Interesting item and I keep thinking of my old MI6 friend who worked on
my bible calendar code book to write in professional manner for I am a
simple researcher, not an author - but she once told me when I said to
think they are using the bible as the Master Plan for Murder Keyed to
Astrology and the Testaments....she just said "what better book to use",
for as we already knew it went into every prison, school, motel, hotel,
in the world nearly......

Gideon = the Hit and Run Terrorists - take a census and when you hit so
many people, hey its war or plague time and this has gone on for well
since man falsified the words, of God.

For in the end, nature rules - and now it is payback time for surely the
works of some of these men will not go unrewarded.....


Now you have poor slaughtering the poor mid pleasures and palaces.

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