-Caveat Lector-

U.S. News and World Report

Another dubious pardon

Why did Clinton forgive a felon under fresh investigation?

By Douglas Pasternak

On his second-to-last day in office, Bill Clinton signed a master
warrant wiping out the felony convictions of 140 people. One of
them was for a 57-year-old Florida businessman named Glenn
Braswell, who was convicted in 1983 of mail fraud, perjury, and
tax evasion in connection with selling herbal supplements
purporting to promote hair growth, remove cellulite, and increase
bust size. As with Clinton's controversial last-minute pardon of
fugitive financier Marc Rich, the U.S. Justice Department was not

If the pardon process had taken the customary route, officials at
Justice would have quickly pointed out that Braswell, who did
seven months in jail for his 1983 conviction, is once again under
investigation by the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal
Trade Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, and several state
attorneys general. Sources say he is also the target of a federal
grand jury in Los Angeles investigating what a former Justice
Department official called "massive money laundering" and tax

"It is hard for me to imagine that whoever was responsible for
his pardon knew what he does now," says Stephen Barrett, an
independent health fraud investigator who runs the respected
www.quackwatch.com. "Did they know the facts? Did they even

Well connected.

Bill Clinton is not answering that question, and neither Braswell
nor his attorneys have returned numerous telephone calls. Others
can only speculate about why Braswell was among the nearly 30
people granted executive forgiveness outside the normal process.
Like others seeking pardons, Braswell was represented by some
very well-connected legal talent, in this case Kendall Coffey,
the former U.S. attorney who represented Al Gore in his Florida
recount efforts. Another Washington lawyer, Gerald Feffer of the
high-powered firm of Williams & Connolly, is representing
Braswell in the tax-evasion and money-laundering investigation.
Feffer said that Williams & Connolly played no role in helping
Braswell obtain a pardon. The firm would have a conflict of
interest, he said, because partner David Kendall is Clinton's
personal lawyer.

According to the Justice Department, a pardon is granted "on the
basis of the petitioner's demonstrated good conduct for a
substantial period of time after conviction and service of
sentence." Applicants are also expected to have made some
contributions to the public good. Braswell appears to have made
some efforts toward the latter requirement, just three months
before he was pardoned, by establishing the A. Glenn Braswell
Foundation "to educate the public on the latest scientific
advances in the field of longevity." California accountant Kevin
Romano is listed as the foundation's agent, but when U.S. News
asked him about the organization, he said, "I have no idea what
it is." Likewise, an attorney with the law firm at the address of
the foundation declined to answer questions about it.

Whether Braswell has changed his ways, according to a number of
his former associates, remains an open question. Last year,
Braswell settled a lawsuit filed by several sports celebrities,
including car-racing champion Richard Petty and baseball great
Stan Musial, who alleged that he had unlawfully used their names
to endorse products to maintain prostate health. In August,
Albany, N.Y., arthritis specialist Joel Kremer sued two of
Braswell's companies, G.B. Data Systems and Gero Vita
International, alleging that they used his name in an
advertisement without permission and made it appear that he
endorsed the company's antiarthritis supplement.

Unlike others pardoned, Braswell was not a Clinton supporter;
instead he gave $25,000 to the George W. Bush campaign and
$150,000 to the Florida GOP. Shortly thereafter, he managed to
persuade Florida Gov. Jeb Bush to write an article on healthcare
reform for his Journal of Longevity. The article was then altered
so that it appeared to endorse Braswell's supplements. Bush
returned the contributions. "I don't think it's the money that
makes [Braswell] do it," says one former employee. "It was the
game. He liked to try to outsmart or outwit anyone he could."

Because the Justice Department was never given a pardon
application, it is not clear why Braswell wanted the pardon.
Braswell's longtime business consultant, John Andrews, said
Braswell's record was hindering the sale of his companies­a
transaction even more pressing since Braswell recently agreed to
pay out $42 million in a divorce settlement. Said Andrews: "He
felt the blemish on his record really hurt."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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