheet explaining the science of
contrail formation. A few months earlier, the Air Force had put
out its own fact sheet, which tries to refute its opponents'
arguments point by point.

''If you try to pin these people down and refute things, it's,
'Well, you're just part of the conspiracy,' '' says atmospheric
scientist Patrick Minnis of NASA's Langley Research Center in
Hampton, Va.  ''Logic is not exactly a real selling point for
most of them.''

Nothing is ''out there'' except water vapor and ice crystals, say
irritated scientists who study contrails. Some, such as Minnis,
are outraged enough by the claims of chemtrail believers that
they have trolled Internet chat rooms to correct misinformation
or have gotten into arguments with callers.

''Conspiracy nonsense,'' snorts Kenneth Sassen, an atmospheric
scientist at the University of Utah. ''These things are at 30,000
to 40,000 feet in the atmosphere. They're tiny particles. They're
not going to affect anyone.''

The cloud-forming contrails that conspiracy theorists find so
ominous are ''perfectly natural,'' Minnis says. The odd grid and
parallel-line patterns are easily explained as contrails blown
together by the wind, scientists say.

USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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