-Caveat Lector-

>Tuesday October 17 12:06 PM ET
>Uganda's Gulu Town a Haven for Ebola Outbreak
>Reuters Photo
>By Gavin Pattison
>GULU, Uganda (Reuters) - Any mad scientist looking to unleash a deadly
>on the world could do a lot worse than choose Gulu in northern Uganda.
>There is no suggestion that the outbreak of Ebola virus which has struck
>Uganda is anything other than a natural calamity, but the effect could be
>just as devastating as if contrived by a Hollywood villain.
>Gulu, around 180 miles north of the capital Kampala, is the perfect spot
>a fast-acting virus to get a grip on a local population and then spread
>across the country and beyond.
>It is a major market town at the crossroads of the main northern road from
>Kampala to Sudan and the western route to Democratic Republic of the Congo,
>where Ebola was first recognized in 1996.
>The town is at the heart of one of the most insecure areas of the country,
>where the rebel Lords Resistance Army has been waging war for over a
>And although officially denied by the government, the area is known also to
>harbor fighters from the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) fighting the
>Khartoum government.
>The town has an official population of around 40,000 people, but this
>is often swelled by the arrival of peasants displaced by rebel activity or
>army counter insurgencies.
>There are also dozens of camps for thousands of Sudanese refugees in the
>area-many of them with little in the way of sanitation or health
>Ugandan officials say 39 people have been officially confirmed to have died
>from Ebola -- 37 in Gulu district and two others in Kitgum, further south.
>They have slapped a quarantine on three areas of Gulu where they believe
>virus is concentrated, but given that it took two weeks from when the first
>victim died until Ebola was confirmed, there are real fears the disease may
>already have slipped through the cordon.
>Hiv Also Rampant
>It is not just the location that makes Gulu a perfect breeding point for
>virus. Living conditions, traditional customs and Uganda's social fabric
>could all contribute to the spread of the disease.
>Communal eating and washing is commonplace in Gulu. Polygamy is still
>practiced and prostitution is rife.
>These conditions all contributed to the spread of another deadly virus,
>which has killed hundreds of thousands of Ugandans and infected millions
>more in the last 20 years.
>Ebola is passed on through contact with body fluids. Victims suffer from
>aches and fevers similar to flu before developing splitting headaches,
>stomach pains and diarrhea.
>The early symptoms are not unlike those for dozens of other diseases
>in the area such as malaria and cholera, making diagnosis difficult.
>Only in the last stages-when the virus eats through the victim's veins and
>arteries causing massive internal hemorrhaging and causing blood to pour
>of every orifice-is it clear Ebola has struck.
>By then it is usually too late.
>"It is like watching someone dissolve before your eyes," one doctor said.
>Authorities in the capital Kampala have been put on high alert for anyone
>showing symptoms of Ebola. Uganda's neighbors Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda
>have also stepped up checks at border posts and warned hospitals to watch
>out for Ebola.
>In the Hollywood version of disease outbreak movies, a hero doctor usually
>races against time before discovering a vaccine or cure for whatever virus
>the evil tyrant has unleashed.
>With Ebola there is no vaccine and no cure.

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