-Caveat Lector-


 Murdering for morality


I recently received a letter from a Libertarian who supports the NATO war
against Serbia.
He writes:

"I see that the Libertarians are against the 'war' (or whatever it is) in
Serbia, lest as ol' Abe Lincoln did some years ago, the state would grow.
Gladly do I appreciate the fear of a growing state.

"Yet to leave a mad dog such as Milosevic alive after such a butchery shows
a level of callousness that I can not accept and still consider myself as

"True, there are other places such as the Sudan where we are not
intervening. That absence is no excuse not to intervene somewhere. That
somewhere at present is Serbia. And if nothing is done and Milosevic keeps
his job, that means that in this evolving New World Order, the institution
of government has the acknowledged, if unofficial, right to butcher its own
citizens, to kill 'we the people.'

"That can not be tolerated: mad dog governments must pay a price, even if
there is a fear of enlarging governments."

I understand your concerns, but I believe that, in your sympathy for some
people, you're overlooking many other people -- and overlooking the
consequences that would flow from getting what you want.

First, if you believe everything you've read about the "butchery" and
"callousness," and if you feel that your ability to "consider [yourself]
moral" hinges on your doing something, then do it.

But do you consider it moral to condemn to death other people, who are as
innocent as you are, to satisfy your moral outrage? Do you consider it moral
to force Americans who don't agree with you to pay for the instruments of
death and destruction that are currently raining down on the guilty and
innocent alike in Yugoslavia?

Second, how did you arrive at your understanding of the "butchery" and
"callousness"? Your appraisal necessarily is based mostly on what has been
filtered through the Clinton administration and NATO headquarters.

Bill Clinton's reputation for veracity is probably the worst in the world.
This is the man who told you "the era of big government is over" and "I did
not have sex with that woman," and who made up tales about church-burnings
in his childhood and dozens of other fantasies you're probably well
acquainted with. Is this the source for your knowledge about "brutality" and

NATO has violated its own charter by waging war when none of its member
nations has been attacked. So it is under strong pressure to demonize its
enemy -- and can hardly be considered a reliable source of information.

You were told by NATO that it had not bombed a train carrying Kosovar
refugees, that Milosevic himself had done it -- but then NATO admitted it
had bombed the train, but claimed that Milosevic had used the refugees as
human shields. And then NATO admitted that everything it had said was wrong,
and that NATO had caused "a tragic accident." You were told by NATO that the
reason it has caused many innocent people to die in embassies and civilian
installations is because it is using out-of-date maps.

You were told by NATO that tens of thousands of young men had been murdered
by the Serbs -- but, when pressed for evidence, NATO backed up this claim by
saying a pilot had seen a freshly plowed field from thousands of feet up --
a field that NATO, with no further evidence, declared to be a mass grave.

You were told by NATO that Milosevic has murdered all the leaders of the
Kosovo Liberation Army -- but then the Los Angeles Times (May 17) reported
that all the dead leaders were still walking around villages in Kosovo --
and that even the Kosovars discount most of the news of Serbian atrocities.

This isn't to say that Slobodan Milosevic is really a good guy. He's a
political thug, like so many world leaders. But what source of information
has caused you to decide that thousands of innocent people must be put to
death in order to make this particular thug pay a price?

Third, have you considered how this war will set a precedent for future

The pundits applauded when Harry Truman illegally committed American troops
to fight the Korean War. But that just made it easier for John F. Kennedy
and Lyndon Johnson to illegally commit troops to fight in Vietnam -- which
made it easier yet for Richard Nixon to illegally bomb Cambodia, a neutral
country. And that made it still easier for George Bush to commit troops to
fight illegally in Iraq.

And these precedents removed all possible restraints on Bill Clinton, so
that he could willy-nilly bomb and kill innocent people in Iraq, the Sudan,
Afghanistan, and now Serbia, Kosovo, Bulgaria, and Albania.

How easy it will be now for the next president to bomb presumed drug fields
in Mexico -- or terrorists supposedly hiding in Canada. Or perhaps he'll
start a nuclear war with China, based on classified, non-public information
that China is about to invade Taiwan.

Or what happens when China decides some future Branch Davidians are being
oppressed by the American government? On what moral basis could you argue
that China has no right to rain bombs on innocent people in Texas, in order
to make our "mad dog government" pay a price?

Fifth, note something very closely: North Korea remains an apparent threat
almost 50 years after Truman's bold stroke to involve America in Korea.
North Vietnam won its war against America and today controls all of
Vietnam -- despite the death and destruction unleashed by Lyndon Johnson and
Richard Nixon. And in spite of America's great "victory" in Iraq, Saddam
Hussein remains on the throne there -- to be used as a bogey-man with which
our government can threaten its own people. So what did all those illegal
interventions achieve? And what will the illegal destruction of Yugoslavia

What I'm asking is simply this: On what basis do you decide that other
people must die in order to satisfy your sense of morality? Isn't your
morality something that is supposed to govern your conduct, rather than
decide the fate of others?

Statists have always justified "collateral damage" -- the killing of
innocent people -- by saying, "You can't make an omelet without breaking a
few eggs."

But it's always someone else's eggs that get broken. And no matter how many
eggs are destroyed, the omelet never materializes.

And thus we have perpetual war for perpetual peace -- a peace that is always
promised, but never arrives, no matter how much killing and killing and
killing is justified by the search for peace.

If Slobodan Milosevic truly were threatening America, an American President
could post a reward of, say, $250 million -- to be given to whoever in the
world succeeded in assassinating him. But, whatever he really is, we know
one thing for certain: Milosevic isn't threatening us.

Your concern for some people entitles you to do -- on your own -- whatever
you can for those people. But I don't believe it entitles you to condemn
innocent people to their death -- or to force the rest of us to pay for
those executions.

To most people who call themselves libertarians, force is the last resort
for any problem -- not the first.


Harry Browne was the 1996 Libertarian Party presidential candidate. Many of
his articles are published at his website.

© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com, Inc.



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