-Caveat Lector-

Waco, Vince Foster, and the Secret War
(Revised & Updated 9/16/99)

by Mack White

In the year after the famous fire at Waco, I met the surviving Branch
Davidians. It was through a friend of mine, Richard Mosley, who produced
the documentary Day 51: The True Story of Waco.

I had done some research on Jonestown, the CIA mind control facility in
Guyana which had come to a spectular end in 1977. Officially, Jonestown was
a mass suicide, and when the Mt. Carmel complex in Waco caught on the fire,
the FBI immediately labeled it "another Jonestown." In reality, however,
Jonestown itself was not "another Jonestown." It has been established long
ago that most of the Jonestown dead did not voluntarily drink the Evil
Kool-Aid, but showed signs of having been either forcibly injected with
cyanide or killed by machine gun.

So in the summer I was interviewed in the documentary stating something to
that effect. Then the following April, one year after the fire, the
documentary was finished and Richard invited me to attend a screening in
Waco with the surviving Branch Davidians. This came at an opportune time,
for I had just taken on assignment from The Nose magazine to do a
three-page piece of comics journalism, "Waco: One Year Later" (later
reprinted in my book Villa of the Mysteries #2). I was eager to meet the
surviving Davidians and hear firsthand what had happened.

So I drove to Waco on a Wednesday night--the first anniversary date, April
19, was exactly one week away--and met them. There were about a dozen
Davidians in attendance, including Clive Doyle, Sheila Martin, and Wally

I found these people to be--well, just that--people, not the fiendish
"cultists" described by the mainstream media. They were a quiet lot, not at
all pushy with their religion, and seemed, more than anything else, sad and
puzzled by the way they had been demonized by the government and the
mainstream media.

They told me how, during the previous year, they had all been interviewed
by a woman reporter from ABC's 20/20. They had told her many things, such
as how the Davidians who had run out the back of the flaming building--the
side not covered by television cameras--had been killed by FBI sniper fire.
The reporter had been excited by these revelations, and told them it was
going to be a powerful segment. "Be sure to watch," she told them. They
did, and were dismayed to find their interviews liberally edited. The
business about the snipers, among other things, had been left out. The
reporter called them the next day to apologize. It was not her fault, she
told them. It had been her producer in New York who had censored the story.

Fortunately, Day 51 was not subject to censorship. Among the things dealt
with in that documentary was the FBI sniper fire. Yet, at that early date,
there was no hard physical evidence for these shootings--only the testimony
of the surviving Davidians. Since then, however, another documentary has
appeared--Waco: The Rules of Engagement--in which infrared video taken by a
surveillance helicopter clearly shows sniper fire, as well as tanks firing
incendiary devices into the building.

This infrared video footage, incidentally, is said to have been leaked by
William Colby, former director of the CIA. Shortly after this leak
occurred, Colby died in a rather odd boating accident. He had, during the
last few years of his life, been involved with the Strategic Investments
newsletter, which has been a source for information on various scandals
regarding President Bill Clinton.

One thing not dealt with in Rules of Engagement, however, is the cause of
the Waco massacre. Yes, we get an explanation, but it is the standard one:
It was funding time in Congress, the ATF wanted to put on a big show,
things got out of hand, mistakes were made, etc. etc. But is that really
all there is to say about the matter?

Day 51 interviewed Davidian Wally Kennett, who stated the ATF was in
actuality not looking for an illegal
arsenal when they raided Mt. Carmel on February 28, 1993, but rather for
information stored on a computer. This information, he alleged, had been
compiled by two Davidians--Jeff Little and Wayne Martin--both of whom were
killed in the final assault on April 19. Furthermore, Kennett states that
it was this computer, not guns or anything else, that was kept in the room
which the ATF attempted to enter the morning of the raid.

If this is so, then it explains why the ATF went ahead with the raid on
February 28, when they knew the bulk of the arsenal had been taken to
Austin for a gun show that morning.

Jeff Little was known by the Davidians to have been a "computer expert" who
had previously worked for the Yamaha Corporation, and had been involved in
a shady project to modify a law enforcement software to contain a "trap

The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro, by Kenn
Thomas and the late Jim Keith, details how the Reagan Justice Department
stole PROMIS, a law enforcement software, from the firm INSLAW, and
modified it to contain a "trap door." PROMIS was then sold by the
government to various entities, such as foreign intelligence agencies.  The
trap door allowed outside monitoring of that agency's computer transactions.

The article "Fostergate" by Jim Norman (written for Forbes, but allegedly
pulled by Caspar Weinberger at the last minute, only to eventually be
printed by Media By-Pass) describes Vince Foster, the late White House
Special Counsel and law partner of Hillary Clinton, as an overseer on
behalf of the National Security Agency for the installation of PROMIS in
the banking industry. This was done through his involvement with the
Arkansas bank data company Systematics, a company connected with both the
CIA and NSA.

Later, Foster fell victim to a group of CIA renegades known as the Fifth
Column who were dedicated to eradicting corruption in the government.
Supposedly, Fifth Column operatives had been travelling around the country
in a truck loaded with a Cray computer, which they were using to empty the
Swiss bank accounts of corrupt government officials. The software used for
this purpose was the modified version of PROMIS.

Foster checked the balance of his Swiss bank account one day and found it
empty of money he had been paid for his role in the October Surprise
affair. Allegedly, Foster, acting under the auspices of then-Vice President
George Bush and Casper Weinberger, had arranged for the transfer of nuclear
launch codes to Israel, in return for their role in helping delay the
release of the Ameican hostages in Iran.

Foster died under mysterious circumstances. Officially, it was a suicide.
Yet, numerous parties may have had reason to kill him, in order to prevent
the scandal that was about to break. Some say it was the Mossad, and claim
surveillance video exists which shows Mossad agents leaving Foster's
apartment on the day of his death.

Vince Foster's widow, interestingly, has stated his death had something to
do with the Waco incident, which had occurred only a few months before. In
an Associated Press story, she said he felt responsible for what happened
in Waco, and that is why he killed himself a few months afterwards.

If it is true that Foster's story intersects with that of PROMIS, and if it
is true, as the surviving Branch Davidians claim, that Jeff Little was
involved in a government project which sounds suspiciously like the
modification of PROMIS, then it would seem we have found another, deeper
link between Foster and Waco.

Many have alleged that Mt. Carmel Center was an intelligence front of some
kind. For instance, the minister of a rival Davidian church in Waco told me
that, under Koresh, it had been a biowarfare factory. This view was also
promoted by lawyer and "Patriot" Linda Thompson, who in a Penthouse
interview, alleged it was a CIA facility, and that the ATF raid was
orchestrated by the FBI, acting in alliance with Israel's Mossad, to shut
down the factory.

Since Waco, the Aum Shiro cult of Japan has been accused of the manufacture
and terrorist use of deadly sarin gas. So this cannot be ruled out as the
sort of activity for which a church might be used as a front.

And yet, there is no evidence biological warfare agents were being
manufactured at Waco. The only dangerous chemical factory known to have
existed at Mt. Carmel was, according to surviving Branch Davidians, a
methamphetamine factory. They say this had been operated by former leader
George Roden, before he was replaced by David Koresh in the late 1980s.
(Later, of course, the ATF alleged there was a speed lab at Mt. Carmel.
This, along with the charge of child molestation, was a pretext for the
February 28 raid--curious, since both speed and child molestation are
outside that agency's jurisdiction.)

Roden left Mt. Carmel after a power struggle with Koresh. Until his recent
death, he was living in a mental
institution in Big Spring, Texas. On at least two occasions he escaped this
facility, and once managed to travel all the way to the Israeli embassy in
New York. He claimed some sort of connection with the Israeli government.

Israel figured prominently in Koresh's life, too. It was while on a trip to
Israel in the 1980s that he received a "vision" which started him on his
new career as spiritual leader. The book Why Waco? reports that Koresh
continued to receive visions after returning to the U.S., and that the
insights he used for his sermons always originated as pictures being beamed
into his head.

One is reminded here of the Gnostic imagery which the late science fiction
author Philip K. Dick claimed was beamed into his head by an external
entity. Perhaps Dick's and Koresh's "visions" originated from God, perhaps
from extraterrestrials, perhaps from their own minds, or perhaps they were
delivered by microwave. More than one person has suggested Dick might have
been a mind control victim, and the allegation has also been raised that
Waco might have been a Jonestown-style mind control facility.

Whatever the explanation for Koresh's visions, his leadership represented a
new era for the church. There is no evidence speed, or sarin, was
manufactured during his tenure at Waco. What does seem to have gone on,
according to surviving Davidians, is computer espionage.

This prompts the question what might have been the nature of the
information Martin and Little were gathering?

In Day 51, Richard Mosley suggested it may have been information injurious
to President Bill Clinton and/or the New World Order, such as ATF-sponsored
illegal arms distributions to urban street gangs.

Or it could have been evidence on cocaine smuggling at Mena, Arkanas.
According to books such as Compromised and articles in The Wall Street
Journal and London Daily Telegraph this activity was sponsored by the
Iran/Contra gang (Bush, Weinberger, Oliver North). Weapons were shipped to
Nicaragua out of the Mena airport, in exchange for cocaine which was
brought back to Mena, then distributed throughout the nation. As governor
of Arkansas at that time, Bill Clinton is alleged to have received a hefty
amount of cash for looking the other way.

Investigative journalist Sherman Skolnick has claimed that, prior to his
death, Vince Foster had been tracking Clinton's money into offshore
accounts--supposedly at the behest of First Lady Hillary Clinton who had
her own reasons for wanting to know the whereabouts of her husband's money.
If this is so, perhaps it was done with the modified PROMIS software;
perhaps, too, Jeff Little and Wayne Martin were the operatives directly
engaged in this activity. This, of course, is only a guess. However, it
does make one wonder what might have been in Foster's Waco files, which
ended up in the possession of Mrs. Clinton after his death.

In the documentary Waco: The Big Lie, video footage of the raid on Mt.
Carmel appears to show three ATF
agents being killed by "friendly" fire. We see the agents enter the window,
leaving a fourth agent on the roof. He then sprays the wall with machine
gun fire. Many believe this was when the three men died, and many think it
deliberate--perhaps an execution to get rid of three men who might have
shown an inclination to reveal dangerous knowledge.

Interestingly, these three dead agents had all been personal bodyguards of
Bill Clinton's during the presidential campaign. Furthermore, shortly afer
the fire, a story circulated in Waco that, during a campaign stop there the
summer before, these three had accompanied Clinton to a barber shop where
he received a haircut from a barber who was a Branch Davidian. The five are
said to have had a long, private conversation.

Could the information on Jeff Little's computer have been the subject of
that reputed conversation? If so, then their killing during the raid takes
on the appearance of one faction of government attempting to retrieve the
information, while another faction interferes with that retrieval. But,
again, this is only a guess--another tantilizing possibility.

These are just a few pieces of the puzzle. They suggest a big
story--possibly a secret war between two factions of government. Yet there
are too many pieces of the puzzle missing. We cannot know the exact nature
of this war until we know what was on that computer in Waco. This is not
likely to happen any time soon, as the computer, if it existed at all, long
ago went up in flames.


*In September 1999, Rumor Mill Newsletter reported that recent revelations
regarding Waco in the mainstream media were the result of factional
fighting at the highest levels of power. According to this theory, the Bush
family has been moving away from the Clinton/New World Order faction.
Allegations with regard to Gov. George W. Bush's cocaine usage are
supposedly pressure tactics to bring the Bush family back into the New
World Order fold. However, the Bush counter-move has been to reveal
information on Waco, which would be damaging to the Clinton/New World Order
faction. This appears a distinct possibility, since much of the new
evidence on Waco has come from the Texas Department Public Safety, an
agency controlled by Gov. Bush.

Copyright 1999 Mack White

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