[CTRL] Yeltsin Says He'll Resign Early, Puts Putin in Power

2000-01-02 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Yeltsin Says He'll Resign Early, Puts Putin in Power

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Boris Yeltsin said in a shock television
announcement on Friday that he intended to resign before the end of his term
next year. He also named Prime Minister Vladimir Putin as acting president
until an election is held in three months.

``I am going. I am going earlier than my established time,'' Yeltsin said in
a broadcast on state-owned ORT television. He said Russia needed to go into
the new century with new political leaders.

Yeltsin spoke slowly and calmly as he announced his resignation on the last
day of the 20th century.

Yeltsin, 68, has dominated Russian politics since he became president in
1991, leading Russia from the wreck of the former Soviet Union into a new era
of democracy.

``Today on the last day of the old century I am going to resign,'' he said.
Putin, a man he has already named as his preferred successor, would be acting
president for three months ahead of elections, he said.

Yeltsin's term was due to end in six months but he said he did not want to
hold on to power. He said he was sorry he had not fulfilled all the hopes of
Russians after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

rocked Russians with ruthlessness/A

Friday, December 31 6:28 PM SGT

Putin rocked Russians with ruthlessness

MOSCOW, Dec 31 (AFP) -

Vladimir Putin, the poker-faced ex-KGB spy, once tried to westernize a
crumbling Soviet Union but has since galvanized a new Russia and is vowing to
annihilate the rebels of Chechnya.

"We'll get them anywhere -- if we find terrorists sitting in the outhouse,
then we will piss on them there. That's it. The matter is settled," barked
Putin shortly after Russia launched its Chechen war in September.

Such talk could have cost his predecessors their job. But it boosted Putin's

He became acting president Friday when Boris Yeltsin suddenly announced he
was stepping down, and is likely to retain the Kremlin hot seat for years to

Yeltsin, ailing and being edged out of power by his closest advisers, named
the then virtually unknown security chief as prime minister last August.

He had been running the secretive but omnipotent Security Council.

He has since turned into one of the most admired figures Russia has seen this
decade, even his opponents singing his praises.

"Putin has enchanted Russia," wrote Vyacheslav Kostikov, a former Kremlin
spokesman and current board member of a Media-MOST empire that has campaigned
heavily against the government.

"I honestly believe that Putin is capable of heroic deeds in the name of our
humiliated Russia," Kostikov said.

Yet the 47-year-old prime minister and acting president remains a political

He helped found a new party, Unity, which rode into the State Duma (the lower
house of parliament) on the back of his popularity in December 19 elections.

The party is described as "centrist." But the respected Moscow Times said in
an editorial: "There is no particular reason to believe that Unity is
'centrist,' unless 'centrist' is another word for 'unknown.'"

The English-language newspaper added: "But what seems clear is that the
Kremlin has been dealt a winning hand -- or the Kremlin has dealt itself a
winning hand, depending on one's point of view."

What can be gleamed from Putin's bare biography suggests that he is
intelligent and cunning, trusted enough by peers to be handed some of the
most sensitive assignments.

Putin "was shaped by the single greatest mission in the history of the KGB,"
wrote the US-based private global intelligence firm Stratfor.

That mission was the "systematic restructuring of the Soviet economy, Soviet
society and Soviet relations with the West in the hope of preserving the
state and the regime."

Putin spent the 1980s in Berlin, where intelligence observers believe he
slipped into West Germany to learn trade secrets of such companies as US
computer giant IBM.

Observers believe KGB officers knew the Soviet Union was in ruins and could
be preserved only by revolutionising its lagging technology and attracting
investors from the West.

It remains unclear how successful Putin was. But he became the chief liaison
for foreign investors after joining the pro-reform team of Saint Petersburg
Mayor Anatoly Sabchak in 1994.

Local journalists report that it was impossible to make foreign investments
in Russia's second city without first contacting Putin.

He then also became a trusted ally of economics chief Anatoly Chubais, who
brought Putin to Moscow in 1996 and made him responsible for monitoring
regional leaders who were 

Re: [CTRL] Yeltsin Says He'll Resign Early, Puts Putin in Power

2000-01-02 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 -Caveat Lector-


The Military / Intelligence factions have replaced the NWO puppets in
control of Russia. Rampant Capitalism has destroyed that country and it
fell to national patriots to try to salvage and rebuild.

I want to point out that Yeltsin a crook of American proportions, will
get off for his massive theft for his backers and himself with a pardon.

This is the CONSPIRACY OF THE ELITES. It matters not what kind of monster
you are, if you were NOT against capitalist exploitation, you get to leave
with the marbles you stole. Even monsters like the Duvaliers formerly of
Haiti, and Idi Amin the butcher of Uganda, are living comfortably in the

It's hardly about political systems, or even about economic systems. THE
CONSPIRACY that we ordinary folks MUST overcome is not a paranoid illusion,
or a figment of imagination, it is the historical and ongoing problem of
RULE BY ELITES. Democracy was supposed to change that but it too has been
co-opted by Elites and their wannabe flunkies.


Bill Richer wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

 Yeltsin Says He'll Resign Early, Puts Putin in Power

 MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Boris Yeltsin said in a shock television
 announcement on Friday that he intended to resign before the end of his term
 next year. He also named Prime Minister Vladimir Putin as acting president
 until an election is held in three months.

 ``I am going. I am going earlier than my established time,'' Yeltsin said in
 a broadcast on state-owned ORT television. He said Russia needed to go into
 the new century with new political leaders.

 Yeltsin spoke slowly and calmly as he announced his resignation on the last
 day of the 20th century.

 Yeltsin, 68, has dominated Russian politics since he became president in
 1991, leading Russia from the wreck of the former Soviet Union into a new era
 of democracy.

 ``Today on the last day of the old century I am going to resign,'' he said.
 Putin, a man he has already named as his preferred successor, would be acting
 president for three months ahead of elections, he said.

 Yeltsin's term was due to end in six months but he said he did not want to
 hold on to power. He said he was sorry he had not fulfilled all the hopes of
 Russians after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

 rocked Russians with ruthlessness/A

 Friday, December 31 6:28 PM SGT

 Putin rocked Russians with ruthlessness

 MOSCOW, Dec 31 (AFP) -

 Vladimir Putin, the poker-faced ex-KGB spy, once tried to westernize a
 crumbling Soviet Union but has since galvanized a new Russia and is vowing to
 annihilate the rebels of Chechnya.

 "We'll get them anywhere -- if we find terrorists sitting in the outhouse,
 then we will piss on them there. That's it. The matter is settled," barked
 Putin shortly after Russia launched its Chechen war in September.

 Such talk could have cost his predecessors their job. But it boosted Putin's

 He became acting president Friday when Boris Yeltsin suddenly announced he
 was stepping down, and is likely to retain the Kremlin hot seat for years to

 Yeltsin, ailing and being edged out of power by his closest advisers, named
 the then virtually unknown security chief as prime minister last August.

 He had been running the secretive but omnipotent Security Council.

 He has since turned into one of the most admired figures Russia has seen this
 decade, even his opponents singing his praises.

 "Putin has enchanted Russia," wrote Vyacheslav Kostikov, a former Kremlin
 spokesman and current board member of a Media-MOST empire that has campaigned
 heavily against the government.

 "I honestly believe that Putin is capable of heroic deeds in the name of our
 humiliated Russia," Kostikov said.

 Yet the 47-year-old prime minister and acting president remains a political

 He helped found a new party, Unity, which rode into the State Duma (the lower
 house of parliament) on the back of his popularity in December 19 elections.

 The party is described as "centrist." But the respected Moscow Times said in
 an editorial: "There is no particular reason to believe that Unity is
 'centrist,' unless 'centrist' is another word for 'unknown.'"

 The English-language newspaper added: "But what seems clear is that the
 Kremlin has been dealt a winning hand -- or the Kremlin has dealt itself a
 winning hand, depending on one's point of view."

 What can be gleamed from Putin's bare 

Re: [CTRL] Yeltsin Says He'll Resign Early, Puts Putin in Power

2000-01-02 Thread pmeares

 -Caveat Lector-

Nurev Ind Research wrote:

 It's hardly about political systems, or even about economic systems. THE
 CONSPIRACY that we ordinary folks MUST overcome is not a paranoid illusion,
 or a figment of imagination, it is the historical and ongoing problem of
 RULE BY ELITES. Democracy was supposed to change that but it too has been
 co-opted by Elites and their wannabe flunkies.

An interesting theory on the 'historical and
ongoing problem' and how it's been 'co-opted':

'Heads or Tails We Win, Inc.' -- Bucky Fuller

Corporations are neither physical nor metaphysical phenomena. They are
socioeconomic ploys—legally enacted game-playing—agreed upon only
between overwhelmingly powerful socioeconomic individuals and by them
imposed upon human society and its all unwitting members. How can little
humans successfully cope with this greatest of all history's invisible
Grunch of nonhuman Giants? First of all, we humans must comprehend the
giants' games and game-playing equipment, rules and scoring systems. But
before we can comprehend their game-playing, we must study the history
and development of giants themselves.

One of my many-years-ago friends, long since deceased, was a giant, a
member of the Morgan family. He said to me: "Bucky, I am very fond of
you, so I am sorry to have to tell you that you will never be a success.
You go around explaining in simple terms that which people have not been
comprehending, when the first law of success is, 'Never make things
simple when you can make them complicated.'"

So, despite his well-meaning advice, here I go explaining giants.

• • •

...In ancient North China a new kind of giant had developed long, long
before Roland's time a three-component-parts giant, i.e., the little
man, with a club, mounted on a horse—who could and did overwhelm the
big, onfoot, tribe-leading shepherd. This new composite giant, the
horse-mounted bully, could divert to his sole advantage as much as he
wanted of the life-support productivity of the on-foot peasantry.(Pa ys
= land; ped = foot = ped ant = pa ys antry = peasantry = combination of
on the land and on foot = pa y of lands = pa of patriot = pa of pagans =
patois = po-gan, pa-gan peasantry.)

The horse-mounted, clubwielding bully asserted—as do the
twentieth-century racketeers—that he owned the land on which the
shepherds were grazing their sheep or the farmers were growing their
crops. There was no way in which the shepherd could realistically
contradict the bully. Each night, many of the shepherd's sheep
disappeared until the shepherd agreed to "accept" the horse-mounted
bully's "protection." This was the origin of "property." The most
powerful amongst the leaders of gangs of horsemen became the emperor.

The emperor rewarded his henchmen with deeds to the land in proportion
to the deeds at arms they performed for him.

There is no historical record of religion founders who have been so bold
as to assert that God had deeded land to anyone. History shows that
religious leaders have, however, frequently complied with their king's
instructions to plant a cross or other symbol of God's approval of their
king's sword-accomplished vast lands-seizure and ownership-claiming.

As a consequence of all the foregoing, a half-millennium after Roland a
new and overwhelmingly greater form of invisible seagoing and
land-strutting giants appeared on planet Earth. This was a legally
contrived, abstract giant —"legal" because the physically
uncontradictable "topsword" king decreed it was legal. Having the most
favored privileges accorded real humans, the giant, abstract, corporate
"man" is inventively created in 1390 in England. (The corporate "human"
may have been invented in ancient Babylon to cover the potentates'
voyaging venture, but we have as yet no written record of such.) "His"
abstract name is the "Merchant Venturers Society." This composite man
was formed by the king of England with a small group of his very
powerful friends, who lorded over their king-deeded vastlands.

By royal prerogative, the venture-financing riskers could not be held
liable for any losses of the venture. With limited liability,
individuals might sue the company but not the human individuals who
underwrote the venture If the enterprise failed and went bankrupt, its
shareholders lost their ventured stake but were not to be held
responsible in any way for its debts. The creditors of the company were
the losers, and not the shareholders. Bankruptcy could reflect no credit
stigma upon the companies' shareholders. The shareholders were held
absolutely blameless for any misfortunes of their ships' crew or for
damage caused by collision of their ship with another ship. If the ship
and its cargo were lost, the shareholders lost their original shares,
but no more. As long as the ship operated successfully, the shareholders
shared its trading profits.

Whether the ship was lost or not, the banker who loaned the gold for the