[CTRL] WT: Polls surge for Bush

2000-07-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



Polls surge for Bush

Donald Lambro

 Perhaps the biggest fear in George W. Bush's campaign right
now is that it will become overconfident and lose its fighting
edge. He is ahead of Al Gore in so many states, so early in the
election, that top aides worry about how they can keep the energy
level up at the grass roots.

 By my count, the Texas governor is currently ahead of the
vice president in 29 states with a total of 262 Electoral College
votes, only eight short of the 270 needed to win the presidency.

 The Bush campaign's own internal count has Mr. Bush ahead in
enough states to win 273 electoral votes. Their electoral map in
Austin has Mr. Gore ahead in states that would give Mr. Gore 138
votes, with 127 electoral votes up for grabs.

 With numbers like these, Mr. Bush has the luxury of being
able to focus much more of his time and resources on the
battleground states in the Midwest and on California, where he
has begun to cut deeply into Mr. Gore's once-double-digit lead.

 In a contest that may not be as close in the Electoral
College as most media pundits have forecast, Mr. Gore is ahead in
only 12 states, including the biggest electoral powerhouse states
of California and New York. All told, however, they would give
him 167 electoral votes.

 My latest state-by-state review, based on independent state
polls, finds that nine states remain tossups, including three
major states in the industrial Midwest.

 Mr. Bush leads in all of the Western plains and mountain
states and most of the Southern and Border states, while Mr. Gore
leads in most of the Northeast and in California on the West

 As it has in so many previous presidential elections, the
outcome of the election will likely be decided in the Midwest,
where the two candidates remain in a dead heat in Illinois,
Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.

 Elsewhere in the region, however, Mr. Bush has strong leads
in Indiana, Ohio and Missouri, and a slight edge in Iowa.

 In the West, Mr. Bush leads in Alaska, Idaho, Nevada, Utah,
Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North and South
Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and his home state of Texas.

 While Mr. Gore has the edge in most polls in California, the
contest has tightened there and recent polls find Mr. Bush has
pulled even with his Democratic opponent.

 A major factor in California is Mr. Bush's aggressive,
pro-immigrant pitch for the Latino and Hispanic vote. Mr. Gore
still has a majority of this critical voting bloc, but polls show
Mr. Bush getting better than one-third of their vote — the
strongest Republican showing since Ronald Reagan in 1984.

 But in the most significant sign of Mr. Gore's weakness, Mr.
Bush continues to hold on to slight leads in Washington and
Oregon, two states that the Democrats have carried easily in the
last three presidential elections.

 In addition to his commanding strength in the West, Mr. Bush
appears poised to reclaim the South for the Republicans who once
had a tight lock on the region, only to see it fall to Bill
Clinton in 1992 and 1996. Mr. Gore's liberal positions on gun
control, abortion and other wedge issues have placed him outside
of the conservative Southern mainstream.

 Right now, Mr. Bush is running well ahead of Mr. Gore in
Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North and
South Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, and even in heavily
Democratic West Virginia.

 Mr. Gore has paper-thin leads in only two Southern states:
Arkansas and his home state of Tennessee, as well as an 8 point
lead in Maryland.

 Mr. Gore's strongest region is the more liberal Northeast,
where he has double-digit leads in New York and New Jersey and is
ahead in most of the New England states, including Rhode Island,
Massachusetts, Connecticut and Vermont.

 But Mr. Bush is making inroads even here, running 10 points
ahead of Mr. Gore in New Hampshire; 3 points ahead in
Pennsylvania, with its big cache of 23 electoral votes; and he
has the edge in Delaware.

 With four months to go in this campaign cycle, this is Mr.
Bush's election to lose. The country is still doing well
economically and for the first time in many years has the luxury
of being able to indulge non-bread-and-butter issues and concerns
— like honesty, ethics, morality and decency at the highest
levels of government.

 For nearly eight years we have endured scandal, corruption,
endless criminal investigations, and the stain and humiliation of
impeachment that has not been sponged away. This has given birth
to an overpowering desire for a national leader who will restore
a level of dignity and public respect to the office of the

 And this, more than anything else, is what is driving these
surprisingly early electoral numbers for George W. Bush.

Donald Lambro, chief political correspondent of The Washington

Re: [CTRL] WT: Polls surge for Bush

2000-07-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 07/11/2000 3:16:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Perhaps the biggest fear in George W. Bush's campaign right
 now is that it will become overconfident and lose its fighting
 edge. He is ahead of Al Gore in so many states, so early in the
 election, that top aides worry about how they can keep the energy
 level up at the grass roots. 

I can hardly wait for the Shrub as president.  We'll get the full benefit of
the advice he will receive from three cabinets and his pappy.  If the
American people elect this boob, they well deserve him.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] WT: Polls surge for Bush

2000-07-11 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 7/11/00 4:23:01 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I can hardly wait for the Shrub as president.  We'll get the full benefit
 the advice he will receive from three cabinets and his pappy.  

As well as Roe v. Wade overturned and a return to Puratinism from the bench!


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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