Re: [CTRL] Unnatural disaster: Deregulated California utilities

2001-01-28 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"Theodor Parada, MD" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Joshua2 wrote:
> > Yah definately. I wouldn't mind nuke power, but only with certain conditions.
> > One of those conditions is that the nuke waste be buried under YOUR home.
> >
> > I guess you ARE dumb. Didn't the article say that these greedy corporate
> > oinkers took several key plants OFFLINE?
> Regardless of the fact, that those four plants, went offline for
> routine scheduled maintenance, there remains the issue; that no new
> plants have been developed in over 10 years here in CA! The
> population has continued to grow in this state at a rate of ~4%/year.
> Simple math reveals that, unless you increase production there will
> be less. So pay through the nose for what is left!!

Ah, now you get it. It's called manipulating demand. Extortion.

> As far as socialized medicine, its already here in the form of
> Medicaid and HMO, ultimately you get what you pay for,rationed care.

And if you can't pay, then you deserve to die.

> I feel sorry for you.

Thank you for feeling sorry for me. It makes a big difference in my life.

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Re: [CTRL] Unnatural disaster: Deregulated California utilities

2001-01-28 Thread Theodor Parada, MD

-Caveat Lector-

Joshua2 wrote:

> Yah definately. I wouldn't mind nuke power, but only with certain conditions.
> One of those conditions is that the nuke waste be buried under YOUR home.
> I guess you ARE dumb. Didn't the article say that these greedy corporate
> oinkers took several key plants OFFLINE?

Regardless of the fact, that those four plants, went offline for
routine scheduled maintenance, there remains the issue; that no new
plants have been developed in over 10 years here in CA! The
population has continued to grow in this state at a rate of ~4%/year.
Simple math reveals that, unless you increase production there will
be less. So pay through the nose for what is left!!
As far as socialized medicine, its already here in the form of
Medicaid and HMO, ultimately you get what you pay for,rationed care.
I feel sorry for you.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Unnatural disaster: Deregulated California utilities

2001-01-28 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

"Theodor Parada, MD" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> > Unnatural disaster
> > Deregulated California utilities are electrocuting the public.
> > Ohio is next
> >
> > by Harvey Wasserman
> > Electric utility deregulation has become a spectacular catastrophe,
> > starting in California and stretching deep into our economic and
> > ecological future, here in Ohio and nationwide.
> >
> > To keep it simple, we'll start with the top 10 truths about this unnatural
> > disaster:
> >
> > 1. There is no electric supply shortage threatening California (or the
> > nation), only a series of complex, cynical manipulations that have ramped
> > prices sky high, yielding enormous profits for a few distributors and
> > generators.
> >
> Get a grip on reality.
> The problem, is that no new sources of electricity have been
> developed in CA and this state continues to grow.

I guess you don't know how to read eh? How did you get that MD?
Unless MD stands for mighty dumb.

Here let's try again...
> > 1. There is no electric supply shortage threatening California (or the
> > nation), only a series of complex, cynical manipulations that have ramped
> > prices sky high, yielding enormous profits for a few distributors and
> > generators.

> I was just at a
> conference in Phoenix, while there I was told that they're building
> 4(four) NEW power planets to provide for their anticipated population
> growth!!
> Nuclear is clean and safe.

Yah definately. I wouldn't mind nuke power, but only with certain conditions.
One of those conditions is that the nuke waste be buried under YOUR home.
Another is that  all the families of the plant's managers and major
stockholders live within two miles of the Plants, and they too should have
the " clean " nuclear wastes buried under their houses.

> It doesn't matter who runs the utilities, if you don't have a source
> generating the power, there will not be any power.

I guess you ARE dumb. Didn't the article say that these greedy corporate
oinkers took several key plants OFFLINE?

Jeez! You're not a human doctor are you?

> Maybe here in CA
> they can gather up all the endangered desert rats and place them on a
> wheel and have them run! and voila they'll have cheap energy!
> LOL. Or, maybe they could put a few windmills at the doors and
> windows of the CA legislature and continue to blow themselves out of
> a crisis that they made with their insane eco/epa policies.
> Technology has advanced but the mentality and mindset of the
> politician and neo-nazi environmentalist hasn't.

There, there doc. Prescribe yourself a large dose of sedatives and watch
what happensto the energy biz in California. And since I don't like you,
I urge you to go with your beliefs and buy up all the ' nuke ' stocks you
can get your hands on.


PS: Health care is next. Are you ready for socialized medicine?">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Unnatural disaster: Deregulated California utilities

2001-01-27 Thread Theodor Parada, MD

-Caveat Lector-

> Unnatural disaster
> Deregulated California utilities are electrocuting the public.
> Ohio is next
> by Harvey Wasserman
> Electric utility deregulation has become a spectacular catastrophe,
> starting in California and stretching deep into our economic and
> ecological future, here in Ohio and nationwide.
> To keep it simple, we'll start with the top 10 truths about this unnatural
> disaster:
> 1. There is no electric supply shortage threatening California (or the
> nation), only a series of complex, cynical manipulations that have ramped
> prices sky high, yielding enormous profits for a few distributors and
> generators.
Get a grip on reality.
The problem, is that no new sources of electricity have been
developed in CA and this state continues to grow.  I was just at a
conference in Phoenix, while there I was told that they're building
4(four) NEW power planets to provide for their anticipated population
Nuclear is clean and safe.
It doesn't matter who runs the utilities, if you don't have a source
generating the power, there will not be any power. Maybe here in CA
they can gather up all the endangered desert rats and place them on a
wheel and have them run! and voila they'll have cheap energy!
LOL. Or, maybe they could put a few windmills at the doors and
windows of the CA legislature and continue to blow themselves out of
a crisis that they made with their insane eco/epa policies.
Technology has advanced but the mentality and mindset of the
politician and neo-nazi environmentalist hasn't.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Unnatural disaster: Deregulated California utilities

2001-01-27 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Unnatural disaster
Deregulated California utilities are electrocuting the public.
Ohio is next

by Harvey Wasserman
Electric utility deregulation has become a spectacular catastrophe,
starting in California and stretching deep into our economic and
ecological future, here in Ohio and nationwide.

To keep it simple, we'll start with the top 10 truths about this unnatural

1. There is no electric supply shortage threatening California (or the
nation), only a series of complex, cynical manipulations that have ramped
prices sky high, yielding enormous profits for a few distributors and

2. The deregulation bill at the root of this crisis was drafted by the
California utilities now facing bankruptcy and was rammed through the
California legislature (unanimously, in 1996) by the utilities' own

3. The Natural Resources Defense Council, through its chief energy
spokesperson Ralph Cavanagh, and with support from the Energy Foundation,
played a key role in drafting, passing and then defending that bill.

4. But the California bill's catastrophic outcome was accurately predicted
in intricate detail by a wide range of grassroots, consumer and
environmental groups that challenged the deregulatory scheme in
a 1998 statewide referendum.

5. The utilities now screaming for help spent at least $40 million to defeat
the referendum that would have saved the state and nation from the
current crisis.

6. The utilities now screaming for help walked off with more than $20
billion in "stranded cost" bailouts as part of deregulation, but nobody
seems to be able to account for where the money went, nor is there
a concrete plan for getting that money back.

7. The consuming public would gain, not lose, if the utilities now
threatening to go bankrupt actually did go bankrupt, and the public then
took over the utilities.

8. The public-owned utilities that supply Los Angeles and Sacramento are
prospering in the midst of this crisis, proving once again that public power
is the answer to the nation's long-term energy needs.

9. Those municipal utilities are deeply invested in energy efficiency and
renewable sources (wind and solar), which has provided them with a stable
supply in the midst of the crisis.

10. Any new electricity production added to the state and national grid
should come from wind, which is the cheapest and fastest-to-build new
power source, and from solar power, which can be installed on rooftops and
at industrial sites, freeing homeowners and businesses from the lethal
fluctuation of monopoly manipulations.

The core of the California power crisis is simple: The utilities got greedy.
They thought they were taking the electricity business into a brave and
profitable new millennium. Instead, they threw it back to a chaotic old

In the 1880s, when Thomas Edison and others first made electricity a
salable commodity, rampant competition created chaos. Wires were strung
everywhere, power plants popped up in bad places, service was abominable.

But as the Morgans and Rockefellers inevitably swooped in to create stable
monopolies, the public rebelled against price gouging and centralized
private control. The barons who gobbled up the revolutionary new
technology were confronted with the threat of being taken over by angry

So Samuel Insull, the godfather of the new industry, came up with a
compromise--regulation. From 1907 through 1920, virtually every state
established its own regulatory commission to set rates and monitor growth
and service in the electric power business. But the state commissions were
rapidly taken over by the utilities themselves, and there were extensive
flaws in the scheme, most notably its propensity to encourage the
construction of massively expensive, inefficient and dirty power plants.

Along the way, massive abuses brought on the New Deal installation of
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and other national controls.
Since then, state and federal regulation has provided the nation with a
relatively stable and reliable electric supply system. It has been stodgy
and short on technical innovation. It has also stemmed the tide of public
power, which still, where it's in place, provides cheaper and more
reliable electricity than private investor-owned utilities, regulated or
otherwise. And, in fact, regulation is still in place in 27 states. Though
Texas has insisted on deregulating in the midst of the California debacle,
the chaos in the Golden State has pretty much stopped what looked like
a national avalanche of state deregulations.

In California, the disaster has taken the form of a mafia-style shakedown.
As a price for ending regulation, the utilities demanded a $28.5 billion
"stranded cost" bailout for their bad investments, most importantly their
obsolete, super-expensive nuclear power plants (in Ohio the "stranded
cost" tab has been more like $9 billion).

What happened to that money, nobody seems to know. Southern Ca