-Caveat Lector-

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To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Christopher Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                SNET: WAR NEWSBREAK:  U.S. War Propaganda Exposed
Date sent:              Wed, 26 Mar 2003 14:55:15 -0700
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Barbara Hartwell
Legal Defense and Research Fund
PO Box 832
Woodstock NY 12498
Website: http://www.barbarahartwell.com

Note from Babs:

This report came to me from a NATO intelligence report. The source who acted as a 
is extremely trustworthy and so I would bank on the information being true.

-------------------- article follwows:

U. S. Forces in Iraq Lie for Psy Ops Purposes.

The U.S.-U.K. war in Iraq is going badly. The Iraqi resistance is much, much fiercer 
was ever expected and the casualties among the coalition forces are by at least 300 per
cent heavier than reported on western T.V. stations.

Many U.S. soldiers have been killed and wounded but their numbers are being held secret
and will be revealed only over a period of weeks in order to keep from disheartening 
masses in the U.S. and in the U.K.

Some additional facts of importance.

1. U.S. Marine units which had been fighting in and around the Iraqi port city Um Qasr
had to be withdrawn and replaced by British marine commandos because of widespread
"battle fatigue" and poor morale as a result of encountering both military and civilian
fierce resistance their commanders had told them would
not happen.

2. The so-called Iraqi prisoners of war shown on American T.V. networks have been
identified by members of the Swedish Red Cross as civilians and not as military men.

3. American planes have been bombing civilian targets in Baghdad, Mosul, Basra, and 
cities and the toll of civilian casualties in those cities has been growing in alarming

4. According to a Hungarian journalist's report, the Oil fields at Rumailia have been
exploded and set afire by trained teams of U.S. Special Forces, not by Iraqis. [This is
consistent with reliable reports that U.S. black-ops torched the oil fields during Gulf
War I to further demonize Iraqis in the media with psy-ops distraction from the 
of Death" massacre of 50,000+ retreating Iraqis troops, a fact still officially denied 
Washington but reported worldwide by many witnesses and evidence via mass graves
bulldozed by U.S. troops. -CR]

5. German reporters on the scene have confirmed that British journalist, Lloyd was 
by American forces before he could broadcast a report about the falsehood of the Iraqi
P.O.W. story.


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