-Caveat Lector-

August 17, 1999--NYTimes

        Up to $1 Billion Reported Stolen
        by Bosnia Leaders


           SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina -- As much as a
           billion dollars has disappeared from public funds
        or been stolen from international aid projects through
        fraud carried out by the Muslim, Croatian and Serbian
        nationalist leaders who keep Bosnia rigidly partitioned
        into three ethnic enclaves, according to an exhaustive
        investigation by an American-led antifraud unit.

        The antifraud unit, set up by the Office of the High
        Representative, the international agency responsible for
        carrying out the civilian aspects of the Dayton peace
        agreement, has exposed so much corruption that relief
        agencies and embassies are reluctant to publicize the
        thefts for fear of frightening away international donors.

        The report names several officials linked to the
        governing nationalist parties that it says profited from
        the fraud. Even though the Office of the High
        Representative has dismissed 15 officials or prevented
        them from holding office, most retain authority.

        In one incident cited in the report, 10 foreign embassies
        and international aid agencies lost over $20 million
        deposited in a Bosnian bank, but only the Swiss
        embassy has publicly acknowledged its losses.

        The antifraud unit, which requires special security
        measures and does not make public who is working for
        the organization in Bosnia, is now investigating 220
        cases of fraud and corruption. It documents the current
        cases in a 4,000-page report that has not been released
        to the public. Its contents were made available to The
        New York Times.

        Organizations as diverse at the Office of the High
        Representative, the United Nations and the United
        States Agency for International Development, all
        dedicated to rebuilding the country, have lost tens of
        millions of dollars, the report says.

        The widespread corruption is viewed by many here as
        a severe blow in the long, frustrating struggle to build a
        democratic Bosnia, a country that has received $5.1
        billion in international aid since the end of the war in
        1995. The corruption has also played a pivotal role in
        driving away foreign investment, seen as the only way
        to free Bosnia from dependence on foreign assistance.

        The missing funds were supposed to have been used to
        rebuild Bosnia's roads, buildings and schools, as well
        as to provide municipal services in towns throughout

        Alija Izetbegovic, the Bosnian President, along with
        other senior nationalist leaders, has dismissed the
        allegations of official corruption made by the
        international investigators. While conceding that
        corruption takes place, the President disputes the scale
        of the charges, denying that as much as a billion dollars
        has been misappropriated as stated in the long and
        detailed report.

        Izetbegovic has repeatedly denied these charges, most
        recently in a local press interview. "It would be
        nonsense to claim that there is no corruption, or that it
        is irrelevant, in a country that has just come out of the
        war," he said, adding that Bosnia is a country "which
        does not have established borders, where joint
        institutions are still not functioning, and which has at
        least two armies and two police forces."

        The Dayton agreement, which was signed by Muslim,
        Croatian and Serbian warring factions in 1995, called
        for the creation of a single state and the return of two
        million refugees and displaced people to their homes.
        But Bosnia remains partitioned into three antagonistic
        ethnic enclaves.

        Serb-held Bosnia continues to operate as a separate

        The internationally created Muslim-Croat Federation
        has no authority and has been unable to raise revenues.
        The two million refugees and displaced people have
        not gone back to their homes. And the Office of the
        High Representative has been reduced to promising
        money and aid projects to towns and cities that say they
        will allow some refugees to return, promises that are
        usually never kept.

        "Dayton stopped the violence, but it did not end the
        war," said Jacques P. Klein, the chief United Nations
        representative here, "and the war is still being fought
        bureaucratically through obfuscation, delay and
        avoidance by a group of leaders who do not want to
        lose power. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a patient on life
        support assistance -- political, military and economic."

        International donors say the endemic fraud is making it
        harder to justify continued aid levels. Without the huge
        infusions of money, it is unlikely that the Muslim,
        Croatian and Serbian enclaves will be able to continue
        to pay pensions and salaries and reconstruct the
        country. The Sarajevo Government, for instance, has
        asked the World Bank for loans to make pension

        "Time is running out," said James Lyon, the director of
        the international Crisis Group, an independent research
        organization. "The international community has no
        enforcement mechanism. The international
        administrators beg, plead, cajole and in some case
        engage in what looks like bribery, promising cities
        infrastructure projects if they allow some refugees to
        return. This tactic might work if we continue the present
        aid levels, about a billion dollars a year, over the next
        20 years. But as aid declines, what will make these
        people even promise to comply?"

        Tuzla, a Muslim city. is one case study of widespread
        corruption that infects many local governments, the
        report says. The investigators' report charges that $200
        million was missing from this year's budget, in addition
        to $300 million missing over the last two years.

        Tuzla's schools were painted four times last year alone
        by the city government, although they were rebuilt and
        painted by international aid organizations as well.
        Tuzla officials paid two or three times the normal price
        for such work and sold many of the cans of paint on the
        local market, the auditors found. Many of the schools,
        meanwhile, still lack heat, and students must wear their
        coats to class in the winter.

        In the town of Sanski Most, heavily damaged during the
        war, municipal funds are being used to build a horse
        racing track, much to the consternation of aid agencies,
        the report said.

        The report charges the town's Mayor, Mehmed Alagic,
        with 358 counts of corruption. The charges include the
        theft of $450,000 in relief aid from Saudi Arabia. That
        money was supposed to be used to provide feed and
        farm equipment, but the report alleges that the Mayor
        gave the money instead to his brother to start a bank.
        The Mayor has denied the charges and accused the
        Office of the High Representative of mounting a
        campaign against him.

        The most sensitive case under investigation by the
        antifraud unit concerns the Bosnia and Herzegovina
        Bank, or BiH, in Sarajevo. The bank took in tens of
        millions of dollars from international agencies and 10
        foreign embassies. The money, the investigators say,
        was lent to fictional businesses or given as personal
        loans to friends by the two owners.

        The bank has now collapsed. The collapse underscores
        a near-total failure to establish a viable banking
        industry. Of the some 50 banks in Bosnia, Western
        diplomats say, only six are solvent.

        The Agency for International Development, which has
        not made its losses public, had at least $4 million in the
        BiH bank, according to Western diplomats. At least
        half of the $20 million lost by international
        organizations deposited in the bank was to have been
        used for reconstruction projects, the investigators said.

        "Our fear is that once the extent of the theft is known,
        international donors will get disgusted and walk away,"
        said an official at the Office of the High
        Representative, who asked not to be identified.

        AID has also filed suit in Bosnian courts against 19
        Bosnian companies, which have failed to repay loans
        worth more than $10 million. The loans, ranging from
        $100,000 to $1 million, are part of a $278 million
        revolving credit established in 1996 by AID to help
        kick-start the economy. The agency, unable to collect
        $1 million in loans from Hidrogradnja, one of Bosnia's
        largest companies, is trying to seize its assets.

        The rampant corruption has discouraged foreign
        investment. Most foreign companies, including
        McDonald's, have refused to set up operations after
        demands by officials to pay bribes and do business
        exclusively with local party officials. Other companies
        -- like the Italian construction company Aluveneto and
        Gluck Norm, Germany's largest maker of door and
        window frames -- have pulled out with heavy losses,
        complaining of interference from the state, an inability
        to collect debts and demands by officials for kickbacks
        and bribes to stay in business.

        Volkswagen is also considering pulling out of Bosnia,
        according to European diplomats. Volkswagen officials
        would not comment. The German Government pushed
        hard to get the company to reopen its heavily damaged
        plant in the Sarajevo suburb of Vogosca. Volkswagen
        did so on condition that the Bosnian Government buy
        official cars from the plant. Not only has the
        Government reneged on its promise, forcing
        Volkswagen to go to court, but the state company in
        partnership has refused to pay the $1 million it
        promised to invest.

        The money-losing Volkswagen plant does only final
        assembly on car bodies shipped from the Skoda auto
        works in the Czech Republic. Sixty workers assemble
        about six cars a day from the kits. Few sell, in part
        because of the thousands of stolen cars brought into the
        country from Europe by local gangsters.

        The used car market in Stolac, which convenes every
        Sunday in the Croat-controlled part of Bosnia, has one
        of the largest collections of stolen vehicles in Europe,
        according to the international police.

        On one recent Sunday, some 400 cars, most with forged
        registration papers and German, Swiss and Italian
        license plates, were being sold for large wads of
        German marks. The gangs that bring the cars into
        Bosnia oversee the sales.

        The Office of the High Representative has outlawed the
        market. It pressed in January to have the market's
        organizer, Jozo Peric, arrested. But the local Croatian
        court released him a few days later and dismissed the
        charges. Now Peric is in hiding. When federal tax
        officials showed up last year to try carry out an audit,
        they were beaten so badly they were hospitalized.

        Officials of the Office of the High Representative and
        Western diplomats say one of the wealthiest and most
        powerful men in Bosnia is Bakir Izetbegovic, the son of
        President Izetbegovic. He controls The City
        Development Institute, in charge of determining the
        occupancy rights of 80,000 publicly owned apartments
        in Sarajevo. The apartments, many of which belonged
        to Serbs or Croats before the war, have been given to
        members of the governing Muslim-led Social
        Democratic Party. Others who want occupancy rights
        must pay Izetbegovic $2,000, said several Bosnians
        who have paid the fee.

        Izetbegovic owns 15 percent of Bosnia Air, the state
        airline, and takes a cut of the extortion money paid out
        by local shopkeepers to Sarajevo gangsters, these
        diplomats said. Izetbegovic has consistently denied any
        involvement in such activities.

        When foreign aid agencies or even the Office of the
        High Representative try to turn to Bosnian courts for
        redress, they run up against an overwhelmed and
        corrupt system.

        The Agency for International Development is moving
        against several large state-owned companies. But
        creditors are rarely able to collect. The Tuzla courts,
        for instance, have a backlog of more than 30,000 cases
        of organized and violent crime. There were 1,050
        convictions last year, and in most of the cases, those
        convicted were released on parole.

        Even when laws are passed to try to contain the fraud,
        politicians have blocked or ignored them. For instance,
        last year the Bosnian Assembly passed a law to allow
        the Government to tax the oil and gas trucked in from
        Croatia. The revenue was expected to be in the
        hundreds of millions of dollars. But when the law
        appeared in the official gazette, the articles stipulating
        the taxation were inexplicably missing. The Croatian
        mafia that brings in the oil and gas continues to pay no
        taxes. Although the case is in a Sarajevo court,
        diplomats say the judges, fearing retribution, are afraid
        to try it.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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