-Caveat Lector-


War in Iraq - requirement for more troops

March 27, 2003

The IRAQWAR.RU analytical center was created recently by a group of journalists and
military experts from Russia to provide accurate and up-to-date news and analysis of 
war against Iraq. The following is the English translation of the IRAQWAR.RU report 
on the Russian military intelligence reports.

March 27, 2003, 1425hrs MSK (GMT +3), Moscow - There has been a sharp increase in
activity on the southern front. As of 0700hrs the coalition forces are subjected to
nearly constant attacks along the entire length of the front. The Iraqi command took 
advantage of the raging sand storm to regroup its troops and to reinforce the defenses
along the approaches to Karabela and An-Najaf with two large armored units (up to two
armored brigades totaling up to 200 tanks). The Iraqi attack units were covertly moved
near the positions of the US 3rd Infantry Division (Motorized) and the 101st Airborne
Division. With sunrise and a marginal visibility improvement the Iraqis attacked these 
forces in the flank to the west of Karabela.

Simultaneously, massive artillery barrages and counterattacks were launched against 
of the US 3rd Infantry Division and the 101st Airborne Division conducting combat
operations near An-Najaf. The situation [for the US troops] was complicated by the fact
that the continuing sand storm forced them to group their units into battalion convoys 
order to avoid losing troops and equipment in near zero-visibility conditions. These
battalion convoys were concentrated along the roads leading to Karabela and An-Najaf 
had only limited defenses. There was no single line of the front; aerial reconnaissance
in these conditions was not possible and until the very last moment the coalition 
was unaware of the Iraqi preparations.

During one of such attacks [the Iraqi forces] caught off-guard a unit of the US 3rd
Infantry Division that was doing vehicle maintenance and repairs. In a short battle the
US unit was destroyed and dispersed, leaving behind one armored personnel carrier, a
repair vehicle and two Abrams tanks, one of which was fully operational.

At the present time visibility in the combat zone does not exceed 300 meters, which
limits the effectiveness of the 101st Airborne Division and that of its 70 attack
helicopters representing the main aerial reconnaissance and ground support force of the
coalition. One of the coalition transport helicopters crashed yesterday during 
The reason for the crash was sand in the engine compressors.

The Iraqis were able to get in range for close combat without losses and now fierce
battles are continuing in the areas of Karabela and An-Najaf. The main burden of
supporting the coalition ground troops has been placed with the artillery and ground
attack aircraft. Effectiveness of the latter is minimal due to the weather conditions.
Strikes can be delivered only against old Iraqi targets with known coordinates, while
actually supporting the ground troops engaged in combat is virtually impossible and
attempts to do so lead to the most unfortunate consequences.

Intercepted radio communications show that at around 0615hrs this morning the lead of a
flight of two A-10 ground attack planes detected a convoy of armored vehicles. Unable 
see any markings identifying these vehicles as friendly and not being able to contact 
convoy by radio the pilot directed artillery fire to the coordinates of the convoy.

Later it was discovered that this was a coalition convoy. Thick layers of dust covered 
the identification markings - colored strips of cloth in the rear of the vehicles.
Electronic jamming made radio contact impossible. First reports indicated that the US
unit lost 50 troops killed and wounded. At least five armored vehicles have been
destroyed, one of which was an Abrams tank.

During the past day the coalition losses in this area [ Karabela and An-Najaf ] were 
22 killed and up to 40 wounded. Most of the fatalities were sustained due to unexpected
attacks by the Iraqi Special Forces against the coalition rears and against 
sites. This is a sign of the increasing diversionary and partisan actions by the 

During the same period of time the Iraqi forces sustained up to 100 killed, about the
same number of wounded and up to 50 captured.

Since the beginning of the operation no more than 2000 Iraqi troops were captured by 
coalition. The majority of the captured troops were members of regional defense 

The Iraqis were able to move significant reinforcements to the area of An-Nasiriya 
it now extremely difficult for the Americans to widen their staging areas on the left
bank of the Euphrates. Moreover, the Americans [on the left bank of the Euphrates] may
end up in a very difficult situation if the Iraqis manage to destroy the bridges and to
separate [these US units] from the main coalition force. The US forces in this area
consist of up to 4,000 Marines from the 1st Marine Division and supporting units of the
82nd Airborne Division. Currently, fighting has resumed in the An-Nasiriya suburbs.

During one of the Iraqi attacks yesterday against the US positions the Iraqis for the
first time employed the "Grad" mobile multiple rocket launch systems [MLRS]. As the
result an entire US unit was taken out of combat after sustaining up to 40 killed and
wounded as well as losing up to 7 armored vehicles.

There are no other reports of any losses in this area [ An-Nasiriya] except for one US
Marine drowning in one of the city's water canals and another Marine being killed by a

During the sand storm the coalition command lost contact with up to 4 coalition
reconnaissance groups. Their whereabouts are being determined. It is still unknown what
happened to more than 600 other coalition troops mainly from resupply, communications 
reconnaissance units communication with which was lost during the past 24 hours.

The situation around Basra remains unclear. The Iraqis control the city and its 
as well as the area south of Basra and the part of the adjacent Fao peninsula, which 
British have so far failed to take. The British forces are blockading Basra from the 
and northwest. However, due to difficult marshy terrain crossed by numerous waterways 
British have been unable to create a single line of front and to establish a complete
blockade of the city. Currently main combat operations are being launched for control 
a small village near Basra where the local airport is located. The British field
commanders report that there has been no drop in the combat activity of the Iraqis. On
the contrary, under the cover of the sand storm up to two battalions of the 
Iraqi 51st Infantry Division were moved to the Fao peninsula to support the local
defending forces.

Rumors about an uprising by the Basra Shiite population turned out to be false. 
the Shiite community leaders called on the local residents to fight the "children of 
Satan" - the Americans and the British.

During the past 24 hours the British sustained no less than 3 killed and up to 10 
due to mortar and sniper fire.

It is difficult to estimate the Iraqi losses [in Basra] due to limited available
information. However, some reports suggest that up to 30 Iraqi troops were killed 
the past day by artillery and aircraft fire.

During an attack against a coalition checkpoint in Umm Qasr last night one British 
infantry soldier was heavily wounded. This once again points to the tentative nature of
the British claims of control over the town.

Information coming from northern regions of Iraq indicates that most of the Kurdish
leaders chose not to participate in the US war against Iraq. The primary reason for 
is the mistrust of the Kurds toward the US. Yesterday one of the Russian intelligence
sources obtained information about a secret agreement reached between the US and the
Turkish government. In the agreement the US, behind the backs of the Kurds, promised
Turkey not to support in any way a formation of a Kurdish state in this region. The US
has also promised not to prevent Turkey from sending its troops [ to Northern 
immediately following [the coalition] capture of northern Iraq.

In essence, this gives Turkey a card-blanche to use force for a "cleanup" in Kurdistan.
At the same time the Kurdish troops will be moved to fight the Iraqis outside of
Kurdistan, thus rendering them unable to support their own people.

Along the border with Kurdistan Turkey has already massed a 40,000-strong army
expeditionary corps that is specializing in combat operations against the Kurds. This
force remains at a 4-hour readiness to begin combat operations.

All of this indicates that the coalition command will be unable to create a strong
"Northern Front" during the next 3-4 days and that the US Marines and paratroopers in
this area will have to limit their operations to distracting the Iraqis and to 
reconnaissance missions.

During a meeting with the Germany's chancellor [ Gerhard ] Schroeder the heads of the
German military and political intelligence reported that the US is doing everything
possible to conceal information on the situation in the combat zone and that the US 
an extremely "unfriendly" attitude. Germany's own intelligence-gathering capabilities 
this region are very limited. This is the result of Germany, being true to its
obligations as an ally, not attempting to bolster its national intelligence operations 
the region and not trying to separate its intelligence agencies from the intelligence
structures of NATO and the US.

There has been a confirmation of yesterday's reports about the plans of the coalition
command to increase its forces fighting in Iraq. The troops of the 4th Infantry 
(Mechanized) are currently being airlifted to the region, while its equipment is
traveling by sea around the Arabian Peninsula and the unloading is expected to begin as
early as by the end of tomorrow. The Division numbers 30,000 soldiers and officers. By
the end of April up to 120,000 more US troops, up to 500 tanks and up to 300 more
helicopters will be moved to the region.

In addition to that, today the US President [George W] Bush asked the British Prime-
Minister [Tony] Blair to increase the British military presence in Iraq by a minimum of
15,000-20,000 troops.

At the current level of combat operations and at the current level of Iraqi resistance
the coalition may face a sharp shortage of troops and weapons within the next 5-7 days,
which will allow the Iraqis to take the initiative. The White House took this 
of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff with great concern.

During the past seven days of the war the US Navy detained all ships in the Persian 
going to Iraq under the US "Oil for Food" program. Since yesterday all these ships are
being unloaded in Kuwait. Unloaded food is being delivered by the US military to Iraq 
is being distributed as "American humanitarian aid" and as a part of the "rebuilding
Iraq" program. These US actions have already cause a serious scandal in the UN. The US
explained its actions by its unilateral decision to freeze all Iraqi financial assets,
including the Iraqi financial assets with the UN. These assets the US now considers its
property and will exercise full control over them. Captains of the detained ships have
already called these actions by the US a "piracy."

(source: iraqwar.ru, 03-27-03, translated by Venik)

News alternatives to US war propaganda:

http://www.aljazeerah.us/   (hacked)

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