-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

:: MYTH AND FACT: Myth: "The outbreak of violence in late 2000, dubbed by
Arabs the "al-Aksa Intifada", was provoked by Ariel Sharon's visit to the
Temple Mount."

Fact: To believe Palestinian spokesmen, the violence was caused by the
desecration of a Muslim "holy place" -– Haram al-Sharif (actually the
Temple Mount) -– by Likud leader Ariel Sharon and the "thousands of Israeli
soldiers" who accompanied him. The truth is dramatically different. Imad
Faluji, the Palestinian Authority Communications Minister, admitted months
after Sharon's visit that the violence had been planned in July, far in
advance of Sharon's  "provocation." "It [the uprising] had been planned
since Chairman Arafat's return from Camp David, when he turned the tables
on the former US president and rejected the American conditions." "The
Sharon visit did not cause the ‘Al-Aksa Intifada.’" — Conclusion of the
Mitchell Report, (May 4, 2001). Official Palestinian Authority media
exhorted the Palestinians to violence. On September 29, the VOICE OF
PALESTINE, the PA/PLO's official radio station sent out calls "to all
Palestinians to come and defend the al-Aksa mosque." The PA/PLO closed its
schools and bused Palestinian students to the Temple Mount to participate
in the organized riots. Internal Security Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami permitted
Sharon to go to the Temple Mount -– Judaism’s holiest place (which Muslims
have renamed Haram al-Sharif) -- only after calling PA/PLO security chief
Jabril Rajoub and receiving his assurance that if Sharon did not enter the
mosques, no problems would arise. The need to protect Sharon arose when
Rajoub later said that the Palestinian police would do nothing to prevent
violence during the visit. The real desecration of holy places was
perpetrated by Palestinians, not Israelis. In October 2000, Palestinian
mobs destroyed a Jewish shrine in Shechem -– Joseph’s Tomb -– tearing up
and burning Jewish prayer books. They stoned worshipers at the Western Wall
and attacked Rachel’s Tomb in Beit Lechem with firebombs and automatic
weapons. None of the violent attacks were initiated by Israeli security
forces, which in all cases responded to Palestinian violence that went well
beyond stone throwing. The disproportionate number of Palestinian
casualties was the inevitable result of an irregular, ill-trained militia
attacking a well-trained regular army, and the Tanzim’s frequent use of
Palestinian civilians as shields for its attacks.

Attorney-General Elyakim Rubenstein has submitted his legal opinion to
Prime Minister Sharon regarding Jewish presence on the Temple Mount. He
said that according to the law, Jews must be allowed to visit the holy
site. Rubenstein expressed his consternation with the fact that Antiquities
Authority personnel have long not been allowed to the site to carry out
their legally-mandated responsibilities. In accordance with a Supreme Court
decision, Temple Mount loyalists relocated their two-week-old protest vigil
from outside Prime Minister Sharon's home in the Negev to opposite his
office in Jerusalem.

:: VIOLENCE INCREASES; TROOPS DECREASE: Army command has informed Yesha
communities' security personnel that in the near future, there will be a
reduction in the number of troops assigned to protect the communities.
Yesha security officials stated this will result in a critical shortage of
security personnel in Yesha areas and will add to the already arduous
security burden carried by Yesha residents. Army officials explain that the
number of troops assigned to Yesha communities fluctuates and the temporary
move at this time was part of an effort to deal with the critical manpower

PM Sharon said Wednesday he refused to lead his country into war or to
destroy the Palestinian Authority, thereby giving the PA/PLO a "green
light" to continue their campaign of terror. The PA/PLO can now step-up the
battle with assurances from Sharon that he will not destroy the PA/PLO.

After nearly 17 months of Palestinian violence, more Israelis are beginning
to support a unilateral withdrawal from Yesha. The support comes as
prospects for a diplomatic solution to the conflict remain slim, and as the
Palestinian resolve to carry out attacks remains strong, despite stepped-up
military and diplomatic pressure on the PA/PLO. The latest group to add its
voice to the unilateral withdrawal call is the Council for Peace and
Security, a forum of reserve Israeli army generals and former senior
security officials. Following four months of intensive internal
discussions, the council plans to mount a public campaign for a unilateral
withdrawal from all of the Gaza Strip and most of Judea and Samaria,
HA'ARETZ reported Monday. About 300 people belonging to the 1,000-member
forum took part in the discussions. The council also called for the
immediate creation of a Palestinian state, assuming it would force the
Palestinian Authority to change its behavior.

In the meantime, HA'ARETZ reported that the Palestinians are aware of the
discord in Israeli society and are seeking ways to capitalize on the
fissures and increase pressure on the Israeli government. The Al-Aqsa
Martyrs Brigade and Hamas say they plan to focus their efforts on soldiers
and Jewish settlers in Yesha rather than Israel itself, apparently hoping
to strengthen calls inside Israel for the army to pull out of those areas.
Palestinian terrorists compensate for their inferior weaponry and armor by
relying on surprise, speed and suicide. Israel's armed forces have started
to seem slow and vulnerable as they battle fighters who hide in the
civilian population and then attack without fear of death.

:: NYC MAYOR SUPPORTS PA/PLO? Over 150 New Yorkers gathered Tuesday to
support a City Council resolution demanding that the PLO be declared a
terrorist organization and their UN Mission in New York be shut down. The
rally was organized by The Coalition for Jewish Concerns (Amcha). Recently
elected New York City Mayor Bloomberg responded to the rally by defending
the PLO's right to maintain a UN mission in the city, saying no United
Nations member nation should be kicked out no matter how "disgraceful and
disgusting" the circumstances might be [the PLO is not a "member nation";
rather it is designated as a "Permanent Observer Mission" (General Assembly
Resolution 42/229, 2 March 1988)]. The NEW YORK DAILY NEWS reported that
the mayor noted that the UN is an enormous economic contributor to the
city: "Either you are going to be the host city or you're not," he said.
Several months ago, Bloomberg, founder of the Bloomberg News media
conglomerate, negated the decision by his predecessor, Rudy Giuliani, to
eject Yasser Arafat from a concert for world leaders in the city. "He was
wrong in doing it, obviously," Bloomberg said in July (Giuliani had ousted
Arafat from a privately sponsored concert at Lincoln Center, marking the
50th anniversary of the United Nations).

:: A JERUSALEM INSIGHT: FAITH AND FEAR: I have had many difficult and
saddening conversations with many Israelis who have lost loved ones due to
terrorism and war. Several days ago I had a long and intensive conversation
with one of my neighbors, here in the old city of Jerusalem. This
conversation was much more difficult and much more saddening than any of
the previous conversations.

This individual had not lost anybody and was not touched by the bloody
hands of terror, but she was terrified ... simply terrified. She wanted to
know what I thought should be done in this situation.

I told her that part of our problem was assuming that there was something
simple that could "just be done". There is no simple "peace now" solution
as long as we remain fixated on the word "Now". She became agitated and
said, "But we have to do something".

I told her that I agree and that I believed in a situation in which we
separate all the different Palestinian cities and deal with each one
separately, a kind of "Nine State" solution. Jericho and Hebron has been
relatively quiet because we have been able to come to some agreement with
those that are in control of those two cities. This has only been made
possible with Arafat being kept out of touch and in seclusion.

She then responded, "Why couldn't we just build a big wall and they would
stay there in the West Bank and we would be here?" I responded by saying
that that would not stop the terrorists or the missiles. She said, "... but
we have to talk to them ... force cannot succeed".

I asked her whom she wanted to talk to. She said, "It doesn't matter. We
have to talk. Force cannot succeed."

I reminded her of what had been offered during Barak's time and how the
Palestinian's began their Temple Mount war.

She said, "I know but we have to do something. I'm scared. I don't have
your faith or conviction. I just want to wake up and go to work, raise my
children and be at peace". I answered her that so do I.

What was so saddening about this conversation was the pleading simplicity
in her voice. She reminded me of a discussion I had had with my seven year
old once. He wanted to go to a birthday party that he had missed because he
wasn't feeling well. I said to him that we had missed the day. He said "I
don't care I want to go". I said that there was no party and that it had
happened the day earlier. He began to pout and say, " But I want to go".

All of Israel is feeling the tension, the concern and even the fears. But
Israel is being divided into those who walk their walk in faith and
conviction, and those that walk without. Both groups have to deal with same
concerns and both cry the same tears. Yet the walk without faith is so
lonely and so frightening. The walk with faith has to contend with the same
fears and concerns but there is a certainty of direction. A man of faith
walks with a direction in mind and though he may walk through a shadowy
valley, his faith allows him to concentrate on each small step -- one at a
time --forward and directed.

The man without faith is a man with no direction. His walk is terrifying.

These are the type of words that this friend of mine could not hear yet.
Furthermore true faith should not come out of fear, but at times that may
be the only way.

That is sad, but that is the truth ... and that may be the whole point.

Moshe ( http://www.shorashim.net)

[Sources: Jerusalem Post, Arutz-7, Ha'aretz, AP, Reuters, Israel My
Beloved, ICEJ, Voice of Judea, Los Angeles Times, The New York Times,
Jerusalem Insights]


"For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will not
rest." Isaiah 62.1

Lee Underwood

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