[CTRL] chemical warfare against America

1999-01-10 Thread L. Shipton

Xoom is down today. For any that have 
grown used to using my site there is a mirror site at
Every so often servers have problems so I am considering 
making another site on my school's server as well. Will notify the list if 
I do.
Thank You 
AKA The Pied Piper

Take the 60-day No Aspartame Test and send us your case history. Mission 
Possible International5950-H State Bridge Rd. 
#215 Duluth, 
GA 30097 USA 2. Tell your doctor and all of your friends! 3. Return 
Asparcidal food to the store.(anything with Monsanto's 
NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Benevia/NatraTaste) VISIT http://www.dorway.com Get links to over 30 
sites on aspartameVISIT http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/ 
..FAQs  CasesVISIT http://www.notmilk.com Exposing Bovine Growth 
Disability and Death are not acceptable costs of 

[CTRL] chemical warfare against America

1999-01-10 Thread L. Shipton

Index for Rachel's Environmental 
this has articles detailing what these chemicals, hormones, 
and steroids can do.

This next step to getting rid of the mentality that has 
allowed these people (like Monsanto - could be MS No NATO?) to have control 
like this is giving alternatives - 
Heinlein and many other science fictions writers have already been down this 
AKA The Pied Piper

Take the 60-day No Aspartame Test and send us your case history. Mission 
Possible International5950-H State Bridge Rd. 
#215 Duluth, 
GA 30097 USA 2. Tell your doctor and all of your friends! 3. Return 
Asparcidal food to the store.(anything with Monsanto's 
NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Benevia/NatraTaste) VISIT http://www.dorway.com Get links to over 30 
sites on aspartameVISIT http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/ 
..FAQs  CasesVISIT http://www.notmilk.com Exposing Bovine Growth 
Disability and Death are not acceptable costs of 

[CTRL] chemical warfare against America #4

1999-01-10 Thread L. Shipton

This is a basic welcome letter that I have for people dealing 
with ADD / ADHD
I am going to follow this up with a URL that talks about 
CHADD. What I want to know (at the end of this is who funds CHADD?) 
The CIA?

There are as many different ideas on ADD / ADHD as there are people 
giving them AND the possibilitythat many, if not all are right, at least to 
a degree. I know that helps. 
 Many people would like to simply point their 
fingers at the parents or the school and say that is where the problem 
is. They are usually the ones that read IDEA to only mean that the 
child has mental difficulties because some one has not done their job. 
IDEA is much more than that. I received permission to post 
98) How many schools have accommodations 
for students or teachers that are sensitive to the air in schools. 
like MCS or asthma?  It is 
required under the IDEA.=20 I would like to find 
as many accommodation plans or Indoor Air Quality Policies or statements 
that are actually out there and working or at least trying to work, or at 
least written.  This is a Pa. site, but the 
regulations are US wide. Also, please be advised that there are recent 
changes that are effective now that could affect parents filing for Due 
Process These changes are in the new IDEA. There is now a 
requirement on parents to notify the school district within a specified 
number of days of certain things, and also a requirement that the parent 
propose solution(s). you will need to check these new issues out ... I 
will look for some clearer info. on this. I may need to try to send 
you the specific section of the new IDEA that reflects these 
changes.1. http://www.cas.psu.edu/docs/pde/specialed/serights.html2. 
Another question that I have is this: What mainstream illnesses are 
caused by or aggravated by poor air quality? 
 Goodness only knows. I 
would mention ADD and brain fog as well as the usual respiratory and cancer 
Now you will hear about discipline, just be consistent and believe in 
yourself. You will be advised to start or continue behavioral 
modification (and I agree) but even though there may be some that have 
gotten off that lightly, that - that is all they have to do, it has 
become rare. But to not do it or to stop doing it, during this 
time expressly, can leave you at a very loose end if and when things 
suddenly come together.  CHADD 
seems to be a good organization, NOW. They have had their 
hassles in the past (this is from 1995) and may have some in the future. 
only thing that I personally have against them is that they (seem) 
to base the issue of ADD / ADHD on mental (learning) ability and do not 
take (enough account) of nutrition, food, chemical, and scent reactions. 
That is what I have based my page on and what (most) of my children's 
personal journeys into this Alice In Neverland world 
of ADD / ADHD has been.  I may end up 
stepping on someone's toes with the next statement BUT anyone that has been 
on this list for a while and all that have been on my web page know that I 
take the other side on the belief that ADD / ADHD could be genetic. 
So, hopefully they have used the delete button already since by saying ADD / 
ADHD is genetic they have already flamed my web page and me. Still, I 
believe that almost all ideas need a outlet, but until I see it recognized 
by the Human Genome Project I will continue to be skeptical. That 
disclaimer said. I am also dubious about terming ADD / 
ADHD a genetic, since I (personally) have yet to see a study that can back 
that up. What I have heard is that ADD / ADHD (can / seems to) run in 
families. I (personally) am working on the premise that the same 
family is eating the same food and around the same chemicals. 
Example: (most) everyone in the family 
might have a low grade reaction to the same 
cleaner, perfume or scent and some notice it more than others. This is 
can be expressly true of children.  There is another 
group that I am on, made up of principals, students and parents that is 
looking at the air quality of their schools. So, where 
does that leave you? Probably where I was four years ago, 
frustrated! My (personal) web page is the result of the research that 
I have done. I sell nothing on the page and it is a bare bones, cut 
and paste research site.All The 

* Cable has tried to cut out PBS
* copyright laws say that they help out the 
authors but some things do not get a wide audience because of those copyright 
* this says that CIBA-GEIGY 
(Before they were bought by Novartis) gave CHADD a large chunk of money. 
(Ciba-Geigy now Novartis owns the Ritalin patent) 
* I know that Ritalin helps cover up the effects 
of Aspartame and other chemical reactions that our