-Caveat Lector- Note: The Urantia Brotherhood is a Skull & Bones spin-off. Byron Belitsos of
the 911 Truth Movement's claim to fame is his popularization of the
brotherhood's holy text  -- supposedly channelled by a member of the
Kellogg family, which had four members enrolled in Skull & Bones fraternity
at the time to book was produced.  -- AC
Urantia: A Skull & Bones Spin-Off


The Secret Origins of Skull & Bones

... The family names on the Skull and Bones roster roll off the tongue like
an elite party list -- Lord, Whitney, Taft, Jay, Bundy, Harriman,
Weyerhaeuser, Pinchot, Rockefeller, Goodyear, Sloane, Stimson, Phelps,
Perkins, Pillsbury, KELLOGG, Vanderbilt, Bush, Lovett and so on.
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