[CTRL] Weird Science- The Labs of Dr. Gallo

1999-05-16 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:523331"Weird Science- The Labs of Dr.
Subject: Weird Science- The Labs of Dr. Gallo
From: "Tom Keske" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, May 15, 1999 7:33 PM
Message-id: W0r%2.3288$[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Dr. Robert Charles Gallo, in a just world, would be regarded
as a prime suspect in the profound murder mystery that is known
as the AIDS epidemic.

Dr. Gallo acquired a certain notoriety for this attempts to steal
credit for "discovering" the AIDS virus, from the French research
team of Luc Montagnier.   This overblown affair is a distraction
from intrigues far more serious.

Dr. Gallo, in this college days, developed his skills in surgery by
slaying scores of mice in a makeshift laboratory over his mother's
garage. [1].  Between 1967 and 1974, preceding the outbreak of
AIDS, he did extensive research into immune-destroying
microorganisms.  Much of this "cancer research" was under the
auspices of Litton Bionetics, Bionetics Research Labs, and other
known biological weapons contractors [2]

In 1975, the notorious, military biological war lab at Fort Detrick,
Maryland changed its name to a "cancer research facility",
under the authority of Gallo's NCI. [1].

Not all of Gallo's employees were happy campers, but
speaking out was difficult.  Said one employee, "Even
though you stopped working there, you had to leave in
harmony with your boss, or your chances of succeeding
outside were practically zero.  It was practically impossible
to find an honest person at that place."  The woman who
told so, requesting anonymity, knew three colleagues
who had committed suicide.

What was going in this lab that was plagued by mysterious deaths
and an intimidating atmosphere of silence?  An undeniable record
of published research gives a clear picture.

Since the early 1970s, Gallo's team investigated a veritable zoo
of retroviruses, making cocktails of multiple viruses, providing
the opportunity for exchanges of genetic materials between
the viruses, as well as with the cultured cells.

Retroviruses, you  should remember, are the same category
of virus that includes AIDS.   AIDS is believed to be derived
from SIV, a simian retrovirus, found in monkeys and chimps.

Gallo's virus cocktails included simian sarcoma viruses
from monkeys, mice retroviruses, and Visna, another sheep
retrovirus that is also similar to AIDS.  The viruses and cells
involved in the experiments also involved apes, cats, dogs,
hamsters, and humans.

Gallo was ruthless and Machiavellian in his quest for
personal glory.

In 1975, one of his assistants, Doris Morgan, discovered
IL-2, a protein stimulating the growth of T-cells.  Gallo
demanded that her team stop working on "useless molecules."

Later, Gallo would come back and claim the credit for
discovering IL-2, also known as Interleukin-2.

When another researcher, Kalyanaraman, left Gallo's
lab to work for the CDC, Gallo told him, "You ain't
never going to have any retroviruses", and added,
"I will destroy you."

In 1975, Gallo published articles describing the first
human retrovirus, called HL-23.  This corresponds to
what Gallo would later rename as HTLV-1.

The 1975 published research also makes it clear that
Gallo and Gillespie succeeded in hybridizing the
human HL-23 virus with other animal retroviruses [3].

Gallo did not wish to give out his virus to other labs.
His subordinates told how they were ordered to contaminate
the tumor cells before they were delivered to outside labs.

Gallo defended his behavior by saying "nevertheless, I'm
more honest to others than they are to me."

For a period of time in the early 1980s, Gallo and his
colleague Max Essex would be the only researchers in the
entire United States who received  federal research money
to investigate the cause of AIDS.

What seeming clairvoyance, that this unique honor was
bestowed on a man who had spent years manipulating
retroviruses.  It was not yet known that AIDS
would turn out to be a retrovirus.

Unless, of course, it is yet another case of the fox
investigating the chicken coop.

On the contrary,  Gallo at first furiously resisted the
idea that AIDS might be caused by a retrovirus.

Arthur Levine, a cancer researcher, phoned Gallo
in 1982 and asked if knew what was happening to gay men
in New York and San Francisco. Gallo said that he had not
heard about it.  Levine proposed that AIDS might be caused
by something related to Gallo's virus, HTLV.  Gallo told
him "It is interesting", and simply hung up the receiver.

Gallo's close colleague, the renowned Harvard scientist
Max Essex, started his own investigation, without
Gallo's knowledge, to see if HTLV was related to AIDS.

When Gallo found out, he exploded furiously- "How can
you collaborate with me, when you are doing stuff behind
my back?"   For a solid 45 minutes, he berated Essex and
another researcher, Mullins 

Re: [CTRL] Weird Science

1999-04-06 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-


This was a very unprofound April Fool,

put together by a typical patronising git that thinks
he's better educated than everyone else.

Ho Ho there's no such things as UFO's etc etc 
the balloon is obviously from another planet ;)

Andrew H

[It cost me about a dollar to check this crap out]

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Weird Science

1999-04-04 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

 Weird Science
 -- Special to ABCNEWS.com

 While surfing the Net a few days ago, I
 chanced upon the Hume and Bacon
 Institute for Alternative Science just
 outside Edinburgh, Scotland.
 This low-profile research facility has
 just published some of its recent findings
 in the British science journal Languet
 (Vol. 233, 1999). As the details of the
 article become known, they will prove
 quite startling to many.
  In a news conference, Paul A.
 Yiannis, the institute’s shy yet
 pugnacious director, stated that his staff
 had convincingly verified a number of
 controversial claims.

 UFOs and ESP
 The first involves a strange piece of metal
 found in Roswell, N.M., where many
 believe an alien spacecraft crashed in
  The fragment has quite an amazing
 property: It exerts a faint physical
 attraction on every information-processing
 instrument so far tested. Moreover, this
 attraction is nine times as strong one foot
 away from the metal as it is one yard
  What to make of the fragment’s effect
 is open to differing interpretations, but it
 can no longer be denied. Yiannis
 maintains that the relation of this
 phenomenon to the new physics of string
 theory will be an active area of research in
 the 21st century.
  The institute’s article also deals with
 psychic readings. It concludes that labs
 all over the globe have demonstrated that
 psychics are indeed frequently correct in
 their assessments of others.
  Moreover, there are documented
 cases where they have correctly
 described the characteristics and life
 experiences of dead relatives of subjects.
 Yiannis also pointed to the literally
 thousands of cases of dreams prefiguring
 events that occurred the next day and
 mentioned the counterintuitive laws of
 quantum mechanics. Determining the
 consequences of these laws, he referred
 to puckishly as “walking the Planck” —
 after the German physicist Max Planck.
  Toward the end of the news
 conference, Yiannis showily popped a pill
 and enthused, “And while I’m at it, I can
 state with certainty that the taking of
 homeopathic remedies and countless
 other alternative remedies is followed
 many times by complete remission. This
 is especially so after the patient has had
 a serious medical crisis. The dismissal of
 these claims of remission would be the
 act of a closed mind.”
  Again the paper contains copious
 documentation and personal testimonials.

 Math Behind the Miracles?
 The institute’s 83-page Languet survey of
 alternative science also refers to a report
 on the trigonometry and calculus that
 practitioners need for astrological and
 biorhythmic predictions. Sometimes it’s
 considerable, and the claim is made that
 many equations and theorems used in
 astrology and biorhythmic analysis are
 universal truths.
  Related to these phenomena, there’s
 a brief discussion of the strange
 numerological properties of the numbers
 23 and 28. The numbers, some believe,
 are the periods for a metaphysical male
 and a female principle, respectively. They
 have the special property that by adding
 and subtracting appropriate multiples of
 them, one can express any whole number
 whatsoever. That is, any number at all
 can be