-Caveat Lector- http://www.scafrica.com/news1.htm

South African blacks are killing whites in droves, but the mainstream media chooses to cover up this horror.

Those who seek no further than the popular media for their information will he under the impression that now that the hated apartheid system has been overthrown, South Africa must he bathed in a rosy glow of egalitarian democracy," said Deirdre Fields.

"Nothing could be further from the truth," she told the Third International Conference on Authentic History & the First Amendment, held in Washington June 14-16.

Mrs. Fields is herself an Afrikaner-a native South African descended from the Dutch settlers of that country as far back as 1652

She quoted a former anti-apartheid crusader, Dutch journalist Adrian Stuijt, in the London Daily Telegraph:

Nothing I have seen compares to the current slaughter inside the country. More than 200,000 people have already been murdered in crime-related violence ... SA's small number of remaining commercial farmers are indeed in the world's most endangered profession.

'(Some 1,800 white farmers have been murdered brutally since 1994 when the ANC/SCAP government had the reins of power placed into their grasping hands," Fields said. "The attackers do not merely intend to kill the victims but instead to inflict pain, humiliation and suffering.

Attackers will kill a family, one by one, as they return home, she said.

"Women are often raped and men sodomised, castrated and tortured before being murdered, some being set alight while still alive," she said.

"A six-month-old baby was wrapped in newspapers and set alight. A 13-year old boy watched helplessly as his parents were murdered. Then the AIDS infected murderer forced his tongue into his mouth and molested him."

The government has passed a gun law to disarm the whites while-blacks will remain armed to carry out the regime's genocide campaign, she said.

Afrikaners are dispossessed politically and economically, she said. South Africa persuaded Zimbabwe to delay its land reform"-the killing of white farmers and giving their land to blacks to make its similar "reforms" easier, she said.

The regime is rewriting the books" to destroy the white Afrikaners' history, identity and culture, she said.

And what of the traitor F.W De Klerk, the former president of South Africa who surrendered his country and his people? Fields quotes De Klerk: "Conditions in South Africa are better than they ever were before."

"Having successfully delivered his people, the white Afrikaners, into bondage and threatened extinction under the black communist ANC regime, De Klerk now jet-sets around the world with his new wife, turning up periodically to make statements such as the above," she said. "In this way he attempts to keep up the myth and continues to persuade them to disbelieve the evidence of their own eyes."'

The communist-installed government is fulfilling Field's prophecy of a giant leap into socialism. South Africa is now contemplating a welfare state. A plan to provide every man, woman and child age 7 to 65 a monthly welfare check of $10 is being widely discussed:

More than half of South Africa's 42 million people live on less than $2 a day and the economy has lost one million jobs since the take-over by blacks in 1994. By the most conservative estimate, on quarter of the workforce is unemployed. Many economists say the figure is closer to 40 per cent.
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