-Caveat Lector-

Wake Up, Maryland

This Article Was Published In The Montgomery County Journal

Wake up, Maryland, and
realize gun control fails


Let me provide an answer to State Sen. Ulysses Currie's viewpoint, "Gun laws reduce 
- so what are we waiting for?" (Feb. 7).

We are waiting for objective and honest politicians who legislate based on fact, not 
We are waiting for compelling evidence that shows gun control has reduced crime
somewhere, anywhere, including New Jersey, the lone jurisdiction Currie cites as proof 
gun control works.

Note that in Vermont, where citizens can legally carry a concealed firearm without a 
the murder rate is half that of New Jersey's. The District of Columbia has been 
waiting 25
years for its complete handgun ban to reduce crime, but it hasn't happened yet. England
has waited five years for its handgun prohibition to work, but crime has gone up, not 

There are similar documented failures in New York City, Chicago, Australia and 
but politicians simply ignore these failures to further their own political agendas 
pandering for the votes of their liberal constituents.

Maryland has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the nation, yet as Currie 
noted, ``Maryland has the dubious distinction of having the highest rate of youth 
killings." Note that Maryland is also No. 1 in robbery, No. 3 in murder and No. 4 in 
violent crime.

Just across the Potomac River, however, Virginia's gun laws are so ``bad" that 
can legally sell each other handguns without background checks or waiting periods.
Virginians also can carry concealed weapons.

Yet Virginia's violent crime rate is much lower than Maryland's. Why? I'll answer that
question, too.

Virginia's legislature is not waiting for a gun-control miracle to somehow prevent 
from committing crime. Unlike Maryland's legislature, they've realized that the only 
way to
reduce crime is to actually put criminals in jail.

Project Exile in Richmond is a well-documented example of how to reduce crime. Along 
highways in Virginia, billboards give prospective criminals this stern warning: 
``Illegal gun?
Five years mandatory in a state prison." Regardless of what any judge or lawyer says,
there is no parole, no plea bargain and no early release. This works.

What doesn't work is Maryland's absurd revolving door of justice. ``In Maryland, a 
can reduce a sentence at any time, for any reason," according to the Journal article,
``Truth in sentencing: A justifiable and fair demand" by Del. Marilyn Goldwater, D-
Bethesda. She notes: ``Maryland has the dubious distinction of being the only state 
gives judges such complete latitude with sentence reconsideration."

In recent years, this particular ``dubious distinction" lets Maryland judges release 
criminals early and return 90 convicted murderers to our streets. One released murderer
killed a policeman and a store clerk in Prince George's County, in Currie's district. 
double-murderer served only 16 years of his double-life sentence. Does this make any

Maryland has the most lenient judges, the most lenient sentencing laws and the highest
violent-crime rate. Is this merely a coincidence, or are these ``dubious distinctions"
somehow related? I'll let Currie, D, ponder that question, while I pose yet another:

Now that we know what works, and what doesn't, what are we really waiting for? If we
sincerely want to reduce crime, we know that putting criminals away works, and gun
control doesn't.

We are waiting for Maryland citizens to make their political system work by voting out 
politicians who are either too cynical to choose public safety over politics, or too 
stupid to
recognize which policies actually reduce crime.

Instead of working hard on crime-control policies to make their own constituents safe 
criminals, Maryland's incumbents worked hard on redrawing district lines to keep their 
seats safe from political challengers.

It's our job to vote these guys out, and vote in politicians who have the courage to 
criminals behind bars. We, at Montgomery Citizens for a Safer Maryland, are waiting for
Maryland citizens to wake up.

Steve Dirlik is a member of and spokesman for Montgomery Citizens for a Safer Maryland,
which opposes gun control as a means to reduce crime. He lives in Silver Spring.

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