[CTRL] occult technology

1999-06-20 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-


 The Occult (Secret) Technology of
 Commercial Imperialism
   or Business Collectivism?

 Perhaps the most persistent and perplexing stimulus to the curiosity
of American right-wing conspiracy researchers has been the
seeming contradiction of collectivist sympathies among big business
and banking magnates who one would expect to be individualists.  On
the "left", the fascist, corporate state predilections of big
businessmen have been long known and researched.  The right, on the
other hand, tends to deny the fascist tendencies of big business and
instead, stress the role of big business in fostering communist-
socialist societies such as Soviet Russia and Red China.  The "left",
of course, is as blind to the big business connection to communism as
it is alert to the big business connection to fascism.

 The Project theory postulates that an objective point-of-view
exists from which the high echelon manipulations of big money can be
seen as a consistent whole, ie. as an artificial technology of
"commercial organism" building and "natural" social organism
manipulation that encompasses the facts and observations of both left
and right, but the interpretations of neither.  Perhaps, the key to
the puzzle consists in ignoring the classical "individual rights"
defense of business and commercial/capitalism, as invented and
propagated by agents of the British East India Company such as
Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, and, instead,
viewing business as the art of consciously building artificial social
organism by harnessing individual self interest through the artifice
of money to the thereby emergent "social organism- or collective designed
to ulitmate serve an elite.

 Grasping this postulated technology outside the inner sanctum of
the conspiracy is at a rudimentary level.  The Occult Technology of
Power, reviewed elsewhere in this issue, was perhaps the first
attempt, albeit an a-historical attempt, at adumbrating this
technology.  The Occult Technology should be read as a primer.

 Most important in researchin the concept of "artificial
organism" creation, hereafter "commercial imperialism", is the study
of the British East India Company, by far the most titanic single
organ of commercial imperialism ever launched by the "City" or any
other earthly imperialist entity.

 Unfortunately, research on the British East India Company is no
easy task.  Though a few books exist on this topic, nearly all seem to
recount the same dry historical narrative, mostly the military battles
and suppression of various revolts.   Somehow, the juicy details about
the Company's founders the Board of Director's secret committees,
major stockholders, Royal sponsors, details of exploitive practices
such as "tax farming" and narcotics traffic, etc, seem to be purposely
down played.  Also down played is the extraordinary public antipathy to
the Company that ebbed and flowed in waves over the extraordinary life
of the Company.  One suspects there is a vast, forgotten trove of
"conspiracy literature", contemporary to the Company that has been
lost to history.  Project readers are encouraged to report whatever
evidence they nay have of this "lost" literature.

 However,  even such pro-Establishment accounts as Brian Gardners'
_The East India Company_ who writes-off admitted popular opposition to
ignorance and envy, admits that there was something unfathomable and
mysterious in a "private" Company that once governed a major fraction
(1/5) of the world's population!  Perhaps his introduction which
quotes several other authors will give Project readers a taste of that

   A government which through might of arms, was the most powerful
  in Asia: a government, the revenue of which was greater than that of
  Britain; a government which ruled over more people than the present
  government of the United States; a government owned by businessmen,
  the shares of which were daily bought and sold-  As Macaulay said, 'It
  is strange very strange.'  The days of the East India Company seem
  remote, prodigiously remote, and so they are in every way except in
  the real passage of time.  Even in my own lifetime there were d)
  servants of the Company still alive.  Although it receives little
  attention now, this remarkable institution was a matter for constant
  comment and controversy not so long ago.  It is nearly seventy years
  fifth of the world's population-  Dr, C. Northcote Parkinson made it
  seem straightforward enough, in his admirable definition:

 'How was the East India Company controlled?  By the Government.
  What was its object?  To collect taxes  How was this object attained?
  By means of a large standing army.  What were its employees?
  Soldiers, mostly, the rest, civil servants.  Where did it trade to?
  China.   What did it export from 

[CTRL] Occult Technology of Power

1998-12-21 Thread Lloyd Miller

