-Caveat Lector-

JULY 06, 14:02 EDT
bin Laden May Be Receiving Millions
Associated Press Writer

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) — Saudi and Gulf businessmen have donated tens of
millions to help Osama bin Laden, the man hunted for masterminding the
bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, to rebuild his campaign against the
United States, sources said Tuesday.

Donations from sympathetic businessmen — in the form of religious alms —
began to flow in faster after Washington offered a $5 million reward for
bin Laden's capture in January, said the sources, who spoke on condition of

The sources, who included Saudi businessmen, told The Associated Press in
Cairo that bin Laden may have received more than $50 million before Saudi
authorities uncovered the donations and stopped the transfers recently.

Saudi authorities questioned and rebuked several leading entrepreneurs over
donations, including the owner of one of the Gulf's largest advertising
firms, the sources said, refusing to give his name.

In an effort to further squeeze bin Laden, President Clinton ordered
financial sanctions Monday against the Taliban religious militia that rules
most of Afghanistan, where bin Laden has been based for the past four
years. The executive order freezes Taliban assets within U.S. jurisdiction
and bars trade with the group.

The United States accuses bin Laden of masterminding the deadly Aug. 7,
1998, bombings of its embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which killed 224
people and injured thousands.

Last week, Washington warned that bin Laden may be preparing another attack
as the anniversary of the embassy bombings approaches. It briefly closed
six of its African embassies in late June.

Bin Laden — the son of a wealthy Saudi tycoon, now stripped of his
citizenship and shunned by his family — is believed to have received funds
from Gulf businessmen in the 1980s, when he fought alongside Mujahedeen
guerrillas against Soviet troops in Afghanistan.

But he is reportedly suffering from cash problems because of the recent
U.S. crackdown, which included the freezing of his accounts abroad. In
June, the FBI put bin Laden on its 10 Most Wanted list.

New contributions would most likely help bin Laden gather activists and
accelerate any plans for attacks against American targets.

The sources said most of the donations were given in the form of religious
alms that Muslims are required to give to the poor — but radical clerics
say alms can also be paid for promoting ``Islamic'' causes.

Many in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf see bin Laden as a larger-than-life icon
fighting the world's most powerful nation on behalf of Islam.

Bin Laden has denied any role in the attacks against Americans. However, in
an interview with an Arabic television last month, bin Laden expressed
admiration for the people who bombed American forces in Saudi Arabia in
1995 and 1996 and said that all Americans were legitimate targets.

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