-Caveat Lector-

08/20/99- Updated 12:35 AM ET

              Warnings cost Pentagon lawyer his

              By Edward T. Pound, USA TODAY

              WASHINGTON - The general counsel of the Defense
              Security Service was removed and transferred to
              another Pentagon agency after he repeatedly warned
              superiors they were violating government regulations by
              taking shortcuts on security background investigations.

              In a series of interviews, several current and former
              Defense Department officials said counsel Thomas
              Willess was moved to the National Imagery and
              Mapping Agency in September 1998.

              During the prior two years, they say, Willess cautioned
              his superiors against relaxing investigative standards for

              background reviews. They either ignored him or in other
              cases didn't consult him, officials say.

              Background reviews are essential to safeguarding
              government secrets. The security service does about
              120,000 reviews each year on employees of the Defense
              Department and military contractors.

              The disclosure of Willess' removal takes on added
              significance in the wake of a draft report done by the
              General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of
              Congress. According to government officials, the GAO
              says top security service managers changed policies and
              relaxed standards, contrary to regulations and despite
              objections of other officials.

              The standards must be followed by agencies doing
              background checks. They include examining financial
              and law-enforcement records, verifying citizenship and
              interviewing neighbors and candidates.

              The GAO said 92% of the investigations it reviewed did
              not fully meet the standards. The security service's new
              managers vow to fix the problems.

              The GAO report covered the tenures of two directors.
              Margaret Munson left in March 1998. She was
              succeeded by Steven Schanzer, who was removed in
              June amidst major management problems. Both Munson
              and Schanzer declined comment.

              In a statement, Willess would say only that he had "taken
              positions that were not always in lockstep" with them.

              Current and former officials say Willess argued that the
              standards couldn't be changed unilaterally. When the
              agency decided to do many interviews by telephone in
              an effort to save money, he objected.

              Willess has never been given a reason for his transfer.
              He also reports to the Pentagon's Office of General
              Counsel. He told associates he was called to that office
              last August and informed of his transfer. The Pentagon
              declined comment.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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