During WWII the Queen mother refused to flee to the safety of Canada
during he war....might add today, look how the Pentagon has put
themselves in seige and the White House living in seige - and alleged
underground facilities being built for the safety of these cowardly
lions.   What have they done to protect and defend the shores of our

As Clinton hides behind the skirts of women to do his dirty work for him
- leaving a body bag count from here to Canada to the Balkans I was
thinking of the Queen Mother, who stayed with her people....like a
George Patton - he often led his troops to battle at the front - not
following behind like one of Hooker's hookers.

Nice story here for anyone interested in the last true Monarch of the

Reproduced here for your convenience......so over here what does the
public do now that Clinton has given away our neutron bomb secrets - to
China and any enemy we have in the world......where will Big Al Gore
hideout -

and, will they do anything to protect the children?

Queen Mother is the last of her kind.


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, CI, GCVO, GBE

The Queen Mother was born Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon on 4th August, 1900.
She grew up on the family estate in Scotland and enjoyed an open and
active childhood. Being born an aristocrat rather than a royal she was
free from the constraints of royal children. However, Lady Elizabeth was
no stranger to royalty and after a long courtship married Prince Bertie,
the second son of King George V.

After the abdication of King Edward VIII, Elizabeth and her husband
became king and queen. Throughout the history of the English monarchy
war has played an important role and for Elizabeth this was no

As a child she had tended wounded soldiers from the First World War and
she now she found herself queen to a nation during World War II.

During the war the urban areas of London were blitzed by the Nazis and
Elizabeth would often visit the bomb sites to help boost morale.

Pleaded with by many to leave war-torn Britain for the comparative
safety of Canada, the gallant lady, in concert with her husband the
king, refused.

After Buckingham Palace was bombed during an air raid Elizabeth said
that at last she could look the blitzed east end of London in the face
as her home had suffered the same fate. On the death of her husband in
1952 she retired her position as Queen and her daughter became Queen
Elizabeth II. Queen Elizabeth adopted the title 'Queen Mother' to avoid
any confusion that may arise from having the same name as her daughter,
Queen Elizabeth II.

The Queen Mother has a hectic diary that includes state, military, civic
and charity engagements. Although the Queen Mother ceased to be queen 43
years ago she continues to act in something of a shadow role in support
of her daughter. The Queen Mother has shown that she can move with the
times and has secured a unique position of affection in the hearts of
the public. She has a rare and valuable blend of dignity, grace, an
understanding of non-royal life and a straightforwardly pleasant


Lady of the Garter
Lady of the Thistle
CI - Order of the Crown of India
GCVO - Royal Victorian Order
GBE - Order of the British Empire (First Class)

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


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