Re: [CTRL] Urantia : The Great Cult Mystery

1999-01-02 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

I do not believe in gods, I believe in actions. Actions spawn life and death,
sorrow and joy.  The devil is a lie of men. There is no war of gods. There is

There is much in history, unknown and distant in the mists of time. Have you
read Cayce?

Express yourself.

To the Utmost of Futures . . .


In a message dated 12/31/98 10:23:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have to agree with you that don't need all of it's "flowery" talk
understand cause and affect. But I for one am thrilled to have finally found
the details about God and Jesus and everything else the book covers. I have
wondered about this stuff my whole life. Some of the science it contains is
outdated, but as far as the history..I haven't run across too many errors.
Remember the part about the Fandors? the big birds that flew some of the
primative natives around during the time of adam and eve..well..a few years
ago Dan Rather on the CBS evening news..told america that some scientists had
uncovered the fossils of a bird with a 500 ft. wing span. Supposedly these
fandors were able to "talk"..we have birds that talk today..they are called

I am really not trying to shove this down anyone's throat, although it may
seem that way to some. For me this book has been the key to understanding the
motives and strange happenings that are going on within our government and
elsewhere..there is even a bigger picture than what the conspiracies uncover.
After a while..after many readings of the UB..there exists..between the lines
of this fascinating book..little gems that have been a great aid in
desciphering the mysteries that seem to surround us.

I would like to ask you MHO..what you thought of the paper on our fallen
Planetary Prince..Caligastia?..did you believe it? know I
do..hehe..I have come to the conclusion that it is this same fallen planetary
prince (aka the devil) that is the mastermind behind the NWO. It is
Caligastia's plan to stop evolution and free will choices in it's tracks.
Cal's goal is to become god of Urantia.  And you know what that means..the
celestials will not stand idly by while evolution or free will is tampered

I sound like a nut..i know..oh well..I am having a blast. :)


 Kinda, I first ran into the  Urantia Book about thirty years ago. I have a
  copy. I have read through much of it. It was a channled book. If you care
  live you life by it , fine. Presonally. I do not believe it to be a
  revalation. Ya really do not need all its flowery talk to understand how
  actions affect your world.
  And I would question much of the history in the Urantia Book.

  Jesus had the KISS principle down. Treat others as you would treat
  and love God with all you heart and soul.  Pretty simple and


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Urantia : The Great Cult Mystery

1998-12-30 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

reviews/0879759550/rileygenterpriseA/002-3013855-6230800" Reviews:
Urantia : The Great Cult M /A
One point of view, with a couple of others thrown in for good measure.

Urantia : The Great Cult Mystery
by Martin Gardner
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Usually ships in 2-3 days
Hardcover - (April 1995) 445 pages

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Urantia : The Great Cult Mystery
by Martin Gardner
Try express shopping with
1-ClickSM and Gift Click Our Price: $19.57
You Save: $8.38 (30%)
Usually ships in 2-3 days
Hardcover - (April 1995) 445 pages

Table of Contents
1. The Urantia Book
2. Dr. William Sadler
3. Dr. John Kellogg
4. Ellen White's Plagiarisms
5. The Living Temple
6. Wilfred Custer Kellogg
7. The Revelation Begins
8. Harold Sherman and Harry Loose
10. Science in The Urantia Book, Part I
11. Science in The Urantia Book, Part II
12. Adventist Influence on The Urantia Book
13. Sadler and Sister White
14. Did Sadler Contribute to the Papers? Part I
15. Did Sadler Contribute to the Papers? Part II
16. Plagiarisms in The Urantia Book
17. Bitter Schisms
18. Joe Pope and the New Teachers
19. The Great Rebellion
App. A. Books by William Sadler, Sr.
App. B. Books by Harold Sherman
App. C. Sherman's Letter to Sadler
App. D. The Story of Joseph of Arimathaea
App. E. Unusual Words and Phrases that Sadler and The Urantia Book Have
in Common
App. F. Acknowledgments
Name Index

The media has temporarily turned its large but constantly blinking eye
away from cult-of-the-day reportage after the Waco conflagration, but
such organizations continue to collect adherents. Martin Gardner, best
known as mathematical-games-meister for Scientific American, turns his
refreshingly unblinking gaze on the origin and continuing growth of the
Urantian cult, whose members believe they are receiving corrigenda to
the Bible from celestial beings. A marvellous study of the ways in which
the zaniest ideas can be propagated through society.
From Booklist , April 1, 1995
The Urantia Book is at the center of one of the more interesting
esoteric American sects in a century full to bursting with them. As
such, it was bound to attract premier debunker Gardner's attention.
Gardner begins by regrettably briefly recapitulating the book itself and
 summarizing the history of the Urantians' connections with Sister Ellen
White and the Seventh-Day Adventists and other fin de sie{…}cle
religionists, and he closes with a panorama of the present state of the
Urantia movement and its reforms and schisms. But Gardner uses the core
of his text to establish, by textual analysis and other tools, Dr.
William Sadler as The Urantia Book's main, if not sole, author. Whether
he succeeds in this endeavor each reader will decide individually; his
case is certainly remarkably compelling. There are a few flaws, for the
sheer weight of facts unearthed by his research sometimes overpowers the
thread of his argument. And sometimes Gardner allows himself to wax
sarcastic at an especially egregious example of inanity. But then, who
wouldn't? Dennis Winters
Copyright© 1995, American Library Association. All rights reserved

Martin Gardner, one of America's most acclaimed science writers, has
here compiled the first complete history of a growing, modern religious
cult. Gardner traces the cult's beginnings back to its "bible," The
Urantia Book, a book supposedly revealed solely by celestial beings to
correct the flaws in the traditional Bible. Published in 1955 under the
direction of cult leader Dr. William Sadler, The Urantia Book (Urantia
is the cult's name for the earth) is the largest work ever said to have
been channeled by unseen higher beings through human contacts. It
differs from earlier channeled "bibles" in that it contains a vast
amount of modern science as well as a detailed biography of Jesus
Christ, complete with facts not found in the Gospels. As a result, many
scientists and scholars are dedicated Urantians. In addition to
discussing the beliefs of the Urantia cult, Gardner reveals two major
developments that threaten to splinter the movement. The first is a
sectarian rift that has split the movement into two major competing
factions. The second is the growing belief of hundreds of Urantians that
they, too, are receiving their own messages from the celestials, who
they claim are preparing Urantia for a new revelation intended to usher
in a utopia of