-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-


NEWSMAX: At six major airports around the country the federal government is
currently using highly sensitive X-ray machines that can view a person naked
- including revealing private body parts. The Customs Service claims they
are using the X-ray devices to help root out suspected drug smugglers.
Customs Service officials said they use the "Peeping Tom" machines only with
travelers they consider possible drug smugglers. Not all suspects are
examined by the machine - only suspects who don't want to be frisked.
Frisking typically includes a hands-on "pat down" of the person, a "strip
search" - removal of a person's clothing for inspection - or a more
intrusive body cavity search . . .
"It's an electronic strip search, and its extremely graphic," Barry
Steinhardt told the Wall Street Journal. Steinhardt is associate director of
the American Civil Liberties Union . . . BodySearch creates a permanent
image that can be transferred from the X-ray machine, prompting fears that
some employees may save the images of naked people - including celebrities -
and hawk them to magazines or publish them over the Internet.

NEWSMAX http://www.newsmax.com/articles/?a=2000/3/8/175020

A.C. Szul
"There is no truth, only fictions woven by power to justify itself." --
Bruce Thornton, "Plagues Of The Mind"

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