
July 11, 2000

Judge voices impatience over e-mail

By Jerry Seper

     A federal judge yesterday ordered the White House to explain
at a hearing Thursday why it has taken five months to come up
with a plan to locate thousands of missing e-mail messages sought
by a federal grand jury and three congressional committees.

     U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth ordered the hearing
after ruling the Executive Office of the President had not
provided the court with "any explanation" why no estimate had
been developed on when its e-mail restoration project would be
tested, modified or completed.

     "Instead, after 20 weeks, the EOP has not made one concrete
step towards producing any of the [missing e-mail documents] and
cannot give the court any estimate on when it might do so," the
judge said. "Accordingly, the court finds that an evidentiary
hearing . . . is warranted."

     Last month, Judge Lamberth gave the White House 20 days to
locate and turn over missing White House e-mail records for 33
persons, including President Clinton and first lady Hillary
Rodham Clinton. He also demanded the e-mail for former White
House Counsels Bernard Nussbaum and Charles F.C. Ruff; and
current and former White House aides Bruce Lindsey, Harold Ickes,
Sidney Blumenthal and George Stephanopoulos.

     The judge also ordered the search for the missing records be
expanded to encompass several specific terms, including
"background" and "summary" reports, "FBI files" and e-mail
involving Linda R. Tripp, Kathleen E. Willey and several Pentagon

     The order came in a pending $90 million lawsuit filed by
Judicial Watch, a conservative public interest law firm, which
has sued the White House in the "Filegate" scandal.

     In February, The Washington Times reported that thousands of
e-mail messages sent to the White House between 1996 and 1998 had
not been retrieved during a search of White House records in
response to subpoenas from a federal grand jury and three
congressional committees.

     Sheryl L. Hall, then-chief of White House computer
operations, said the missing messages involved Monica Lewinsky,
the former White House intern with whom Mr. Clinton admitted
having a sexual relationship; the White House's receipt of secret
FBI files; information on the selection of corporate executives
for overseas trade trips; and e-mail concerning campaign-finance
activities in the 1996 election.

     Later, it was learned that e-mail messages involving Vice
President Al Gore between March 1998 and April 1999 also had not
been retrieved and were also missing due to what the White House
described as a "technical error" that resulted in the failure of
a backup tape system.

     House investigators have said that more than 246,000 e-mail
messages are believed to be missing.

     The e-mail problem was first discovered in May 1998 when
contract employees for Northrop Grumman Corp. traced a
programming error on one of four White House servers back to
August 1996. The missing e-mail messages were discovered when
Northrop Grumman found that one of the four White House Lotus
Notes e-mail servers handling the mail was mislabeled and a
search of e-mail messages under subpoena was incomplete.

     During testimony before the House Government Reform
Committee, five Northrop Grumman employees said they were warned
to keep quiet about the problem once it had been discovered.
Three of them said they were threatened with jail if they told

     Betty Lambuth, former manager of the Lotus Notes Group at
the White House, told the committee she was told that if she or
any of her team mentioned the error to anyone else, "we would
lose our jobs, be arrested and put in jail."

Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Lambuth are scheduled to testify on Thursday.
The White House has denied that anyone was threatened.

Copyright © 2000 News World Communications, Inc.

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