[CTRL] WHY THE WAR? THE KUWAIT CONNECTION ( ...and the Pollard connection. --J2 )

2001-03-15 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


The Irrepressible Rothbard Essays of Murray N. Rothbard
Edited by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.


Why, exactly, did we go to war in the Gulf? The answer remains murky, but
perhaps we can find one explanation by examining the strong and ominous
Kuwait Connection in our government. (I am indebted to an excellent article
in an obscure New York tabloid, Downtown, by Bob Feldman, "The Kissinger
Affair," March 27.) The Sabahklatura that runs the Kuwait government is
immensely wealthy, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, derived
from tax/"royalty" loot extracted from oil producers simply because the Sabah
tribe claims "sovereignty" over that valuable chunk of desert real estate.
The Sabah tribe has no legitimate claim to the oil revenue; it did nothing to
homestead or mix its labor or any other resource with the crude oil.
It is reasonable to assume that the Sabah family stands ready to use a modest
portion of that ill-gotten wealth to purchase defenders and advocates in the
powerful United States. We now focus our attention on the sinister but almost
universally Beloved figure of Dr. Henry Kissinger, a lifelong spokesman,
counselor, and servitor of the Rockefeller World Empire. Kissinger is so
Beloved, in fact, that whenever he appears on Nightline or Crossfire he
appears alone, since it seems to be lese-majeste (or even blasphemy) for
anyone to contradict the Great One's banal and ponderous Teutonic
pronouncements. Only a handful of grumblers and malcontents on the extreme
right and extreme left disturb this cozy consensus.
In 1954, the 31-year-old Kissinger, a Harvard political scientist and admirer
of Metternich, was plucked out of his academic obscurity to become lifelong
foreign policy advisor to New York Governor Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller.
Doctor K continued in that august role until he assumed the mastery of
foreign policy throughout the Nixon and Ford administrations. In that role,
Kissinger played a major part in prolonging and extending the Vietnam War,
and in the mass murder of civilians entailed by the terror bombings of
Vietnam, the secret bombing of Cambodia, and the invasion of Laos.
Since leaving office in 1977, Dr. Kissinger has continued to play a highly
influential role in U.S. politics, in the U.S. media, and in the Rockefeller
world empire. It was Kissinger, along with David Rockefeller, who was
decisive in the disastrous decision of President Carter to admit the recently
toppled Shah of Iran, old friend and ally of the Rockefellers into the United
States, a decision that led directly to the Iranian hostage crisis and to
Carter's downfall. Today, Kissinger still continues to serve as a trustee of
the powerful Rockefeller Brothers Fund, as a counselor to Rockefellers' Chase
Manhattan Bank, and as a member of Chase's International Advisory Committee.
Kissinger's media influence is evident from his having served on the board of
CBS, Inc., and having been a paid consultant to both NBC News and ABC News.
That takes care of all three networks.
But Kissinger's major, and most lucrative role, has come as head of Kissinger
Associates in New York City, founded on a loan obtained in 1982 from the
international banking firm of E.M. Warburg, Pincus and Company. Nominally,
Kissinger Associates (KA) is an "international consulting firm" but
"consultant" covers many sins, and in KA's case, this means international
political influence-peddling for its two dozen or so important corporate
clients. In the fullest report on KA, Leslie Gelb in the New York Times
Magazine for April 20, 1986, reveals that, in that year, 25 to 30
corporations paid KA between $150,000 and $420,000 each per annum for
political influence and access." As Gelb blandly puts it: "The superstar
international consultants [at KA] were certainly people who would get their
telephone calls returned from high American government officials and who
would also be able to get executives in to see foreign leaders." I dare say a
lot more than mere access could be gained thereby. KA's offices in New York
and Washington are small, but they pack a powerful punch. (Is it mere
coincidence that KA's Park Avenue headquarters is in the same building as the
local office of Chase Manhattan Bank's subsidiary, the Commercial Bank of
Who were these "superstar international consultants?" One of them, who in
1986 was the vice chairman of KA, is none other than General Brent Scowcroft,
former national security advisor under President Ford, and, playing the exact
same role under George Bush, serving as the chief architect of the Gulf War.
One of the General's top clients was Kuwait's government-owned Kuwait
Petroleum Corporation, who paid Scowcroft for his services at least from 1984
through 1986. In addition, Scowcroft became a director of Santa Fe
International (SFI) in the early 1980s, not long after SFI was purchased by
the Kuwait Petroleum 


2001-03-14 Thread William Shannon

The Irrepressible Rothbard Essays of Murray N. Rothbard
Edited by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.


 Why, exactly, did we go to war in the Gulf? The answer remains murky, but 
perhaps we can find one explanation by examining the strong and ominous 
Kuwait Connection in our government. (I am indebted to an excellent article 
in an obscure New York tabloid, Downtown, by Bob Feldman, "The Kissinger 
Affair," March 27.) The Sabahklatura that runs the Kuwait government is 
immensely wealthy, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, derived 
from tax/"royalty" loot extracted from oil producers simply because the Sabah 
tribe claims "sovereignty" over that valuable chunk of desert real estate. 
The Sabah tribe has no legitimate claim to the oil revenue; it did nothing to 
homestead or mix its labor or any other resource with the crude oil.
It is reasonable to assume that the Sabah family stands ready to use a modest 
portion of that ill-gotten wealth to purchase defenders and advocates in the 
powerful United States. We now focus our attention on the sinister but almost 
universally Beloved figure of Dr. Henry Kissinger, a lifelong spokesman, 
counselor, and servitor of the Rockefeller World Empire. Kissinger is so 
Beloved, in fact, that whenever he appears on Nightline or Crossfire he 
appears alone, since it seems to be lese-majeste (or even blasphemy) for 
anyone to contradict the Great One's banal and ponderous Teutonic 
pronouncements. Only a handful of grumblers and malcontents on the extreme 
right and extreme left disturb this cozy consensus.
In 1954, the 31-year-old Kissinger, a Harvard political scientist and admirer 
of Metternich, was plucked out of his academic obscurity to become lifelong 
foreign policy advisor to New York Governor Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller. 
Doctor K continued in that august role until he assumed the mastery of 
foreign policy throughout the Nixon and Ford administrations. In that role, 
Kissinger played a major part in prolonging and extending the Vietnam War, 
and in the mass murder of civilians entailed by the terror bombings of 
Vietnam, the secret bombing of Cambodia, and the invasion of Laos.
Since leaving office in 1977, Dr. Kissinger has continued to play a highly 
influential role in U.S. politics, in the U.S. media, and in the Rockefeller 
world empire. It was Kissinger, along with David Rockefeller, who was 
decisive in the disastrous decision of President Carter to admit the recently 
toppled Shah of Iran, old friend and ally of the Rockefellers into the United 
States, a decision that led directly to the Iranian hostage crisis and to 
Carter's downfall. Today, Kissinger still continues to serve as a trustee of 
the powerful Rockefeller Brothers Fund, as a counselor to Rockefellers' Chase 
Manhattan Bank, and as a member of Chase's International Advisory Committee. 
Kissinger's media influence is evident from his having served on the board of 
CBS, Inc., and having been a paid consultant to both NBC News and ABC News. 
That takes care of all three networks.
But Kissinger's major, and most lucrative role, has come as head of Kissinger 
Associates in New York City, founded on a loan obtained in 1982 from the 
international banking firm of E.M. Warburg, Pincus and Company. Nominally, 
Kissinger Associates (KA) is an "international consulting firm" but 
"consultant" covers many sins, and in KA's case, this means international 
political influence-peddling for its two dozen or so important corporate 
clients. In the fullest report on KA, Leslie Gelb in the New York Times 
Magazine for April 20, 1986, reveals that, in that year, 25 to 30 
corporations paid KA between $150,000 and $420,000 each per annum for 
political influence and access." As Gelb blandly puts it: "The superstar 
international consultants [at KA] were certainly people who would get their 
telephone calls returned from high American government officials and who 
would also be able to get executives in to see foreign leaders." I dare say a 
lot more than mere access could be gained thereby. KA's offices in New York 
and Washington are small, but they pack a powerful punch. (Is it mere 
coincidence that KA's Park Avenue headquarters is in the same building as the 
local office of Chase Manhattan Bank's subsidiary, the Commercial Bank of 
Who were these "superstar international consultants?" One of them, who in 
1986 was the vice chairman of KA, is none other than General Brent Scowcroft, 
former national security advisor under President Ford, and, playing the exact 
same role under George Bush, serving as the chief architect of the Gulf War. 
One of the General's top clients was Kuwait's government-owned Kuwait 
Petroleum Corporation, who paid Scowcroft for his services at least from 1984 
through 1986. In addition, Scowcroft became a director of Santa Fe 
International (SFI) in the early 1980s, not long