[CTRL] With Friends Like Turkey ...

1999-06-08 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 NATO, on the side of the Octopus -- er, I mean, the angels ...

NATO To Launch Strikes From Turkey, Hungary-Report

May 11 8:05am ET

 NEW YORK (Reuters) - NATO's air commanders plan to launch
air strikes from Turkey and Hungary in an effort to encircle
Yugoslavia militarily and further isolate it politically, the
New York Times reported Tuesday, quoting unnamed allied
 Until now, NATO has launched attacks from bases in Western
Europe, the United States and from aircraft carriers in the
Adriatic, the newspaper said.
 But NATO air war commanders plan to attack from the east,
using air bases in western Turkey, and position warplanes in
Hungary, which would bomb Yugoslavia from the north, according
to the newspaper.
 The aim is to intensify political pressure on Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic and help NATO warplanes counter
Serbia's damaged, but still viable, air defenses, the Times
 NATO officials quoted by the newspaper said fewer than half
of Yugoslavia's 40 SA-6 and SA-3 surface-to-air missile
batteries were still functional. But the Times reported that the
Serbs have been moving the SA-6 batteries to conceal them and
position them along the allies' expected attack routes.
 Creating a new front in the air war would make it more
difficult for Yugoslavia to defend itself and help the alliance
cope with air traffic congestion over Yugoslavia, the newspaper
said. NATO planners have worked hard to reduce the chances of a
collision by allied warplanes.
 Turkey is expected to formally approve the arrangement, NATO
officials told the Times. Hungary has agreed to a similar
 But a spokesman for Turkey's General Staff said Tuesday they
had no such information.
 Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit said last month that it was
risky for Turkey, as a Balkan country, to play a more active
role than the air defense patrols its 11 fighter jets have so
far played in the conflict in Yugoslavia.
 Turkey has a small stretch of Balkan territory. It has a
number of airbases there and on its Aegean Sea coast that could,
theoretically, be used to launch NATO raids on Yugoslavia.

Europol points to Turkey as primary transit route for heroin

Athens, 28/01/1997 (ANA)

 An EDU/EUROPOL report on illegal narcotics has adopted all
the views expressed by the Greek delegation, which stated that 80
to 90 per cent of heroin confiscated in the European Union comes
from southeast Asia and is transported primarily by Turkish drug
 According to a public order ministry announcement, more than
1,100 Turkish nationals were arrested in the EU for heroin
smuggling in 1995.
 The report states that Turkey-based smuggling rings have
full control over the trafficking of heroin through the Balkans
to the countries of the west, cooperating closely with other
groups with which they have political or religious ties, adding
that smuggling rings fully utilize Turkish minorities in EU
countries, while their operations also function along family
 As Turkey does not have legislation regarding money
laundering, income from the drug trade is also invested in
legitimate businesses in that country, the announcement reads.
 Additionally, chemicals and raw materials needed for the
production of synthetic narcotics are shipped to Turkey from the

Drug seizure figures for Kipoi border post revealed

Athens, 07/01/1997 (ANA)

 The Kipoi border post on the Greek-Turkish frontier had
apparently become a favorite entry point for illegal narcotics
smugglers, according to officials, as several large drug seizures
have occurred at the crossing over the last six years.
 Specifically, during the 1990-96 period, 78 drug-related
arrests were recorded, while 697 kilos of heroin, 2,918 kilos of
hashish and nine kilos of opium were confiscated.
 Along those lines, customs officials at the Kipoi border
post were honored in 1992 as "United Europe's Best Border Post
in Terms of Drug Interdiction."
 According to customs officials, a significant contribution
to the more effective search of vehicles and cargoes entering
Greece through Kipoi has been the implementation, some two and
half years ago, of the "Nark Control" electronic narcotics
detection system.
 Officials noted that increased security and vigilance on
Greek borders has been responsible for a shift of smugglers'
routes elsewhere, namely, along a Turkey-Bulgarian-Romania road
axis, and a "Mediterranean" route, using ferry boats from
Turkey to Italy.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL

Re: [CTRL] With Friends Like Turkey ...

1999-06-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

What's your thing against Turkey.  And quit feeling quite so sorry for the
Kurds.  I've lived in Diyarbakir among the Kurds, and they are a tough people
who can take care of themselves.  Even Ataturk admired them.   He handled
things by dispersing them to spread their power thin.  Since he had the power
to line every one identifiable as a Kurd against the wall and have them shot,
it must be understood he wanted them as citizens of the republic he was
building.  He said they were great fighters, and they are.  They are also
exceptionally good Moslems.  You don't hear them running around demanding
that their women should be draped in black bags and kept in the back room,
although there are those who do so.  You don't hear them refusing to have
their girls educated, although there are girls who do not go on to high
school.  These matters seem to be considered personal taste.  Instead of
demanding that all women wear a black sack,  those  who find the sight of
women who are not covered offensive walk along the streets (usually almost a
block out of their way) which these women do not frequent.  They are so
honest it is almost unbelievable, and caring and hospitable as well.   Yes,
an admirable people.  But these same words (in large part) describe the other
tribes who live in that and other regions of Turkey, and the general Turkish
population as well.   They are wonderful friends and bad enemies.  Not the
worse thing I can think to say of any peoples.  Turkey's internal problems
are not really our business, and anyone who thinks the Kurds are powerless in
Turkey has not seen the results when the PKK decide all shops should be
closed for a day in honor of a declared occasion.  The only real problem in
Turkey is the very same one we enjoy in this country and that is probably the
only real problem in the entire world.  Corrupt politicians and political
parties are busily destroying us all.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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