-Caveat Lector-

Votescam Action Alert!


(This action alert was recently posted on the Green Party website
http://www.greenparty.org )

 From The Teller-Woodland Green Tea Party
(Inspired by The Boston Tea Party and The Green Party)


As of January 30, 280-400 bills have been introduced in at least 40 states
regarding the issues of Internet voting, standardizing vote counting
procedures in each state, and increasing the use of computers to count
votes, according to Jennie Drage at the National Conference of State
The Florida vote count fiasco, especially the US Supreme Court's decision,
has pressured each state to make vote counting uniform and computerized.
New legislation would increase the use of computers to count votes and
would move decision making power about how votes are counted from the
county and municipal level to the state level across the US.
For thirty years the computerized vote count has functioned as the perfect
tool for those who seek to fraudulently manipulate elections!
In a nutshell, when computers are used to count votes, poll watchers,
election officials, even the Secretary of State, are not allowed to
actually see the vote count. All they can see are ballots being fed into a
computer, or no ballots at all, just a receipt from the computer at the end
of the election day. Nor are they allowed to examine the computer software,
which is what determines how the votes are counted. This amounts to an
illegal secret ballot count. Only the private corporations, which are paid
millions of taxpayer dollars to program the software, know whether the
votes will be counted accurately.
The newer computers even have modems enabling them to be accessed by other
computers, telephone, satellite, or even a cell phone. The rigging of
computer counted elections is essentially impossible to detect, or to prove.
Internet voting leaves no paper trail, making it impossible to have a
recount. Internet voting is even more riggable, less secure and
unverifiable than counting votes by computer. Another "innovation" already
in use, now being considered for standardized procedure, is touch screen
voting. This system is also computerized and also leaves no paper trail.
Canada, Britain, Switzerland, India and Israel count their paper-ballot
votes by hand. During the last election Canada counted 13 million votes in
4 hours. Forcing us to have our votes counted by unverifiable and riggable
computers violates the US Constitution and the State constitutions.

For more information on computers and vote counting see the article below

"Does Your Vote Count? Computer Voting Machines vs. Hand Count"

and the web pages:


And refer to the book:

"Votescam: The Stealing of America" by James and Ken Collier. (212) 809-9090 or

Without an accurate and verifiable vote count no other important issues are
likely to have a fair chance. This is not a partisan issue. The oligarchy,
the plutocracy, the corporate dictators, and the US media oligopoly are
attempting to make their control of this country even more complete. We
need a grass roots uprising similar to the anti-war movement and the
anti-nuclear movement. We really need to win this battle if the flame of
freedom is going to continue to burn in this country. It is time for
another Boston Tea Party!!

1.      Call up your local state rep or senator, or visit your state's web
page, and find out what bills have been introduced having to do with vote
counting, election reform, and new voting technologies.
2.      Provide educational materials to your rep, senator, and members of
the committee each bill is in.
3.      Contact others across your state, and the rest of the US, who are
likely to be concerned about our vote count being accurate and verifiable:
political parties, the ACLU, local boards of elections in each county and
municipality, labor unions, environmental groups, magazines, consumer
groups, churches, farm organizations, etc.
4.      Write letters to the editor.
5.      Call in or get on radio talk shows.
6.      Contact independent computer experts in your state and ask them to
look at these materials.
We need lots of computer experts to come forward on this issue.
7.      Send this letter to news organizations all over the Internet.
8.      Start an initiative petition campaign to stop computerized vote
counting in your community.
9.      Have your local public access TV station show the Votescam Video;
show it to groups.
10.     Take a video camera to your local polling place on election day and
demand to watch the vote count.
11.     Find out what state statutes enable the use of computers in your
12.     Have your local rep and senator introduce legislation to amend
these statutes so that votes are counted by hand. (The key to a hand count
is having the ballots counted at the local polling place, and having enough
polling places so that each polling place has no more than 300-500 ballots
to count. The current common practice of transporting the ballots to a
central location jeopardizes the security of the ballots, and increases the
number of ballots to be counted at one place, thus greatly increasing the
time it takes to count the ballots unless done by computer.)
13.     Do civil disobedience at your polling place, or in some
politician's office.
14.     Help us here in Woodland Park, Colorado.
15.     Forward this letter all over the Internet; print hard copies and
give them out.

In Woodland Park, Colorado we collected nearly 500 signatures on an
initiative petition. The petition requires all vote counting be done by
hand. As a result, the City Council was forced to either vote for the
petition, or put it to a vote of the citizens. Woodland Park citizens will
be voting on this initiative July 17, 2001. But catch 22, the vote on this
initiative is likely to be by computer!! We will be pressuring the City
Council to have the votes counted by hand, however we are confident that
the count will be done by computer even though counting by hand would cost
much less, be verifiable, and be much harder to rig. Bill S 74. S74 will
allow mass mail in balloting in all counties in Colorado. (complain about
HR 01-1135. See http://www.state.co.us/gov_dir/stateleg.html for more
details. )

In Woodland Park, Colorado, citizens have risen up and initiated an
election on computer counting of votes versus hand counting of votes in an
attempt to toss out the computers. The citizens of this city should be
allowed to have the votes on this initiative counted out in the open by
hand, where poll watchers are able to actually see the votes being counted.
If the citizens of Woodland Park are not allowed a hand count of the
ballots, then we will be having a demonstration including some people doing
civil disobedience. Make history! Come join our demonstration! Help us
throw a little tea!!

We need help setting up a web page. We need money for fliers, fines, and
legal costs. We need legal help. We need people to contact the state reps
and senators in Colorado and complain about HR 01-1135. See
http://www.state.co.us/gov_dir/stateleg.html for more details.

Make checks payable to:

The Teller-Woodland Green Tea Party
Box 220-171
Woodland Park, CO 80866
Ph: 719-687-8141


Preparing for Civil Disobedience


Here in Woodland Park the City Council has voted to count the votes by
computer and to have the registered voters vote by mail in ballot (The
unregistered voters who are allowed to vote in this election also will be
voting at a polling place.). I have threatened the Council publicly three
times with a law suit if they vote to use either of these methods of voting
(computer counting and mail in ballot). So now that it is clear that both
of these methods are being used, we are looking more closely at our options.
It does not appear that the ACLU locally is going to go into court for us
on this issue. It is possible that we can talk an attorney into helping us,
but not likely. In order to get the ACLU to go into court we will have to
persuade not only the local chapter, but the Denver Chapter. The local
chapter is helping us, but they at this point fully realize that the
exercise of going into court has a very slim chance of success at any level
in Colorado. I have encouraged them to take it all the way to the US
Supreme Court, and some day they may (especially if the National ACLU
decides to). But in order to get them to do that I, and others, will have
to keep working on them.
I have compared the situation with computers and vote counting to the many
attempts black people made during the civil rights movement. Black
attorneys went into court many, many times before they finally got justice
at the Supreme Court level. I have also pointed out that this does not just
effect a minority group, it effects the entire country, our most basic
civil liberties, and the very existence of democracy. I have been told by a
member of the ACLU locally that courts and the ACLU are sensitive to public
opinion and pressure. If others (the local ACLU is willing to help with
this) are able to get this issue out to the public, get people to start
demonstrating, get arrested, write letters to the editor, make it clear
that there are lots of people who believe there is a problem, similar to
other movements, get a movement going, then it is both more likely that the
ACLU will eventually go into court, and more likely that the courts will
produce a favorable order. The chances of a victory in court now, and even
in the future with strong public opinion, are not good. This situation is
very similar to what black people faced during the civil rights movement.
So it looks like we have to get a movement going by whatever means we are
able to, and at the same time continue educating and pressuring the ACLU.

So locally we are looking at what kinds of things we can do prior to the

Here are my thoughts so far:
1.      Write letters to election officials, the secretary of state, maybe
even fax every member of the Colorado General Assembly and the Governor,
stating that these election methods are illegal and why, and asking for
action, satisfaction. I am thinking that legally it is probably important
that we cover all the bases legally before doing civil disobedience so that
later in court the judge can not say to me, why didn't you try every thing
else before breaking the law?
2.      I have already publicly given the letter below (To the City of
Woodland Park) to the WP City Council.
The letter was also printed in both of the local newspapers. I am sure that
we can improve on the letter and add some additional legal arguments to it.
4.      Go into court pro se, or if we can find a pro bono attorney, and
ask for an injunction against the City. (I wonder if we would be allowed to
ask for a decision by a jury?)
5.      Go into court and ask that the mail in ballots be kept at the post
office rather than at the Clerk's Office.
6.      Find out exactly what specific civil disobedience actions are
likely to result in what sorts of penalties. For example jail time,
financial penalty, etc. (However, Colorado attorneys may not legally be
able to give advice to a person planning on breaking a law.)
7.      Try to locate an attorney to represent people getting arrested.
8.      Line up people to be poll watchers when mail ballots are
transported from the post office to the clerk's office, when mail ballots
are officially opened over the course of 10 or so days, and when the
ballots are being counted by computer. (Not likely to be able to find
enough people to do all this poll watching.)
9.      Be ready to go into court again after the election to challenge the
results. (I wonder if we would be allowed to ask for a decision by a jury?)
10.     Have volunteers on election day do an exit poll of the people
voting at the polling place. Although this is not likely to accomplish a
lot, it is an interesting idea that is worth considering. The following I
am including for information purposes, but they do not seem to be good
ideas, at least to me at this point in time:
11.     Talk to the local head of the County Democratic Party, a friend,
about putting some pressure on the local democratic member of the county
board of elections. My friend, the Democratic Chair, appointed him. But he
is not replaceable apparently until the next time the position comes up for
appointment. (There are only two plus the county clerk on the board of
elections.) She, the Chair, may be willing to arrange a meeting with him.
Whoops, I just realized. This election is a City election. The officials
who certify the City election are usually the clerk, mayor, and a judge.
Isn't that neat?
12.     Go into court and ask that after the ballots have been counted they
be placed in the possession of the State Police, although protecting the
ballots after the vote count is only of value if we have probably at least
1-2 thousand dollars for a recount, and if the Secretary of State, or a
judge, is willing to order that the recount be done by hand. The state
statutes say that the recount has to be done by the same method as the
original count. (Is this what it is like to play chess with your hands
tied? The only way you get to make a move is with the permission of your

Earlier this week we (Glenn Raleigh) initiated a pro se law suit, based on
the WP City Charter's
requirement that the election be held within 60 days of when the
initiatives were found sufficient. This legal
action is only likely to cause the election to take place sooner. However,
since the City Clerk has publicly stated that the county owned computers
will not be ready to use till July, we are hoping that the election will be
scheduled sooner and that the count will be by hand. But this is probably
not likely either. We are currently trying to find an attorney to represent
us at the hearing on this case. Some local citizens have offered to put up
some money.

Keep It Up!

The Teller-Woodland Green Tea Party
Box 220-171
Woodland Park, CO 80866
(ph) 719-687-1002
(fax) 719-686-9760


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