Re: [CTRL] Vincenzo Fosterini

1999-08-13 Thread John Szocik

 -Caveat Lector-

Any NewYorker with an ounce of brains should not even consider a vote for
Hillary until the Vince Foster death is completely solved. Not to mention
several other questionable practices she and her husband have been associated

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[CTRL] Vincenzo Fosterini

1999-08-12 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

 Memo on the MarginPicture: crm.gif (1694 bytes)

 August 12, 1999

 Who is Vince Foster?

 Memo To:  Robert Bartley, WSJ editor
 From:  Jude Wanniski
 Re:  Same Old Question

 The new book, Bill and Hillary: The Marriage, opens up that old
 question you posed in a lead editorial back in 1993 -- "Who is
 Vince Foster?" -- not long before his lifeless body was found in
 Fort Marcy Park, several miles from his desk at the White House.
 I always could appreciate the anger you felt when the
 spin-doctors at the White House came up with the story that
 Foster committed suicide in a depression brought on by the
 editorial. As you will recall, we had several conversations at
 that time in which I passed on comments to you that I had
 received from a friend with ties to the FBI about foul play and
 the possibility Foster was murdered. I still believe that no
 matter how he died, it did not happen at Fort Marcy. Whether he
 committed suicide and was taken there or bumped off and taken
 there, I don’t know. But it was one or the other. The book’s
 revelations about a long-time love affair between Vince and
 Hillary is of course no surprise, as rumors were rampant back in
 1993, and, in light of what we have since learned about the
 marriage, perfectly credible. The book, though, has stirred the
 pot again, which may reopen the potential for inquiries that will
 lead in new directions. Here is one comment from a friend that
 sounds right:

 Vince's firing of FBI Director Webster at Hillary's insistence on
 or about July 16 was without doubt the "trigger" for Vince's
 untimely demise -- which I suppose was suicide. But not at Fort
 Marcy. He lived in Georgetown with his sister, had only been in
 the DC area for 6 months and could not have even known that park
 was there. People who travel the GW parkway every day don't know
 it's there. It has a T-bone entrance, there are no off-ramps or
 on-ramps. I suppose Vince committed suicide in the WH parking
 lot, just as the Arkansas State troopers at the Governor's Manse
 -- where Hillary was when they found her to tell her about Vince
 -- were originally informed. And the National Park Service -- the
 custodians of the White House -- moved his vehicle and body to
 the nearest place under their control where it wouldn't be found
 for quite a spell. The nearest such place under their control to
 the White House was Fort Marcy. It is an absolute miracle that
 his body was found so soon, being laid out way to hell at the
 back of the Park, off any foot path and on the slope down to the
 Potomac. Ordinarily the Park would have only been searched after
 a car had been found parked there overnight and it was found to
 have been his. If they had just found any old car there, they
 would have just put a ticket on it. And after a few weeks worth
 of tickets they might have checked.

 The friend is just a fellow who lives near Fort Marcy and knows
 it well, and immediately was suspicious about the accounts of the
 suicide. He’s read everything reported about the event, mulled it
 over many times, and has a working theory that Foster did commit
 suicide, for a reason that makes better sense than any other I’ve
 heard: "The scenario is that Vince committed suicide because of
 the confrontation with FBI Director Webster with respect to his
 direct responsibility for the Waco Massacre. In the early months
 of the Clinton Administration, we now know that Hillary was
 Co-President and had 4-5 Cabinet Departments under her. One was
 Justice and she ran it through Vince in the White House and Webb
 Hubbell at the Department of Justice. She tried to run the FBI
 through Kennedy but Webster wouldn't take orders. At that point
 Reno still didn't know where the Ladies Room was. Acting on info
 supplied by FBI that the Davidian children were being abused,
 Hillary told Vince to fix it! Rescue those children! So
 Vince-Webb-Webster did and the kids were incinerated. This could
 have bothered Vince more than somewhat and he blamed himself.
 Hillary blamed Webster for Waco and the travel office firing
 debacle and insisted he be replaced with one of their people.
 Webster refused to go quietly and Vince had to personally fire
 him in a contentious meeting at Justice. Webster may even have
 threatened to spill the beans on Hillary-Vince. Webster fell and
 broke his elbow on the curb at Justice when exiting the meeting.
 Two or three days later Vince committed suicide."

 What do you think? It sounds plausible, especially when you throw
 in all the other stuff Vince may have known was coming down the
 pike... In case you missed it, here is the latest from the London
 Daily Telegraph.

 7 August 1999

 Hillary's Lover, the FBI and the Vital Questions

 By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

 Hillary Clinton was warned. If she used her position as First
 Lady to launch a candidacy for the US Senate, she would forfeit
 her privileges and immunity. Suppressed stories would come to