-Caveat Lector-

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(No war in Iraq - http://pnews.org/)

 and the FOG OF WAR

The coalition forces have crossed the Tigris River which may just be their

But for some British soldiers who are objecting to this war they are being
sent home. These stories we do not hear very much about in the U.S. press.
They don't want you to know there are objectors in this war.

   "They specifically questioned the killing of innocent civilians, more
   of who are reported to have died in the invasion of Iraq than
   soldiers. The Ministry of Defence says there is no evidence to suggest
   that the men refused to fight. Nevertheless, the three may face court
   martial and up to two years in prison." [The Independent,
   April 2, 2003]

   "The soldiers, who include a private and a technician, are from 16 Air
   Assault Brigade, which is engaged in protecting oilfields in Southern
   Iraq. While their protests are obviously embarrassing to the
   Government, some reports suggest that its discomfort will be all the
   greater, since military chiefs are already deeply concerned about
   growing evidence of civilians being killed in fighting by US soldiers
   in the urban areas of the south." [ibid]


There are rumors of carnage from the front that is causing serious
problems for American troops also. The shoot to kill orders are
particularly worrisome and as a result the slaughter of those women and
children the other day who did not stop when ordered to do so. Those who
say they should have stopped do not consider the language difficulties
here and the fear that stopping would have led to their death. They died

   "US soldiers are panicky, unsure of exactly who the
   enemy is and feeling that they re in a position where they have to
   shoot first and ask questions later." [ibid]

Members of the Reserves and National Guard ordered to prosecute this war
are told they must unflinchingly follow the instructions of their military
commanders and this part-time military will return to civilian life
changed forever. We will be letting into society veterans who have
experienced war and participated in the killing.  Some of them will not be
able to separate their military experience from their civilian experiences
and have been permanently scared. The killings of spouses after the first
Gulf War and subsequent wars is a predictable result of war.

Where is the Moral High Ground?

The moral high ground is not stopping Saddam from persecuting Iraqis
because that excuse is something of an afterthought considering it was
never a consideration before Saddam invaded Kuwait. Kuwait was the excuse.
The reasons have been enumerated and described adequately here before (see
http://pnews.org/ for those articles and links)

Is the moral high ground the saving of Kuwait or the saving of the Iraqi

"Kuwait was never a nation in its own right....it was historically part of
Iraq, an area striped away and established as an administrative entity by
British colonialists, an expedient to landlocking and thus controlling the
much larger Iraqi territory and population to the north." [Ward Churchill,
"On Gaining the High Ground", an essay in "Collaterial Damage", edited by
Cynthia Peters (92)]

Kuwait is undemocratic. George Bush Junior says we are going to bring
democracy to Iraq. Are we going to bring democracy to Kuwait also? Not
likely. The governing of Kuwait is a regime of an emir which is "propped
up fro more than 50 years by external neocolonial forces rather than the
internal consent of the governed." AND the oil fields in Kuwait are owned
by "a gaggle of transnational oil corporations rather than any Kuwaitis,
even the emir." Yes, there was reason to rescue the oil from Saddam for
those oil companies, the real reason the U.S. went into Kuwait. All the
rest were untruths and blatant lies of both George Bush Senior and George
Bush Junior.

Hank Roth

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