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The Ninth Gate

Release Date: March 10th, 2000 (moved up a week from March 17th, 2000)

MPAA Rating: R (for some violence and sexuality)

Distributor: Artisan Entertainment

Cast: Johnny Depp (Dean Corso), Lena Olin, Frank Langella (Balkan), Barabara
Jefford, James Russo, Emmanuelle Seigner

Director: Roman Polanski (Chinatown, Death and the Maiden, Rosemary's Baby, Fe
arless Vampire Killers, Bitter Moon, Frantic, Knife in the Water, The Tenant,
many more)

Screenwriters: Roman Polanski (cowriter of many of his films), John Brownjohn
(cowriter of Tess, Pirates, Bitter Moon), Enrique Urbizu (cowriter of Cachito)

Based upon: The novel The Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte.

Premise: A rare book dealer (Depp) discovers a strange demonic conspiracy
while trying to find the last two copies of an ancient tome said to hold the
secrets of summoning Satan.
Filming Locations: Portugal, France, and Spain

Genres: Comedy, Thriller

Official Site:

Also at Theaters: March 2000

Input about, or any movie covered here, is encouraged.
Just e-mail Greg Dean Schmitz at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please note that
all release dates are subject to change.

    Review (***): There are going to be many people who won't agree with a
*** review for this film, because one of the biggest problems of the film is
that Artisan has been marketing it as a horror film... and it's not one. The
Ninth Gate starts off as a film noir detective story, and ends as an
European-flavored satire comedy that goes a bit over the top, but
effectively... if you're in on the joke. If you go in expecting the sort of
Satanic booga-booga-boo special effects and gore that we've seen in movies
like End of Days and Spawn, you're going to be disappointed, because the film
takes a different route, leaving the evil deeds to be done by the people in
the film rather than some monstrous demonic form.

This is the first movie for director Roman Polanski since 1994's Death and
the Maiden (and only his 7th since Chinatown), and the biting, intelligent
humor in that film is here as well. It's almost like this film is Polanski's
reflection on Rosemary's Baby, complete with a scene where one character
mocks a group of Satanic cultists not unlike the one in that earlier movie.
There's also many film noir elements (mostly in the first hour) that are fun
for film buffs to spot, including homages to The Big Sleep (and indeed, the
film's story is a bit like Double Indemnity). There are some weak spots,
mostly in the form of the anonymous supernatural girl played by Emmannuelle
Seigner (who she is never explained; and though some mysteries in this film
work; that one doesn't). Some people will also be baffled by the ending,
which leaves interpretation to the audience.

The Ninth Gate is especially noteworthy on nearly every technical point.
Wojciech Kilar's score is among the best I've heard this year; it was
alternatingly creepy and beautiful. The cinematography by Darius Khondji (The
Beach, Se7en) is top-notch, including some lighting (such as the closing
scene) that is just about perfect. The Spanish and Portuguese locations were
well-chosen; they evoke a mystery that matches the story.

The Ninth Gate is a distinct acquired taste. It's not for those seeking a
horror movie; a good scare. Rather, it's for those who would enjoy a biting
satire comedy about the sort of people who are attracted to Satanic worship,
to the point where the characters who are being satirized themselves satirize
other characters. I laughed several times; more than I have at some other
recent "comedies" (like What Planet Are You From?). In the end, I think this
is a movie about people who become so obsessed with the search for
information at any cost that they forget to live lives with the information
they've gathered; and that's what makes them "evil", and thus, drives the

Greg's Preview Thoughts: Even now, twenty years later, controversial
directors don't get much controversial than Roman Polanski. That he is one of
the world's most talented directors is hard to dispute, but in the eyes of
some, he may never outlive the pariah of the statutory rape charge which
forced him into his exile.

The Ninth Gate is only Polanski's third film in this decade, following the
brilliant Death and the Maiden and 1992's Bitter Moon. It's worth noting that
the delay between between this film and Death and the Maiden is partly
because of a problem in 1996 with a film project called The Double which was
set to star John Travolta, but which was cancelled by Polanski after Travolta

With its supernatural themes, it appears Polanski is returning to the genre
with which he made such a mark in 1968 with Rosemary's Baby. There is no lack
of films with similar themes this year, but this film has the advantage of
beating the others (Lost Souls and End of Days) to the punch. With Johnny
Depp in the starring role, this film should appear spooky enough to draw
crowds eager to see what vision Polanski is bringing us next.
Page Created: 4/20/99
Page Updated: 3/12/00
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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